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eclipse 12... woot woot!!


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thanks danny...i'll let you know when i get enough grow out from all my frags so you can get some...if you don't visit dale within the next few months. :D

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Hey Danny,

If you or anyone you know wants some Digitata, swing on by. It is seriously taking over the tank and I need to cut in back. I have german blue, orange, and green for the taking!

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that'd be cool, eben! what time are you home from work tomorrow? i can drop off a frag of my red/blue/green lord for ya. shoot me a pm with your addy and cell(since i lost it!). i'll probably drop by with stan(wimpydailo), if that's alright with you. lmk! did you still need some chaeto?

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danny you got anythign that needs fragging? i want some new stuff but havent seen anything that catches my eye at the stores here

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i've got some stuff...mostly it's growing out though. you'll have to stop by sometime to point out something you'd like a frag of...i'd be more than happy to hook ya up, eric. :D

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lol...not yet, dennis. when you come back up to the bay, lmk...i'd be more than happy to come hang out again. :D

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lol...i guess you're right. the whole backing up portion has to fix the fact that you drove halfway through the intersection. lmao. oh man...the driver in the car next to us...his face was hilarious. good times. :D


anyway, when do you think you're coming up?

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Originally posted by yoshiod9

the whole backing up portion has to fix the fact that you drove halfway through the intersection.  

anyway, when do you think you're coming up?

you must admit tho...it was a very SHORT intersection.


not sure yet. I'll try not to go up when u come down tho. that would be lame.

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yoshiod, sorry, i just gotta post this pic, im excited.. :-D





I just couldnt stay away from hondas yoshiod!!


Done with modding cars.. anyone want to buy a nissan 240sx with SR20DET? $5000? Lotsa parts...

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yeah, that intersection was probably three or four car lengths...really tiny. but no one has to know that. :D


yeah, that'd be really lame if you came up this way when we go down there. :D we'll be down on the 21st or 22nd through the 26th. if you can get up this way before then, that'd be great. i start classes on the 29th but if you come up after then...i don't have a problem not going to class for a day. :D

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lol yoshiod,


it's a 2001 in pearl yellow s2000. 40k ish miles with 60k remaining on the warranty. Warranty? warranty is for losers :-P


Supercharger baby!!! j/k cant afford that. Bought the car for reliability and so i can pick up my girlfriend in san rafael every week. that warranty will be shot in no time even if i did obey it! lol..


I was lurking your thread, yeah bob is doing really well at all about fish, i guess he is moving right up the food chain and will control all of saltwater soon. Maybe i'll get to work with him again :- I dont know. I was contemplating it because it is so close to school and the freeway. eh.. time will tell. im pretty happy at ACE.

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go work there dammit. that way i can see your car, man. :D plus, you can give me better prices than the ones they don't post. lol.


honestly, though...i don't doubt that in maybe 6 months or so you'll be getting the comptech sc on the s2k. lol. you'll be able to afford it after you sell the 240...you know it and i know it. :D besides...you're a forced induction kinda guy, so i know you won't leave it stock for long.

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damn you and your strangely accurate predictions! lol, actually the $ from the 240 is going towards this massive loan, but ill be setting some grit aside for sure. definitely not turbo though.. i like the smoothness of all motor, but S/C probably feels the same, no turbo lag and just.... stronger. BWAAA!!!! Im budgeting for the fujitsubo legalis exhaust right now, looks stock but sounds better..


yeah what is the deal with aaf not posting prices on 1/2 their stuff? i swear when rey worked there, he made up prices off the top of his head for everything and it was very easy to cut him down. do you have aim yoshiod? if so pm me your sn

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