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Nano reef contest notification


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Here's the link to the official contest thread:  🕘 Reefin' 9 to 5 - Office Nano Contest 🕔







We are pleased to announce an office nano reef contest, brought to you by inTank and Nano-Reef.com.


       bc_2021_110x_1616785074__07235.original.png       nano-reef1.jpg.fcea84e88e84e22df3df32aeac707369.jpg


Have you ever wanted a reef tank in your office?  Well, if your boss, or better half, are cool with it, this might be the perfect time to start one.  However, we totally get that aquariums might not be allowed in your workspace (like at Chotchkie's), and that many of you are currently working from home, so home tanks are also welcome.  If you haven't participated in one of these contests before, they are primarily about the fun, comradery, and bragging rights (but mostly the fun and comradery).


The rules are simple.  You see, there's a mat which you put on the floor, with different Conclusions on it...



Actually, there are a few RULES and IMPORTANT DATES that you need to be aware of:

  1. Entries can be any system capable of holding a total volume of water between 5 and 9 gallons [US, liquid]*, including: any tank or multiple tanks, or any container or containers, with any filter(s), sump, closed loop, etc.  It's the capacity of the system, not the amount of water used, which will determine the total volume.
  2. Saltwater systems onlyNo freshwater entries accepted.
  3. Contest journal threads MUST have a "9to5" tag.  I'll be using this tag to verify all entries.  Contest threads should be started in the Nano Reef Journals forum.  In order to help identify these threads to other Nano-Reef members (as being part of this contest), thread titles should also contain "9to5", "9 to 5", or "925" somewhere in the title.
  4. An entry photo MUST be posted in your contest tank journal (taken of your empty, dry tank or container, containing an object which will be revealed after the contest has officially begun).
  5. This contest starts on Friday October 1, 2021, and ends on Sunday May 1, 2022.  In order to qualify, all contestants must be properly entered BEFORE Wednesday December 1, 2021 (with a journal thread tagged with 9to5, and an entry photo containing a specific object).
  6. All eligible contestants MUST send me a contest summary by Sunday May 15, 2022 (details of the summary will be disclosed prior to the end of the contest).
  7. Voting will begin on Friday May 21st (with polls closing on Tuesday May 31st).  Any ties will be broken by StevieT from inTank.

* Rounded to the nearest gallon.


Standard aquariums, all-in-one tanks, carboys, buckets, external filters and plumbing are all allowed (just as long as the total volume capacity, not amount of water used, is between 9 and 5 gallons).  In addition, there are no equipment, livestock, or budget limitations.  However, while bragging rights are worth a lot, spending a bunch of cash on livestock in an attempt to win a contest doesn't always impress your coworkers (the other Nano-Reef members, a.k.a. the judges).


I encourage contestants to post pics and updates frequently.  You should try to include at least one Thread Post Status (TPS) update each month.  I'll post monthly TPS reminder memos in the main contest thread.


       Nice mug Bill.  I wonder how someone could get one of those.

However, I don't intend to bump individual contest threads with reminders every month.  Missed journal entries will likely negatively affect how many people will vote for your entry and/or follow your thread, but "the Bobs" won't let you go because of it.


Your office nano can have a theme if you'd like (which can be quite popular).  Maybe you'd like to setup a macroalgae dominant nano, or even light your nano with just sunlight.  This is your workspace to do whatever you want.  I anticipate seeing some very creative entries; and judging them all might be as difficult, and fun, as aquascaping a narrow mouth glass carboy.


CATEGORIES & PRIZES, winners to be determined by a Nano-Reef poll: **

  • Best Office Nano: Nano-Reef T-shirt, a Reefin' 9 to 5 (Best Office Nano) engraved acrylic plaque, and an inTank Tervis® Tumbler.

       inTank Tervis.jpg


  • Best Budget Build: Red Swingline Stapler, Bill Lumbergh's Nano-Reef mug (see pic above), and inTank surprise "flair."


       I believe you have my stapler.


BONUS AWARDS, winners to be determined by Christopher Marks (for a Nano-Reef sticker pack): **

  • Best Executed Theme.
  • Best Use of a Non-Traditional Aquarium.
  • Most Unique Creature, or Biodiverse Livestock.

** International entries are welcome; but we are not be able to ship prizes to every country.  In the event that an international contestant wins a prize category, we'll make an effort to see if shipping is possible, but with no guarantees.  In addition, where shipping is possible, international contestants might be responsible for some or all of the additional shipping and/or customs charges.


Feel free to start collecting whatever you will need before the contest begins.  And once you are positive that you will be participating, you can even start your contest tank journal.  But don't fill your display until after you've taken your entry photo with the approved object.  Thanks again to StevieT of inTank, and to our fearless leader Christopher Marks.  Good luck everyone!


Oh, And Remember, Next Friday Is Hawaiian Shirt Day!


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2 minutes ago, filefishfinatic said:

can i put this in my gaming room 

Yep.  While primarily being an "Office Nano-Reef" contest, we'll allow entries to be kept pretty much anywhere.

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19 minutes ago, filefishfinatic said:

can i use a ten gallon if i drain it a inch or 2. i want to do a mangrove tank so a little less water is ok for me. 

Nope. Strictly 9 to 5 gallons [US, liquid] in capacity, no exceptions.  That should be a large enough range to come up with a suitable system for your vision.  Get creative.

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Cut tanks, drilled tanks, multiple tanks, etc.  It's all on the table.  It doesn't even have to be an aquarium.  In fact, non-traditional setups qualify for their own award.


But I agree with @Tired, cutting a 10 gallon tank (especially with its thin walls) might affect it's integrity.

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4 minutes ago, filefishfinatic said:

i cant get another tank though 

what if i cut the tank? 

Worse case build the tank and follow along as a non-contestant 🤷‍♂️

or go skip diving


5 minutes ago, seabass said:

Nope. Strictly 9 to 5 gallons in capacity, no exceptions.  That should be a large enough range to come up with a suitable system for your vision.  Get creative.

US Gallons I take it?

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Thanks for your effort in setting up and running this contest.


Now I have to sit down and see what I need and decide whether I can afford to do one on my retirement income.

I had planned on restarting my standard 10 in my home office eventually but maybe it will be a 5.5 now.

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i just did research, my tank will contain less than 9g if i trim the top edge off >:D

i am goijng to put the rims back on though becausae the tank is a petsmart brand one 

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"There are no equipment, livestock, or budget limitations", so you can put anything in there.


And instead of cutting your 10 gallon tank, (since mods are allowed) I would suggest sealing off at least one gallon of capacity instead.  It's not really the intention here, but if the capacity is between 5 and 9 gallons, I'll allow it.



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8 minutes ago, seabass said:

Read through the announcement again, "there are no equipment, livestock, or budget limitations."  So you can put anything in there.

He is thinking that the object you put in your tank and take photo with to show that you didnt start your tank early is going to stay in there 😉

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11 minutes ago, seabass said:

And instead of cutting your 10 gallon tank, (since mods are allowed) I would suggest sealing off at least one gallon of capacity instead.  It's not really the intention here, but if the capacity is between 5 and 9 gallons, I'll allow it

What was the max of 9 gallons requirement for? To cut out the boring standard 10 gallons we have seen for years? Or to fit with the 9-5 office theme?

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18 minutes ago, seabass said:

:lol:  Read through the announcement again, "there are no equipment, livestock, or budget limitations."  So you can put anything in there.


And instead of cutting your 10 gallon tank, (since mods are allowed) I would suggest sealing off at least one gallon of capacity instead.  It's not really the intention here, but if the capacity is between 5 and 9 gallons, I'll allow it.

So your saying an internal ato reservoir is a ok in a 10 gallon 

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21 minutes ago, seabass said:

:lol:  Read through the announcement again, "there are no equipment, livestock, or budget limitations."  So you can put anything in there.


And instead of cutting your 10 gallon tank, (since mods are allowed) I would suggest sealing off at least one gallon of capacity instead.  It's not really the intention here, but if the capacity is between 5 and 9 gallons, I'll allow it.

can i do that with sand? 

i am going to do something cool. 

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4 minutes ago, filefishfinatic said:

can i do that with sand? 

i am going to do something cool. 

Read through the announcement again, "there are no equipment, livestock, or budget limitations."  So you can put anything in there.

  • Haha 1
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