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Tom's Aussie Nano


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Not entirely sure, I was just assuming that it may have been the cause as it seems to be going downhill after it was exposed to light?



Nothing abnormal about the parameters in the tank so it may very well be the flow. Should I position the rock back to where it was originally and see if it improves?


never hurts to try it
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Picture update on the corals, everything seems to be continuing to do really well and growing out nicely with the current routine. I can see manual dosing being a PIA though when I need to dose more :P


Euphyllia cluster is playing nicely, combination of wall and branching varieties. Haven't noticed any aggression from any of the 3 yet.



Long tentacle plate, this is it in the new spot, seems to be quite happy with the placement.



Meat Coral with the clowns.



Tuxedo Urchin after his hair algae camouflage fell off, looks much neater.



Mili Frag



Purple Acro



Montis. These two seem to be the fastest growing of the SPS frags I've got.



Admittedly, I have no idea what this one is lol anyone want to chip in?



And finally the largest hell fire nem, this one has been growing the fastest of the remaining 3.




The cyano that was caused from the turbo snail dying has nearly cleared up, still a little bit in some spots but I'm hoping to siphon that out and hopefully it will be the last I see of this round.


I was also wondering what peoples opinions on this were.. It's my fromia on top of a peppermint shrimp moult, the shrimp moults every two weeks usually and they always disappear, possible that this guy eats them? It was on the moult when I left for work and was still there was I got home, next day no shrimp moult to be found in the tank.



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Picture update on the corals, everything seems to be continuing to do really well and growing out nicely with the current routine. I can see manual dosing being a PIA though when I need to dose more :P


Euphyllia cluster is playing nicely, combination of wall and branching varieties. Haven't noticed any aggression from any of the 3 yet.



Long tentacle plate, this is it in the new spot, seems to be quite happy with the placement.



Meat Coral with the clowns.



Tuxedo Urchin after his hair algae camouflage fell off, looks much neater.



Mili Frag



Purple Acro



Montis. These two seem to be the fastest growing of the SPS frags I've got.



Admittedly, I have no idea what this one is lol anyone want to chip in?



And finally the largest hell fire nem, this one has been growing the fastest of the remaining 3.




The cyano that was caused from the turbo snail dying has nearly cleared up, still a little bit in some spots but I'm hoping to siphon that out and hopefully it will be the last I see of this round.


I was also wondering what peoples opinions on this were.. It's my fromia on top of a peppermint shrimp moult, the shrimp moults every two weeks usually and they always disappear, possible that this guy eats them? It was on the moult when I left for work and was still there was I got home, next day no shrimp moult to be found in the tank.



Nice shots! Everything looks real happy.
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Thanks for the kind words guys! Well starfish certainly has a weird appetite if that's the case, it's like the Goldmember of the ocean.

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So need opinions, LFS has a large wall frogspawn, about a 5 inch skeleton, neon green with blue tips, I want to put it next to the green frogspawn and move the hammer maybe next to the pink one. It seems expensive though, $90, is this colour variant worth it? First time I've seen one for sale locally

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So need opinions, LFS has a large wall frogspawn, about a 5 inch skeleton, neon green with blue tips, I want to put it next to the green frogspawn and move the hammer maybe next to the pink one. It seems expensive though, $90, is this colour variant worth it? First time I've seen one for sale locally

Walling Euphyllia are less common so they almost always command a higher price tag. They are also incredibly slow growers and more sensitive than their branching cousins.

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So need opinions, LFS has a large wall frogspawn, about a 5 inch skeleton, neon green with blue tips, I want to put it next to the green frogspawn and move the hammer maybe next to the pink one. It seems expensive though, $90, is this colour variant worth it? First time I've seen one for sale locally

eh, $90 is quite a bit for only 5 inches. I'd get something else.
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Nice euphyllia grouping shot. Acros are looking good

That's man. Surprised nothing's been stung yet in all honesty. Do you have any idea what that green SPS I put up is?


Walling Euphyllia are less common so they almost always command a higher price tag. They are also incredibly slow growers and more sensitive than their branching cousins.

I didn't realise that. My green wall was only about $30, I assumed it was more expensive because of the colour. Don't see the blue tipped one often so didn't really know whether it was harder to find or something. Ha tell me about it, got one wall and one branching, the wall grows at about a 1/4 of the speed.


eh, $90 is quite a bit for only 5 inches. I'd get something else.

I was thinking the same, I mean that is the skeleton so when extended it would be a tiny bit larger than my current green. But still. Maybe I'll trade some of the xenia forest in to discount it. Won't feel like as much of a rip off then lol

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Not sure- it has really close polyps let's see how it develops- see if it starts to encrust. Great color though

Thanks man, the base has started growing over where it was glued down a tiny bit, time will tell hey!


If you can do trades that will be much easier on the wallet

Sure will. I'm still dithering on whether to get the euphyllia or wait for a new heliofungia to come in though. They're about half the price.

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Thanks man, the base has started growing over where it was glued down a tiny bit, time will tell hey!



Sure will. I'm still dithering on whether to get the euphyllia or wait for a new heliofungia to come in though. They're about half the price.

get the heliofungia instead.
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get the heliofungia instead.

You're probably right. The pink one I wanted however, the guy that does all marine orders hasn't ever seen that colour available so chances are slim there. Looks like it's orange or green for me.


Good news, my hammer is splitting a new head I think, it has started pinching in towards the back and getting a really big bubble when it deflates. It's starting to look a bit top heavy now though, the skeleton is maybe about an inch long, that hasn't grown much ever but the flesh is nearly the size of a tennis ball. Here's a before and after, this was the first coral I ever bought, quite happy it's been doing so well.



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So these little lovebirds have been trying out a few different corals over the past week or two, they started rubbing against the euphyllia cluster, which was worrying me a bit as the pink one especially didn't take too well to it. Then they tried it with the plate coral, and now they finally seem content with the mushroom.. Haven't really ventured much further from it in the last couple of days. Funny little fish :lol:



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Tank is looking good, well done :).


Clowns will basically try to host anything, mine single male bounces up and down on my zoas all day, hides in them when he feels threatened and then snuggles up against my plate corals to sleep.

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Tank is looking good, well done :).


Clowns will basically try to host anything, mine single male bounces up and down on my zoas all day, hides in them when he feels threatened and then snuggles up against my plate corals to sleep.

Thanks mate :)


They're definitely one of the more entertaining fish hey! I was starting to think they'd never leave the meat coral. Can see why your guy likes the zoas, you've got some awesome colonies in there!

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Lol funny they picked a tentacle free mushroom coral rather than any of the various tentacled corals you have. Funny creatures they are.

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Lol funny they picked a tentacle free mushroom coral rather than any of the various tentacled corals you have. Funny creatures they are.

IKR! Bit surprised they didn't stick with the euphyllia, but kinda happy about it at the same time given how pissed the pink one got being assaulted by two clownish. Mushroom doesn't seem to care in the slightest about it, they've been taking turns in rubbing against it because it isn't big enough for both.

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They are cool. I've been considering adding another fish to the tank, but don't know whether or not they'd take too well to one, they are aggressive enough when the shrimp and snails go near them.. Anyone had much success adding a fish after a pair of clowns have sort of claimed a whole tank?

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Sold most of my xenia today, have only got the main colony with 6 heads and 1 frag left. I swapped out the bigger colony in my display for the smaller stalk, it is only a 1" single head at the moment, hope it grows fast, looks tiny compared to the main one!!


Main colony is now in grow out tank and is going to be fragged a few more times this weekend. Amazed this stuff hasn't spread anywhere yet.. It seems to appreciate the non display tank that doesn't have any chemical filtration, just plain old water changes and filter floss, seems to keep this stuff happy and splitting very rapidly.

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