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[The Official End and Beginning] The Creature Feature- EVO 5 Mantis Tank


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So the EVO 5 does come with a lid but the center has a whole in it.  I don't want my mantis to go carpet surfing and I have plenty of BRS screen from the 85. So, this after noon, I attempted to screen the hole.  


What I used:

  • BRS 1/4 inch screen
  • Aquarium safe silicone
  • lid
  • surf fishing weights

I didn't have anything heavy enough to weigh it down, so I did a little hobby cross over.  The weights still count as "fish supplies" :P  Except this time they are being utilized as life savers instead of harbingers of death... and delicious dinners...






I siliconed along the outer edge of the opening and smoothed it down with a finger, waited a few moments to let it develop some tackiness  and then laid the screen over and weighed it down.  I'm not sure if it's going to work.  And it'll probably look messy. 


But I'm a girl, so I know a secret:  There are very few problems nail polish remover can't handle. lol


Oh, I do plan on trimming the screen up once its affixed :P Fingers crossed! fingerscrossed Or else I don't know how else to affix this netting. lol

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6 minutes ago, lkoechle said:

But I'm a girl, so I know a secret:  There are very few problems nail polish remover can't handle. lol


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Finished lid.  It ain't pretty but it ain't horrible and its functional!  No carpet surfing here!








More LR and mantis should be here tomorrow! :D

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30 minutes ago, lkoechle said:

Finished lid.  It ain't pretty but it ain't horrible and its functional!  No carpet surfing here!








More LR and mantis should be here tomorrow! :D

Dun dun DUNNNNNN!!!!

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My mantis arrived today!  Along with more rock.  So we re-worked the scape and found a marvelous rock with a marvelous hole.  It was so marvelous we had to check to make sure it was unoccupied. lol 



Perfect mantis hole



"Hello! Anyone there? No? Great!"



In his acclimate bag.



Hello! My name is Yoshii!



Where is my home?!



Oh! Here it is.

(Yes, that is the same hole in the same rock.  Perfect mantis home!)




FTS Shots:









First impressions are I think Mantis Shrimp are the bomb.  I was really surprised by his "gentle" curiosity.  He was not overly bold nor overly timid.  Very balanced, very calculated.  He watched and retreated, watched and retreated.  I really felt like you could tell he was thinking.  Which is odd for a bugg/lobster/shrimp thing.  I'm very excited for my new pet!

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9 hours ago, lkoechle said:

My mantis arrived today!  Along with more rock.  So we re-worked the scape and found a marvelous rock with a marvelous hole.  It was so marvelous we had to check to make sure it was unoccupied. lol 



Perfect mantis hole



"Hello! Anyone there? No? Great!"



In his acclimate bag.



Hello! My name is Yoshii!



Where is my home?!



Oh! Here it is.

(Yes, that is the same hole in the same rock.  Perfect mantis home!)




FTS Shots:









First impressions are I think Mantis Shrimp are the bomb.  I was really surprised by his "gentle" curiosity.  He was not overly bold nor overly timid.  Very balanced, very calculated.  He watched and retreated, watched and retreated.  I really felt like you could tell he was thinking.  Which is odd for a bugg/lobster/shrimp thing.  I'm very excited for my new pet!


This is really cool. 

Had to grab son #1 to come see the pics. 

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Thunder Goose

I have this same tank sitting empty. I thought mantis shrimp required larger tanks?


Now I have some thoughts stirring. Been wanting a mantis shrimp.


I'm sure The Husband wouldn't mind another tank. 



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20 minutes ago, Thunder Goose said:

I have this same tank sitting empty. I thought mantis shrimp required larger tanks?


Now I have some thoughts stirring. Been wanting a mantis shrimp.


I'm sure The Husband wouldn't mind another tank. 



There are two species that work for a 5 gallon from Florida (which is specifically what I was looking for).  N Wennerae (which is yoshii)  and another I cant remember.  If you visit this website: http://www.ucmp.berkeley.edu/arthropoda/crustacea/malacostraca/eumalacostraca/royslist/  it tells you what each species needs.

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So I know I said I was keeping this tank stock.  Well, I'm not.  There's too much detritus accumulating on the far end of the tank so I'm upgrading the pump to a Aqueon QuietFlow Submersible Utility Pump 600.  It is ordered from amazon and should be here Monday. The stock maxes at 80 gph while the new pump starts a 84 and maxes at 159 gph. I'm hoping this will be enough flow because I have no desire to put in a power head. Now, if my stuff from Stevie would get here, that'd be awesome.  I'm not happy with the levels in the tank and it's going to be a tense few days and daily water changes until I can get it all sorted out.  

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2 minutes ago, Lula_Mae said:

Yoshii really does look like a Yoshii! :lol: Cute bug-eyed critter!

thats why he is named yoshii!

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42 minutes ago, Mkbarton said:

Love all the sponges. I wish my LFScarried them more often

They're cool.  One red one had to be removed this morning.  It wasn't looking too hot.  I think I accidentally took it out of the water when I was moving stuff :-/

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It looks like he is missing a raptorial appendage...  I wonder how long it will take to replace.  But I have read molting is a dangerous business... :-/

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26 minutes ago, fishfreak0114 said:

Poor little guy.  He sure is cool.  Is he a spearer or a smasher?  Sorry if you mentioned that previously.

wennerae, so smasher. :)  Spearers live in the sand bed.

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Thanks, I didn't know that.  With everyone getting a mantis these days, I really want one!   Unfortunately now isn't a good time, maybe when I have a few less tanks!

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This is his second shrimp, he snapped at the tongs the first time.  He is getting comfortable.  Its amazing.  he will come out and watch me when he hears/feels/see me talking or working on the tanks but he runs and hides when its my son or husband.  Its interesting he is starting to discern people from each other.  Hopefully, because feeding is fun, he will start associating the rest of the family with good happy fun times too.

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So cool!  Shelby would ignore the food and grab the tongs like she was gonna wrestle them to the ground...suppose that should have been a warning sign! :lol:

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2 minutes ago, Lula_Mae said:

So cool!  Shelby would ignore the food and grab the tongs like she was gonna wrestle them to the ground...suppose that should have been a warning sign! :lol:

Well, Mr Cling hugs them. lol I worried he is going to follow them right out of the water.  Its so funny watching all the different personalities!

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Just now, lkoechle said:

Well, Mr Cling hugs them. lol I worried he is going to follow them right out of the water.  Its so funny watching all the different personalities!

It is, isn't it?  I was at a LFS yesterday and they had a big golden dogface puffer and the gal started talking to it, asking if he was gonna behave and then telling him not to spit cuz it's rude, and of course he started spitting water out of the tank! :lol: I also saw a starry blenny for the first time and remarked how cute he is, and she said he was a total brat and tried to beat up on the more peaceful fish they had in there lol.  Critters are so funny!

Oh, and yesterday I let Violet roam around some and when I put her back in her cage, she sat there sulking that I put her back.  Silly girl!

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My rats would always guilt trip me after putting them back by sticking their tiny hands through the cage and grabbing my shirt as I closed the door.  lol  I just love all of God's creatures.  They are all so special and unique!

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