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20 Gallons: 100 Corals ~ New Hydra!


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FTS October 2017 ~ Removing larger colonies to make space for new frags!




FTS October/November 2016







The new 150!







FTS 3/19/16








The 20 Gallon


So this is the culmination of my entire reefing journey poured into one tank. I got into this hobby by accident and still remember buying my first ten gallon tank for $5 and dumping some xenia and GSP in there thinking it was all I would ever need.... God was I wrong.


This has become much more than a hobby for me. It's an obsession. I can't tell you how long I have just sat and stared into the tank completely mesmerized by the beauty and elegance of both the corals and fish. I am so glad I was introduced to this hobby and can honestly say that there will most likely never be a time in my life where I don't have a salt water reef, even if it's just a vase :-).


I want to give a very special thanks to Larry, Brian, and Jeff of Aquatic Design who introduced me to this incredible hobby and let me constantly pick their brains for reefing info. They are some of the best in the industry. Another very special thanks goes to Al of Dynamic Reef Systems who I have gotten the majority of my corals from and always has some of the sexiest stuff around. I don't think there is anything this guy doesn't know! He also introduced me to Jason Fox which for me was like meeting Brad Pitt haha. Lastly I want to thank all of the incredible people here on Nano Reef who have given me so much advice and inspiration over the years.


Alright so on to the good stuff!


My very humble beginnings. Bought this 10g for $5, threw some rock in there, and thought I was good to go. I still have one of the two clowns, the sand sifting star, the xenia, the hammer, and the tiny monti frag in the top right. My inexperience does show a bit here with the Swallowtail in there but hey we all make mistakes.


This was filtered with the same biowheel 150 I still use to this day. I also had a hydor koralia 240gph powerhead in there (The bigger one I pulled out on the left). The tank was also lit by the 24" dual HOT5 fluorescent fixture with stock bulbs. The only other thing I did was weekly 50% water changes.








Fast forward a bit and I started to get a little crazier with the tank. The light was upgraded to a wave point quad fluorescent fixture with blue led stunner strips for moonlight. I also ran a fan on the side to deal with the heat. This is around the time I really started to realize the massive amount of different corals out there.









Pretty soon I realized that 10 gallons just wasn't cutting it and I wanted more room for corals! Enter the 20 gallon. Now unfortunately my phone was stolen and I lost ALL of my initial setup pictures of the tank. I was beyond upset and needless to say I automatically backup every picture I take now. This a couple months in and as you can see it was already starting to fill up too lol.


I also traded in the wavepoint to go all LED. I built a nice DIY one thanks to the help of a certain Jedi on this site but traded it to someone who really, really wanted it. A good friend of mine also gave me an extra AI Nano he had sitting around so I ran that for a while. I love the control I could get with it and the colors were just incredible. It's what is above the tank in this picture.






A couple more months










Soooo I don't really know what happened around this time but I went absolutely nuts with corals. I got everything I could get my hands on any way I could (Will work for coral :D ). I also started to have to pull things out to make room for better corals. Pretty soon I ended up with this.


















The current setup




Mechanical Filtration: Marineland Biowheel 150 with wheel removed and filter floss changed weekly. That is it :-)



Chemical Filtration: 1 small bag of chemi pure elite that gets rinsed probably on a monthly basis and changed every four months
Biological Filtration: 35-40 pounds of live rock (stacked to the ceiling :-)) and 30 pounds of live sand
Flow: Jaebo RW-4. I absolutely love this powerhead
Lighting: AI Vega Black run for 8 hours a day with 2 hour ramp times at these levels: Cool White: 5% Violet: 50% Deep Red: 15% Green: 15% Deep Blue: 50% Royal: 50% Ultra Violet: 40%.For the last 5 months I have also supplemented with 4 additional 39w ATI bulbs run for 6 hours a day: 1 Aquablue Special, 2 Blue Plus, and 1 Purple Plus.
I am really liking the additional coverage I am getting from the fluorescent's as the LED's tended to create a lot of shadowing. I have even contemplated throwing two AI primes on either side for a full 180 degrees of light lol.
Weekly 8 gallon water changes. With displacement 8 gallons is about 50-60% of the total water volume. I can count on 1 hand (ok maybe two) how many times in this tank's life I have ever gone more than 1 week without a w/c. Never longer than two weeks.
-1 cube a day rotated between PE Mysis, PE Colonapeez, Hikari Spirulini Brine, Hikari Reef Nutrition, and Hikari Mysis with daily strips of varying seaweed from Two Little Fishies.
-3ml each of Red Sea Amino Acid A/B every other day.
- 3 drops Reef Nutrition Oyster Feast, 3 drops Reef Nutrition Roti Feast, 5 drops Reef Nutrition Phyto Feast all dosed daily.
-Recently started using a small amount of Zoa food as well just because.
- 15ml of Red Sea part C (mag) , 11 ml of Red Sea part B (alk), and 8 ml of Red Sea part C (cal) dosed daily in 15 minute increments.
- Aqua Vitro's "Balance" as necessary to help bring my PH up without throwing anything else off.
- And for full disclosure I do dose about 1ml of Aqua Vitro's Vibrance (Iodide) just because I need to get rid of it. Never really saw a noticeable difference and I really, really don't like dosing anything I can't test for.
Water Parameters and Testing:
- I test weekly for Magnesium, Alkalinity, PH, Calcium, and Salinity using either the Red Sea Reef Foundation test kit or the NYOS test kits (sometimes both just to be sure). While most people don't test that often I have found it very necessary since I have started dosing. I am constantly changing the amount of each chemical to maintain a perfect balance.
Water Parameters are maintained as follows:
Magnesium- 1500
Calcium- 500
Alkalinity- 8.5 (Really I would like it at ten and am trying to bring it up)
PH- 8.4
Salinity- .024 (tested with refractometer)
Nitrates, Phosphates, and Ammonia are tested monthly with API test kits but I never had an issue so these are more of an afterthought now.
Current Corals as of 2/27/16: 100
Pictures below!
1. Branching Green Hammer
2. Green Body Pink Tip Frogspawn
3. Green Clove Polyps
4. Kaleidoscope Clove Polyps
5. Sun Polyps
6. Red Finger Gorgonian
7. Duncans
8. Green Sinularia
9. Pink Sinularia
10. Christmas Tree Feather Duster
11. Pulsing Xenia
12. Meteor Shower Cyphastrea
13. Mint Alviapora
14. Mystic Montipora
15. Rock Flower Anemone
16. Blue/Green Mushroom
17. Speckled Green Mushroom
18. Red Mushroom
19. Superman Mushroom
20. Blue St. Thomas Bounce Mushroom
21. Candy Apple Goniopora
22. Jason Fox Garfbonsai Acropora
23. Rainbow Montipora
24. Tyree Toadstool
25. Green Nepthea
26. Sunset Montipora
27. Tyree Bubble Gum Monster Chalice
28. Seasons Greetings Montipora
29. Tyree Red Dragon Acropora
30. Tyre Strawberry Shortcake Acropora
31. ORA Appleberry Montipora
32. Red Blastos
33. Blue Staghorn Acropora
34. Rainbow Nesudo Acropora
35. Scripps Acropora
36. ORA Red Planet
37. Jason Fox Strawberry Shortcake Acropora
38. ORA Green Elkhorn Montipora
39. Wildfire Digitata Montipora
40. Yellow(ish) Susahroni Acropora
41. Rainbow Birdsnest (Rainbow my butt. Still pretty)
42. ORA Green Birdsnest
43. ORA Birds of Paradise
44. Orange Setosa
45. Fascination Favia
46. Pink Goniopora
47. Ultra Red Goniopora
48. Unknown Indonesian Orange Chalice
49. Micromussa
50. Green Acan
51. Red Acan
52. Orange Acan
53. Tyree Watermelon Chalice
54. Jason Fox Jack-O-Lantern Leptostrea
55. What I think is a Jason Fox Maiden Hair Chalice
56. Unknown Red Chalice
57. Orange Finger Gorgonian
58. Orange Gorgonian
59. Tyree Ponapes Birdsnest
60. Halloween Favia
61. War and Peace Favia
62. Dragon Soul Favia
63. Green Hydrophona
64. Orange Monti Cap
65. Purple Monti Cap
66. Green Monti Cap w/ blue polyps
67. ORA Appleberry Montipora
68. Green Star Polyp (because why not)
69. Tiger palys
70. Eagle Eye Zoas
71. Radioactive Dragon Eye Zoas
72. Gorrilla Nipple Zoas
73. Rasta Zoas
74. Smurfs Blood Zoas
75. Bam Bam Zoas
76. Cornbred White Zombie Zoas
77. Utter Chaos Palys
78. Electric Oompa Loompa Zoas
79. Rainbow Hornet Zoas
80. The sexiest $3 zoa I ever bought
81. Mohawk Paly
82. Scrambled Egg Zoas
83. Flower Tree Coral (Pretty sure its an Umbellulifera)
84. Unknown Indo Green/Red Palys
85. Blue Hornet Zoas
86. One of those mushrooms
87. Some sort of blue Turaki I think
88. Unknown Orange Zoas
89. Another Unknown orange zoa
90. Unknown Indo Zoa
91. Aussie Gold Torch
92. Kryptonite Candy Cane
93. Poker Stars Montipora
94. Pink Zoas
95. Unknown Acropora
96. Unknown Stylopora
97. WWC Super Paly D
98. Burning Banana Montipora
99. Purple Plasma Acropora
100. Forest Fire Digitata
1 Female Clown Fish(Ethel) ....It was a very sad day when her mate(Fred) of two years just disappeared. No body, no sign of him, no nothing. I haven't had the heart to replace him yet but will eventually.
1 Spotted Mandarin
1 Six Line Wrasse
1 Hippo Tang *** A note on this fish. I do not in any way shape or form recommend putting tangs or angels in any small tanks. I saw this tang in a group of three about 8 months ago at an LFS and they were all covered in ich, breathing heavily, and on their last legs. I struck up a conversation with one of the workers and asked him what the situation was. He said their wasn't much they could do at this point so they were just going to freeze them that night. I made a deal with him and took one home. I know I didn't have space and didn't even have a QT set up at the time but took the chance anyways. I hate the idea of just killing something because you either don't know how to care for it or are just too lazy to care. I set up a 10g QT in hypo salinity and ran small amounts of copper in there for over a month. I also gave her plenty of places to hide and made sure she always had seaweed to nibble on. Slowly but surely she started to get more active and clear up. After a while in QT I dropped her in my main tank because I didn't have anywhere else for her to go and sure as hell wasn't taking her back to the LFS. She was also not even an inch long so her size was fine for now. I kept her happily in the tank for 6 months until she really started to get big. I put a fish trap in the tank recently and she currently resides in a beautiful 210g that a friend of mine owns. So on that note (pardon me being rude) but the tang police can go screw themselves. I saved this fish from an early grave and would do it again in a heartbeat***
1 Yasha High Fin Goby (Lando Calrissian, Lando for short) (Searched for over 1 year to find. Have one arriving in two days!!!)
1 Candy Cane Pistol Shrimp
A number of different snails(Turbos, astreas, nerites, etc) all of different shapes, sizes, and coloration
A number of different crabs(Red Sea Reef hermits, blue legs, other randoms) all of different shapes, sizes and coloration
1 sand sifting starfish
1 porcelain crab
3 sexy shrimp
1 electric flame scallop
3 peppermint shrimp
1 cleaner shrimp
1 emerald crab
I am sure I am forgetting some stuff but oh well.


FTS 3/19/16


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1. Branching Green Hammer


2. Green Body Pink Tip Frogspawn


3. Green Clove Polyps


4. Kaleidoscope Clove Polyps

5. Sun Polyps

6. Red Finger Gorgonian I actually have 2. The smaller one has a much better picture though :-)



7. Duncans


8. Green Sinularia


9. Pink Sinularia


10. Christmas Tree Feather Duster


11. Pulsing Xenia


12. Meteor Shower Cyphastrea


13. Mint Alviapora



14. Mystic Montipora


15. Rock Flower Anemone


16. Blue/Green Mushroom

17. Speckled Green Mushroom


18. Red Mushroom


19. Superman Mushroom


20. Blue St. Thomas Bounce Mushroom


21. Candy Apple Goniopora

22. Jason Fox Garfbonsai Acropora


23. Rainbow Montipora


24. Tyree Toadstool


25. Green Nepthea


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26. Sunset Montipora


27. Tyree Bubble Gum Monster Chalice Almost no tissue left when I got it




28. Seasons Greetings Montipora


29. Tyree Red Dragon Acropora


30. Tyre Strawberry Shortcake Acropora


31. ORA Appleberry Montipora


32. Red Blastos



33. Blue Staghorn Acropora


34. Rainbow Nesudo Acropora


35. Scripps Acropora

36. ORA Red Planet The intense green came from montis shading it pretty badly. The montis have been fragged back and it is starting to color back up.


37. Jason Fox Pink Lemonade Acropora (crappy pic) Purchased directly from the man, the myth, the legend himself.



38. ORA Green Elkhorn Montipora


39. Wildfire Digitata Montipora


40. Yellow(ish) Susahroni Acropora


41. Rainbow Birdsnest (Rainbow my butt. Still pretty)


42. ORA Green Birdsnest


43. ORA Birds of Paradise


44. Orange Setosa



45. Fascination Favia


46. Pink Goniopora


47. Ultra Red Goniopora This is one that pictures never do justice.


48. Unknown Indonesian Orange Chalice

49. Micromussa

50. Green Acan

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51. Red Acan


52. Orange Acan

53. Tyree Watermelon Chalice


54. Jason Fox Jack-O-Lantern Leptostrea



55. What I think is a Jason Fox Maiden Hair Chalice You cant tell in this pick but there is a distinct yellow coloration starting to form around all of the eyes.


56. Unknown Red Chalice


57. Orange Finger Gorgonian


58. Orange Gorgonian

59. Tyree Ponapes Birdsnest



60. Halloween Favia


61. War and Peace Favia


62. Dragon Soul Favia



63. Green Hydrophona


64. Orange Monti Cap

65. Purple Monti Cap

66. Green Monti Cap w/ blue polyps


67. ORA Appleberry Montipora


68. Green Star Polyp (because why not)

69. Tiger palys


70. Eagle Eye Zoas

71. Radioactive Dragon Eye Zoas

72. Gorrilla Nipple Zoas


73. Rasta Zoas


74. Smurfs Blood Zoas

75. Bam Bam Zoas


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76. Cornbred White Zombie Zoas (Most expensive coral I have ever bought and currently own. Merry Christmas to me 2015!)


77. Utter Chaos Palys


78. Electric Oompa Loompa Palys


79. Rainbow Hornet Zoas

80. The sexiest $3 zoa I ever bought


81. Mohawk Paly


82. Scrambled Egg Zoas


83. Flower Tree Coral (Pretty sure its an Umbellulifera. Say that five times fast)


84. Unknown Indo Green/Red Palys

85. Blue Hornet Zoas


86. One of those mushrooms


87. Some sort of blue Turaki I think

88. Unknown Orange Zoas


89. Another Unknown orange zoa

90. Unknown Indo Zoa


91. Aussie Gold Torch One of my proudest saves



92. Kryptonite Candy Cane



93. Poker Stars Montipora

94. Pink Zoas

95. Unknown Acropora

96. Unknown Stylopora

97.WWC Super Paly D


98. Burning Banana Montipora

99. Purple Plasma Acropora

100. Forest Fire Digitata
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1 Female Clown Fish(Ethel) ....It was a very sad day when her mate(Fred) of two years just disappeared. No body, no sign of him, no nothing. I haven't had the heart to replace him yet but will eventually.


1 Spotted Mandarin


1 Six Line Wrasse

1 Hippo Tang (I will explain this in detail later but it was either let her get put in the freezer by a LFS or take a chance on her)

Her current home


1 Yasha High Fin Goby (Lando Calrissian, Lando for short)Thanks Mirya for the name! (Searched for over 1 year to find :P )




1 Candy Cane Pistol Shrimp

1 Flaming Prawn Goby Grant it I haven't seen him since I dropped it but I SWEAR he's in there lol


A number of different snails(Turbos, astreas, nerites, etc) all of different shapes, sizes, and coloration

A number of different crabs(Red Sea Reef hermits, blue legs, other randoms) all of different shapes, sizes and coloration

1 sand sifting starfish


1 porcelain crab


3 sexy shrimp They really like the electric flame for some reason.


1 electric flame scallop


3 peppermint shrimp

1 cleaner shrimp


1 emerald crab

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I think I finally got it working Harry lol. Now I just have to re-post all 200 or so pics lol.

Well great now I got all kinds of room. Might as well do 25 a post then so I can do some progression shots as well.

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comcast just called and said I exceeded my monthly limit of awesome pics downloads....


great looking tank!


HAHA you have no idea what a nightmare it was trying to get this all organized. I had another thread but I and I quote "exceeded my maximum photo uploads". Had to split them up in different posts. Still have about 75 more pics incoming :D

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Might be time for a bigger tank........ ;)




No you are 100% right. However I am about to move into a house here in the next couple months so I don't want to start anything knowing I will have to move it so soon. I already know its going to be a nightmare just trying to move this one. I think I will always run this 20 though. It just looks so perfect at the foot of my bed :D

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"Wow that went from 0 to 100 real quick :o "

-Scrolling through the FTSs in the first post


Amazing tank!! The variety and colors are so beautiful. Spectra is right, time for an upgrade!! (and 100 more corals ;))

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"Wow that went from 0 to 100 real quick :o "

-Scrolling through the FTSs in the first post


Amazing tank!! The variety and colors are so beautiful. Spectra is right, time for an upgrade!! (and 100 more corals ;))


I swear I took progression shots every month up until that point. I even did a timelapse of me doing the original rock stack. If I ever find the guy who stole my phone I am going to feed him to the sharks. I feel like that would be poetic justice.

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That is a lot of corals! :)


Looks like they are all doing good, too.



I don't play around with my babies :D


I consider myself a reefer on a budget so I often purchase corals that are heavily damaged or so small they are considered trash frags and do everything I can to bring them back. Wait until you see what I did with my new aussie gold torch. The guy at the LFS tried to frag it and shattered the whole skeleton. He then proceeded to drop it on the ground as well so he gave it to me for free.

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I do the same and many of my corals were 'saves' or teeny-tiny pieces. Has bitten me on occasion, though, so I'm careful not to buy anything that has a brown-jelly/protozoan infection.


I've picked up a few 'diamonds in the rough' from the low price bins at the LFS. Quite satifying to see a coral go from 'Blah' to 'Wow' with good care and enough time :)

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I do the same and many of my corals were 'saves' or teeny-tiny pieces. Has bitten me on occasion, though, so I'm careful not to buy anything that has a brown-jelly/protozoan infection.


I've picked up a few 'diamonds in the rough' from the low price bins at the LFS. Quite satifying to see a coral go from 'Blah' to 'Wow' with good care and enough time :)


Right! It's also fun when some LFS' don't know what they have. I had a nice colony of utter chaos that I lost every single one of when I tried to frag them up. Was browsing through a LFS when I saw a colony of about 10 polyps listed as "Ultra Palys" for $50. That's why I try and check each LFS in my area once a month. You never know what you may find.

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AWESOME TANK!! One question, how do you deal with the chemical warfare and sweepers? I know chalice have large sweeper tenticals and I caught mine reaching a good 2 inches and the coral is only the size of your thumb.

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AWESOME TANK!! One question, how do you deal with the chemical warfare and sweepers? I know chalice have large sweeper tenticals and I caught mine reaching a good 2 inches and the coral is only the size of your thumb.


Being careful and trial and error. For example if you look at the Watermelon Chalice it is missing 1/4 of its green ring from me stupidly putting a mycedium near it. Also my frogspawn really likes to pick on my Majestic Monti. Some of my chalices have much longer sweepers than others which I keep in mind during placement. I am a big proponent of pushing the limit of what is "acceptable" in a small reef. When someone tells me I can't do something I usually find a way to make it happen. Sometimes it works out and sometimes it doesn't. That doesn't mean I throw corals in there and hope they make it. I am constantly monitoring the tank and documenting what corals are messing with others.


This tank has honestly gotten to the point where I am pulling more stuff out than I am putting in. I frag the shrooms, xenia, montis, and many zoas probably once a month to keep them from taking over. I am pretty sure I told myself a year ago that this tank was already full.


In regard to any potential toxins released from the chemical warfare I have never had any issues.


Oh yeah and thanks for the compliment!

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