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Tamberav's 75g reef build


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So cute! Is she eating well?


Thanks :) She has a tinnnnnny mouth and spits out the bigger stuff so nutramar ova has been working. Trying to wean her on to different foods still. She is very eager to try everything at least. I have some super teeny tiny pellets for inverts I am going to try tonight.


I also put carbon in today to remove the prazi pro which sometimes effects their eating habits too.

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Angel is eating New Spectrum 0.6mm pellets for shrimp. The small fish pellets are too big :P The ingredients look pretty much the same though.


The damsel had been in the QT for 4 weeks, had two treatments of prazi and one CP treatment. I gave her a clean bill of health and added her to the refugium.


My dragon soul has some damage on one side :( Not sure what from, moved into a far corner. Maybe it got stung? Not much else to report! The SPS are doing well.

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THE GOBY CAME OUT!!! omgomgomg


Four weeks of hiding and then he just decides he is going to chill right in the middle of the tank like hes been doing it his whole life. I am going to call him Freckles :wub: He has blue stripes too but they only show up when he turns a certain way in the light, like iridescent scales.


28916796841_0936af0bfd_c.jpggobie by Tana Jahangier, on Flickr


28993025665_d199bfbfa7_c.jpggobie2 by Tana Jahangier, on Flickr





Also dosed some prazi-pro. I have this never ending battle with flukes that likes to show its ugly head every few months. I think I saw some on my blenny. Everyone seems okay though.

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This booger was out again today bathing in the natural sunlight before the tank lights came on. The sunlight was great for catching his blue.


28386213893_75e0c48ebd_c.jpggobie3 by Tana Jahangier, on Flickr



Also some pics of my 7g female betta sorority.


28898231162_4690bbf887_c.jpgbetta2 by Tana Jahangier, on Flickr


28383796224_630cdc3aef_c.jpgbetta by Tana Jahangier, on Flickr


A very cute Goby, I really like iridescent fish, its what drew me to the threadfin cardinals originally.


I would love to see those cardinals in person, probably one of those fish where pictures can't do them justice. Someday when I buy a house and can go with a much bigger tank, I will for sure have a large school of those.

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Hi Tam,


The tank looks great! I especially loved the beginning when it was stocked with gorgs. And wow, you still have that cute little Pictus. Adorable as ever, that one. :wub:


The line goby is quite unique - I haven't seen anything like it. Also, cute angel. How big is she?

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That female betta tank is awesome! Great pics of your goby.


That's a great idea w/ the female bettas! I love the light blue on your goby.


Thanks guys :) The bettas get along surprisingly well.



Hi Tam,


The tank looks great! I especially loved the beginning when it was stocked with gorgs. And wow, you still have that cute little Pictus. Adorable as ever, that one. :wub:


The line goby is quite unique - I haven't seen anything like it. Also, cute angel. How big is she?


Thanks!! I still have all the gorgs/macro, that photo is the display refugium :) The Pictus has been my favorite ever since I saw yours! Everyone seems to love that guy. He seems to be doing really well in the big tank with all the rock to graze on.


Right now the angel is around 2 inches, the 4 week QT period can't go fast enough!


I'm really glad to see you back!! :)

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Thanks guys :) The bettas get along surprisingly well.




Thanks!! I still have all the gorgs/macro, that photo is the display refugium :) The Pictus has been my favorite ever since I saw yours! Everyone seems to love that guy. He seems to be doing really well in the big tank with all the rock to graze on.


Right now the angel is around 2 inches, the 4 week QT period can't go fast enough!


I'm really glad to see you back!! :)


Wow, that's easily one of the best fuges I've seen yet. I remember your 20G Hex which was full of macro and dragonets - that was a beautiful tank too.


I haven't seen a Pictus on sale here, locally, for quite a while. Most of the time they are imported from Cebu, but since the country is hitting inflation now most livestock is too expensive to be imported, so we only get the usual run-of-the-mill type of gobies and blennies.


2" of cuteness! Are you planning on putting her in the 75G? :)


And thank you - it feels good to be back. Feels good to finally start off with proper equipment too (no cutting corners this time). I just got a 10G startup set but I will be returning the stock pump (too powerful/large for the tank) and light (defective and not switching on at times) tomorrow and getting new ones. I'll start a tank thread once everything is more settled. :happy:

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Picked up this guy today. The LFS thought he had two females, but once I got home I was able to put him in a glass bowel and look at his underside, seems it is a male. About 30 min after I got him in the QT, he was out cruising so I offered some ova and he chowed down. I think I am going to go back to the LFS tomorrow and pick up the other one. Males fight to the death so I am guessing the other should be a female. She is about half his size though so her mouth is even tinier.


29043841206_7d981f98cf_c.jpg2016-08-18_07-30-39 by Tana Jahangier, on Flickr



Wow, that's easily one of the best fuges I've seen yet. I remember your 20G Hex which was full of macro and dragonets - that was a beautiful tank too.


I haven't seen a Pictus on sale here, locally, for quite a while. Most of the time they are imported from Cebu, but since the country is hitting inflation now most livestock is too expensive to be imported, so we only get the usual run-of-the-mill type of gobies and blennies.


2" of cuteness! Are you planning on putting her in the 75G? :)


And thank you - it feels good to be back. Feels good to finally start off with proper equipment too (no cutting corners this time). I just got a 10G startup set but I will be returning the stock pump (too powerful/large for the tank) and light (defective and not switching on at times) tomorrow and getting new ones. I'll start a tank thread once everything is more settled. :happy:


Yup she is going into the 75g. That's too bad you haven't seen a pictus in awhile :( Hopefully you can find something to replace your bi-color.

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Picked up this guy today. The LFS thought he had two females, but once I got home I was able to put him in a glass bowel and look at his underside, seems it is a male. About 30 min after I got him in the QT, he was out cruising so I offered some ova and he chowed down. I think I am going to go back to the LFS tomorrow and pick up the other one. Males fight to the death so I am guessing the other should be a female. She is about half his size though so her mouth is even tinier.


29043841206_7d981f98cf_c.jpg2016-08-18_07-30-39 by Tana Jahangier, on Flickr



Yup she is going into the 75g. That's too bad you haven't seen a pictus in awhile :( Hopefully you can find something to replace your bi-color.


Oh, that pipefish is beautiful. Yeah, I really miss the Pictus. I'll be putting in an order for one soon, so hopefully my LFS can somehow secure a healthy specimen.

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Did some research and have a decent idea how to sex bluestripes. Went back for the other pipefish and they do appear to be male and female (the larger being male). The suspected female has been glued to the males side following him anywhere he goes since adding her.


The colors are dark.. black and a pale yellow with no yellow on the belly like usual. I can't seem to find any pipefish that matches this color. I am not sure if they are some other obscure type of pipefish or if the coloring is a stress response. I know blennies can turn black and seahorses too. I am not sure if bluestripes can though. I guess we'll see what happens!


They have interesting personalities, very curious.


28471425494_3302f0e67f_c.jpg2016-08-19_02-18-35 by Tana Jahangier, on Flickr

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Looking for a new salt... Kent Alk is 9.8 which was fine in my dirty tanks but its just not working here, causing alk swings and I can see my birds showing some stress after water changes. Want something closer to NSW. Bought some IO to test out, other ideas are coralife and red sea salt blue bucket.


My green monti was looking a little paler so I pulled the PO4 remover since PO4 seems good now, just in case it was effecting anything. Plus I did a big water change to get the prazipro out so probably a safe bet.


I also dialed back the lights a bit. Wish I had a par meter. Four nano-box pucks and 4 t5's is probably pretty powerful though.


Young tank woes... trying to get everything dialed in.



They're in love!!!


It does seem that way, really adorable. I can see why people like keeping seahorses. :wub:

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I use Red Sea Blue Bucket. I've been really happy with it. At 1.025 SG it usually mixes up at about 8.5 dKh. They also just added an interesting marketing gimic - they have a unique code on every bucket that you can enter in their web site to get a complete testing analysis of that batch of salt.

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I use Red Sea Blue Bucket. I've been really happy with it. At 1.025 SG it usually mixes up at about 8.5 dKh. They also just added an interesting marketing gimic - they have a unique code on every bucket that you can enter in their web site to get a complete testing analysis of that batch of salt.


Oh that is kind of cool gimic though!! Do you know what Ca and Mg mix up to? I suppose you could just check the analysis :)

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Both pipes eating nutramar ova off the rocks and out of the water column, going to dice up some other foods and see what I can convince them tastes good.


Ordered a crocea clam because it was on sale and I couldn't resist. It is a small, under 2 inches I think. Anyone have any tips for baby clams? Only ever had the big ones.


Lots of light and some broadcast feeding is the plan.

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Oh that is kind of cool gimic though!! Do you know what Ca and Mg mix up to? I suppose you could just check the analysis :)

I think the last time I checked Ca was about 430 and Mag was 1250. I don't mind adding a little mag to bring it up.
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About clams, just good light and it'll just eat the nutrients in the water. My 'Lil Bit was 3/4" and now she's close to 3" w/ her mantle. She started in my Evolve 8 and now in the 10g. I don't do anything special for her at all. I just feed other things in the tank as need to.

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About clams, just good light and it'll just eat the nutrients in the water. My 'Lil Bit was 3/4" and now she's close to 3" w/ her mantle. She started in my Evolve 8 and now in the 10g. I don't do anything special for her at all. I just feed other things in the tank as need to.


Was hoping you would chime in :) I remember you having that itty bitty clam, sounds like she is very happy!


I guess I will start the clam on a small rock on the sand bed until she attaches and then move her up the rock work from there.

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