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My fish got a new home!


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Unfortunately, no...he has been hiding most of the night...I think he's still getting adjusted to his surroundings. here's an updated pic to tide you over tho. =)



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Originally posted by ebin

cool I have had bad luck with clowns and was looking for one of these little guys how much was yours? let us know how he works out for you

Oops...forgot to respond to this...He was $23 at my LFS. And I will definitely keep y'all updated on its progress...so far...it's just hiding in my LR...not much of a "centerpiece" fish yet.

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Yeah, that should look quite nice in the tank. Thanks again for the sand and chaeto. It fit quite nicely into my fuge and I managed to get a 3-4" sand bed in that tiny CPR! Now I'm thinking of doing a small 10g sump underneath... My only problem is the glass tank w/ no holes... :

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you bought the Black clown first? right?, i noticed that they only get about 3" max, and te orange ones get 4 inches max, so i guess it is a good idea to start out with the black clown being biggr than the orange so that when the fish reach full size, the clowns won't be so big. Or am I just being retarted? lol :P

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I actually got the orange one first. I don't think the size thing you mentioned matters since when one of the pair becomes a female, it will get MUCH larger than the male, regardless of whether its orange or black.

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I temporarily moved the acro down cuz I was scared the RBTA would move up and touch it while I was sleeping.


In fact the RBTA did move last night. I found him w/in centimeters from my frogspawn! =/ So I had to move my frogspawn to where my candycane was and moved the candycane to where the RBTA was in that pic. hahaha...freakin RBTA...messin up my layout.


I'll take pics again soon.

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Wow. That really sucks. Would be nice if he just decided where he wanted to be and stayed there! :-P Yours moving so much is making me debate whether or not to even get one for my tank. I have nothing else in there so he could move all he wanted, but if he didn't settle down after a while, it would be a major pain in the ass! I want the pair of black clowns really bad, but I don't want them to live in an anemone that is nothing but a royal PITA!

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lookin good man. I've been neglecting my tank, even thought about selling it. I did get a new lawnmower blenny. I would love to get a flame angel or a lemon peel, so let my know how yours works out. I would try one but heard they can nip at anemones and LPS. Keep and eye on that! Good luck.

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DUUUUUDE....selling it? why? so soon?! oh..but if you do...i'm FIRST in line to buy your coral, alrite?! haha. i'm not kidding about that...

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It's actually a yellow sea cucumber...its a filter feeder and eats phytoplankton and detritus...I dose my tank w/ marine snow and some reef plus once or twice a week to give all the filter feeders enough food.


Supposedly they are "difficult" to keep...and they are known to have extremely poisonous toxins that can be released if it is overly stressed or dies...if the toxins are released...whipe out city for your tank.


I have 2...I bought 1 and it split...they supposedly frequently split, but mine only split once...and I find it funny that liveaquaria.com says that if they split it is either a sign of "stress" or "good health." Oh...and they don't move around too much...only times they move is when I re-aquascape and they end up lower in my tank...they prefer higher ground so they'll move pretty quickly towards the top of my tank...once they reach the highest point, they won't move at all other than to extend its tentacles to catch food.


Otherwise, I've had no problems with these guys and they are one of the oldest tank inhabitants I got...bought em when I first moved everything into this tank...I've heard that they dont do too well in smaller tanks tho due to lack of food...so I guess these guys are a "keep at your own risk" invert. hope that helps! =)

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