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MrObscura's Nuvo 10... still reefing.


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Well, woke up to the ato alarm going off. The problem is the media basket shifting and not staying in the forward position which results in the water level in the rear changing, messing with the auto. 

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Well, at this point the intank media basket has definitely been more trouble than it's worth. Earlier, checking my water level, I noticed that it was a little high.  So, I pulled out the media basket, just to see if reseting it would fix it, and in doing so it changed the water level so drastically that the display overfilled, resulting in my mechanical keyboard being ruined.


On a brighter note, the tank should be cycled soon. It's pretty much converting the ammonia I add to nitrate in around 24 hours now. I'll probably be adding a clown pair by Monday. 


Oh, and does anyone have any suggestions as to what kind of clean up crew I should put together for a 10 gallon with a couple clowns(I was thinking like 3 nassarius snails, 3 trochus and 3 drawf hermits)? And when they should be added? 


Edit: the keyboard survived. 

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For a 10 I would not suggest having 3 trochus. I would suggest an astrea instead or 1 trochus.


There’s a site a lot of people here order their CUCs from but I can’t remember the name, they even sell packages based on size usually with nerites and ceriths. Hopefully someone can help me out here with a link



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3 minutes ago, sapling said:

For a 10 I would not suggest having 3 trochus. I would suggest an astrea instead or 1 trochus.


There’s a site a lot of people here order their CUCs from but I can’t remember the name, they even sell packages based on size usually with nerites and ceriths. Hopefully someone can help me out here with a link




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25 minutes ago, banasophia said:

Yea, that's where I bought my rock. I am very pleased with it. 


Why would you not recommend trochus? Do they get big? The reason I was staying away from astea is I don't want to have to worry about them flipping over. 


I'm barely running any green/blue lighting so I don't think algea will be much of an issue. Hell, even now with my nitrates off the chart I have no issues with algea. And I'll be adding a bottle of purple helix to get coraline going. So, maybe just focusing on detritus clean up is the way to go. 

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1 hour ago, MrObscura said:

Yea, that's where I bought my rock. I am very pleased with it. 


Why would you not recommend trochus? Do they get big? The reason I was staying away from astea is I don't want to have to worry about them flipping over. 


I'm barely running any green/blue lighting so I don't think algea will be much of an issue. Hell, even now with my nitrates off the chart I have no issues with algea. And I'll be adding a bottle of purple helix to get coraline going. So, maybe just focusing on detritus clean up is the way to go. 

I don’t have any experience with trochus snails. I’ve been very happy with Reef Cleaners. I also really love the appearance of my ninja star snails (which they don’t have at Reef Cleaners, so you usually have to order elsewhere)... it’s true you have to flip them if they fall and end up upside down, but I look closely at my tank at least a couple of times daily so it’s no big deal and I don’t find them upside down very often. They supposedly eat GHA too! 

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They do get bigger than the average snail, and I’ve had mine topple things. it is true I’ve never had to flip them over or them be killed by dwarf blue leg hermits. 


I only know mine were big eaters in my 25g and without knowing how much diatoms on the glass there is, it’s a tough call to suggest more than one. If it’s possible to add them one at a time and see how they do, that would be best.


A snail that performs a similar function but better I think in a cramped/small aquarium is the smaller nerite. they are usually considered the best snail algae eater in FW and I believe this pack also has some too. 





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Diatoms will come eventually. I personally would wait for the first signs before adding any cleaners - if nothing to clean, why invest in a clean up crew? (Ofc it’s not all that is visible)

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Whichever route you want to go with for the CUC I’m sure it’ll be great to read along, 


do you have a specific pair of clowns you’re looking at or is it undecided until you see them Monday? When I got my clown I originally wanted just the regular ocellaris but was surprised when I ended getting a caramel, 

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2 hours ago, sapling said:

Whichever route you want to go with for the CUC I’m sure it’ll be great to read along, 


do you have a specific pair of clowns you’re looking at or is it undecided until you see them Monday? When I got my clown I originally wanted just the regular ocellaris but was surprised when I ended getting a caramel, 

There's a new lfs that just opened up and they have extreme divincis, 2 for 50 bucks. They had a couple I would have gotten on the spot but my tank wasn't ready. 

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Tanks converting all but .25ppm or so ammonia in 24 hours(dosing 1-2ppm). So, I'm thinking a day or two and after a 100% WC and a dose of purple helix(coraline and natrifying bacteria) it should be good to go for a couple of clowns.


How long after cycle and adding fish do you guys usually wait before adding corals? 



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FWIW I have 3 or so Trocus in my 13g and they’re great. Never knock anything over and by far my favorite snail. I’ve had nothing but luck with them. Now my tank is VERY mature so they have plenty to eat. So keep that in mind. But one or two of them I’ve had for 3+ yrs and they’re still going strong.

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Tanks ready for some fish! I was wondering what the consensus is when it comes to acclimating marine fish? I know in freshwater, despite what is often popular belief, it is actually best to skip acclimation completley and go with the drop and plop method. Is that the case with marine? 


I mean the same principles should apply, in that keeping a fish in a shipping container  in shipping water, for any longer than nessesary is likely more stressful than any initial shock from being introduced quickly into a tank. But I just wonder about salinity. Mine is at .026 and I know shops often keep their fish lower.   



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Hey, just from doing a ton of browsing on similiar area -


1. Most people seem to drip acclimate their fish (some longer than other) and it seems to have shown quite the success for most.


2. You can inquire with the shop you are buying from to see what salinity they run and then match your tank the night before? If not far from each other (0.025 vs 0.026 eg) I would personally not do anything besides slowly drip acclimating.

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Got the davinci's, 2 for 50. They've been together in their own tank at the shop for a while and look great. 


I went with the plop and drop. Figured there's no actual evidence that acclimation does anything and the guy I got them from said he plops and drops all the time. They seem happy and healthy in their new home. 


I'll take a Pic later. 

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5 hours ago, MrObscura said:

Got the davinci's, 2 for 50. They've been together in their own tank at the shop for a while and look great. 


I went with the plop and drop. Figured there's no actual evidence that acclimation does anything and the guy I got them from said he plops and drops all the time. They seem happy and healthy in their new home. 


I'll take a Pic later. 

That’s what I would have done... float the bag 15 min first maybe. Let us know how it turns out. 

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While I was always a fish guy, this tank has quickly turned me into a coral fanatic , before ever actually having any. Lol


So, I think these 2 might be it as far as fish go. I do really like the idea of shrimp goby with a partner shrimp but I'd like to keep the bio load as low as possible. 


Next purchase is hopefully some utter chaos and a richodea. There's a shop like 30 minutes away selling utter chaos and rostas for 10 bucks a polyp. Hopefully they'll still have some next week. 

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I'm planning to go get some coral Monday. I'm thinking a couple of zoas and a couple ricordea. 4 frags at once should be OK, right? 


Also when it comes to dipping, I'm not planning to acclimate corals, I'm going to simply dip, then plop and drop, but I was wondering for rinsing them is there any issue with using lower salinity water? The reason I ask is because I don't want to take water from my display since it throws off the ato so I was thinking I'd just buy a gallon from the lfs rather than wasting my salt to mix up rinse water. But their saltwater is around. 020.

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my Method has been pretty alright for adding corals, and I highly suggest at least dipping to some extent, I nearly lost frags in the beginning due to not dipping.


I add all the corals together into a container including the water, and I begin a drip acclimate to double the volume of water, then I pour that out until it’s back to its original level or enough to cover the coral, then I double the volume again, and dump. 


On the third fill up I dose coralrx, and begin moving the water around the corals and using a baster or pipette blow water into the crevices and around the coral. I set a timer for about 12 minutes


once that timer goes off I lightly shake the corals as I take them out and place into the tank, throwing away the treated water. 


This is important as all shops I’ve ever bought frags from have dropped all sorts of things at some point including nudibranchs, weird worms, flatworms, and even sundial snails.


if you are concerned about the ato tripping, unplug during the acclimation. It will only take an hour and half usually. And to account for the loss of water It would be best to prep about a gallon of saltwater ahead of time to replace any possible drain from the tank. 


Hope this helps



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  • MrObscura changed the title to MrObscura's Nuvo 10... still reefing.

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