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Coral Vue Hydros


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7 minutes ago, aclman88 said:

Nice setup!  I really like to combination and colors of coral.  Also, this setup is eerily familiar to mine: waterbox 10 on a white jbj stand, nero 3 and a white ai prime on the black hard mount. 


Thank you, I appreciate the support . I love the combination of a tank and white stand. Plus with my home decor being grey and white, it blends in perfectly. I’m not sure if I’ve came across your setup in my research of tanks, but I’ve seen your current setup and I’m digging the isolation your aqua scape has, and the floating rockwork is dope as well. 

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Thanks.  That setup you re referring to is from my office contest tank (its a diy 5 gallon all in one).  I will see if I have any pictures of my waterbox setup.  It is definitely a nice tank and the glass clarity is excellent.  I also like the clear silicone on the seams and the glass false wall.

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Well…… I bought another frag today and after I glued it to the rock some glue came out from the underneath the plug. I ended up leaving the glue as it was very minimum and unnoticeable, however when I fed my corals shortly after, I noticed that my skunk cleaner shrimp front claws were glued together.. I wonder if this is a issue or should I let him be until he molts again??? Dang shrimp….

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The fish store got me again. I need to restrain myself from going to anymore stores. I just pulled the plug on a TSA Heavens Gate torch..64BC009A-36B4-47B9-8A6B-2C339CB638EA.thumb.jpeg.5aa3e47602010a139477fab8c1d5063a.jpeg


Meanwhile my flurry clownfish managed to photobomb my pic. 

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Not that I NEED to drive that far, mind you, but what are the good stores are around the Orlando area?  Farthest I've been inland to one is a kinda crummy one in Winter Haven. 

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31 minutes ago, debbeach13 said:

Winter Park has Top Shelf Aquatics and World Wide Corals.

Top Shelf and World Wide Corals (the main location in Orlando are great. I never been to their Winter Park location. Also Living Reef is not bad either. Those are the only 3 stores I’ve been too since I got back into the hobby. 

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1 hour ago, Riona said:

Not that I NEED to drive that far, mind you, but what are the good stores are around the Orlando area?  Farthest I've been inland to one is a kinda crummy one in Winter Haven. 

Are you out on the coast?? If so, wut stores do you have in that area. 

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Worse, I'm in Sebring 😂  I work in Ybor, though.  The stores I like in the Tampa-ish area are Fish and other Icthy Stuff, Marine Warehouse, and Coral Corral.  Owner of FaoIS is a bit terse, but is really knowledgeable.  His store's a bit chaotic right now, but that's because the city he's based out of decided to bulldoze the little storefront he was sharing with a couple other businesses a couple years ago, and he's still working at filling the new space.  Even so, if I've got a question I typically ask him as well as asking on a forum because he's absolutely the sort who'll push a moderate end product, but won't hesitate to not make a sale if he thinks a fish would be a poor choice for your system.  Marine Warehouse is the closest to where I work.  It's half salt/half fresh, has a pretty big selection, and usually has some nice coral from $10 frags to couple hundred dollar colonies.  Selection kinda varies by the week.  Sometimes I have to spend a lot of time to narrow things down to fit in my budget, other times I'll only see one piece that really grabs my eye.  Coral Corral is mostly coral with a single row of fish in aquariums and again a selection between $10-a few hundred.  They also seem to be the only one out of the three that reliably has some really nice SPS frags.  Their display tanks are also bloody awesome.  They sell the SPS frags out of the big SPS tank, have one that is just 'nems, one that is tons of LPS (starter colonies, mostly) one that's probably 50+ yellow tail damsels (probably dropping by the week, LOL) with a dragon eel, and one that has a ton of BIG tangs and angels.  I know there are more out here, but the only one I've really been to of them is kinda so-so.

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On 5/13/2022 at 5:07 PM, Riona said:

Worse, I'm in Sebring 😂  I work in Ybor, though.  The stores I like in the Tampa-ish area are Fish and other Icthy Stuff, Marine Warehouse, and Coral Corral.  Owner of FaoIS is a bit terse, but is really knowledgeable.  His store's a bit chaotic right now, but that's because the city he's based out of decided to bulldoze the little storefront he was sharing with a couple other businesses a couple years ago, and he's still working at filling the new space.  Even so, if I've got a question I typically ask him as well as asking on a forum because he's absolutely the sort who'll push a moderate end product, but won't hesitate to not make a sale if he thinks a fish would be a poor choice for your system.  Marine Warehouse is the closest to where I work.  It's half salt/half fresh, has a pretty big selection, and usually has some nice coral from $10 frags to couple hundred dollar colonies.  Selection kinda varies by the week.  Sometimes I have to spend a lot of time to narrow things down to fit in my budget, other times I'll only see one piece that really grabs my eye.  Coral Corral is mostly coral with a single row of fish in aquariums and again a selection between $10-a few hundred.  They also seem to be the only one out of the three that reliably has some really nice SPS frags.  Their display tanks are also bloody awesome.  They sell the SPS frags out of the big SPS tank, have one that is just 'nems, one that is tons of LPS (starter colonies, mostly) one that's probably 50+ yellow tail damsels (probably dropping by the week, LOL) with a dragon eel, and one that has a ton of BIG tangs and angels.  I know there are more out here, but the only one I've really been to of them is kinda so-so.

When I had my last tank it was stores everywhere in my area. Now it’s just a handful. I may have to look up Coral Corral next time I’m in the area. If u come to the Orlando area, it’s a must you stop by World Wide Corals (WWC). It’s like a superstore. They are somewhat pricey tho, but their selection is enormous. I believe they have a YouTube video with BRS staff going there when it first opened. 

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Torch is fully open today. I can see more purple in the base and bottom part of tentacles. I know Top Shelf Aquatics list it as a TSA Heavens Gate Torch, but I’m realizing every place is gonna slap some fancy name on it if it’s not truly identifiable or a variation. Needless to say, it’s a marvelous coral.




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On 5/11/2022 at 4:00 PM, Deputy_Pooh said:

Well…… I bought another frag today and after I glued it to the rock some glue came out from the underneath the plug. I ended up leaving the glue as it was very minimum and unnoticeable, however when I fed my corals shortly after, I noticed that my skunk cleaner shrimp front claws were glued together.. I wonder if this is a issue or should I let him be until he molts again??? Dang shrimp….

oh my goodness...super glue, I love it and hate it!!  I am so bad with it.  Glad he came unglued.

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7 hours ago, sadie said:

oh my goodness...super glue, I love it and hate it!!  I am so bad with it.  Glad he came unglued.

Yea that lil monster went bananas when he got free. Lol. Taking food from my corals. He’s a handful to deal with. 

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1 hour ago, DevilDuck said:

Looks fantastic! I've been super hesitant to pull the trigger on these fancy pricey torches but I think my wallet is loosening after seeing these pictures!

I wanted something that stands out, especially being that my tank is small and limited to the amount of space I have.  Yes, they are indeed pricey and probably overpriced.

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Went to World Wide Corals today and picked up at few items. 

:blue spotted goby



:yellow banded possum wrasse


:stellata montipora



:LA Lakers zooanthid



Also did a complete water test with salifert. I have the API kit at home but I know it’s not totally accurate. 

PH 8.0

Ammonia 0

Nitrite 0 
Nitrate 2

Phosphate 2

Magnesium 1400

Calcium 480

Alk 8.3


I created my journal in hopes of one day getting acknowledged and being honored TOTM but sadly it ended. Now I would like to have my tank mature and have my corals fill out the aqua scape and maybe I’ll start another YouTube channel to inspire more ppl. It seems that all the videos and research I find is somewhat old when it pertains to 10 gallon reef tanks. And there’s not a lot of 10 gallon Waterbox tanks flooding the web. Maybe I can inspire current/future hobbyist that maintaining a full reef setup in a 10 gallon cube tank can be just as enjoyable as any other tank on the market. 

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38 minutes ago, Riona said:

That monti is really pretty.  Is it a digitata, or one of the others that sort of branches then does weird stuff? 

Thank you.. yes it’s a digital, the official name is Tubbs. It’s a branching and encrusting. The coloration is so bright and it has blue tips when it grows. It’s makes my spongodes monitipora look dull. 

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Well I’ve came to the conclusion that I want to remove my blue spotted goby. Since I’ve introduced him to the tank, all he does is attempt to fight his reflection on the glass. Swimming sporadically until he gets tired then he’s back at it again. I thought the behavior would cease after a couple days but apparently not. It got to the point to where my clownfishes just stayed away from that side of the tank. So gotta go, and back to the fish store I go. 

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