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Dawn's seahorse garden. Farewell 36g bowfront!


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Oh no! I am really bummed to hear this :( Can you use something like biobandage topically on the spots but leave him in the display tank? I believe having small amounts of biobandage or neosporin in your reef tank should be harmless since it isn't a broadcast treatment and won't kill all of the good bacteria. I know Adam has issues eating when he's not with Eve, so I agree to trying to treat it in the main tank and then pulling them both into a hospital tank if need be.


I do wonder what is causing your bad bacteria issues lately. Your temp is stable right? And you're doing your normal water changes? I still swear that sometimes its just inevitable, but it does seem like maybe there's something encouraging it right now since its happened a couple times recently. Have there been any changes to the system recently? The whole addition of the basement sump seems too far back to be the cause.

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Oh no! I am really bummed to hear this :( Can you use something like biobandage topically on the spots but leave him in the display tank? I believe having small amounts of biobandage or neosporin in your reef tank should be harmless since it isn't a broadcast treatment and won't kill all of the good bacteria. I know Adam has issues eating when he's not with Eve, so I agree to trying to treat it in the main tank and then pulling them both into a hospital tank if need be.


I do wonder what is causing your bad bacteria issues lately. Your temp is stable right? And you're doing your normal water changes? I still swear that sometimes its just inevitable, but it does seem like maybe there's something encouraging it right now since its happened a couple times recently. Have there been any changes to the system recently? The whole addition of the basement sump seems too far back to be the cause.

I am perplexed over it. The temperature is very stable, 68-70 and i am keeping it cooler than normal because of Eve only just recovering. I have been keeping up with water changes and normal maintenance. I had not basted the rock work in a couple weeks and a lot of detritus did blow off but i did a WC the same day. Also i scraped and cleaned the sump but i again emptied the sump right after and did a WC. I just don't know. I could try the bio-bandage though. I doubt that would impact the system. I am hoping for the best.
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I am perplexed over it. The temperature is very stable, 68-70 and i am keeping it cooler than normal because of Eve only just recovering. I have been keeping up with water changes and normal maintenance. I had not basted the rock work in a couple weeks and a lot of detritus did blow off but i did a WC the same day. Also i scraped and cleaned the sump but i again emptied the sump right after and did a WC. I just don't know. I could try the bio-bandage though. I doubt that would impact the system. I am hoping for the best.

Hmmm, well I'm perplexed too. Wish there was an obvious reason for this because then it would be easy for you to fix. I guess just try to treat Adam in the tank for now and pay attention to the system to see if anything dawns on you. Btw, have you tested the water recently? Any idea on say phosphates and nitrates? Just wondering if somehow those could be high and providing nutrients for bacteria growth. Definitely reaching here though!

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Hmmm, well I'm perplexed too. Wish there was an obvious reason for this because then it would be easy for you to fix. I guess just try to treat Adam in the tank for now and pay attention to the system to see if anything dawns on you. Btw, have you tested the water recently? Any idea on say phosphates and nitrates? Just wondering if somehow those could be high and providing nutrients for bacteria growth. Definitely reaching here though!

I just tested nitrates and phosphates because it had been a few weeks since i tested. It turns out they are the lowest they have ever been which is in keeping with what i would expect with the WCs i have been doing and the skimmer's low amount of skimmate lately. The problem has to be in the display tank, a lack of circulation somewhere where the bacteria are able to grow. Maybe i need more powerheads to move water in the display more effectively?
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Hmmm, ok...makes me thing that with that low of nutrients you wouldn't have that much bacteria growth suddenly. As Pinner mentioned, is there any way these could be physical injuries that then get infected? Is there any chance of some coral in there stinging, or a crab or something pinching them, or a fish biting or something?

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Sorry to hear this Dawn, hoping for the best!

Sorry to hear about Adam. If anyone can help him heal it is you.

oh man. I'm sorry to hear about Adam, Dawn :(

Sending get well thoughts to Adam! I know how worried you must be.

Sorry to hear. Hope figure it all out.

Aww, Shoot. Sorry to hear Adam is having issues again. Could it be he's getting stung by a coral?


Oh No! Hope things get Better!

Thanks for all the 'well wishes' on Adams behalf. The good news is that he does not act sick nor is he getting worse. Because his mark looks very surface oriented and not deep i am not moving him into QT yet. My fear is that he wont eat in QT and he will weaken and eventually succumb.

Pinner, i am pretty sure all my coral are non stinging so i doubt that is the problem. The blastos are the only coral i am not totally sure about?

Its a bummer but i will just keep up extra good water quality and go from here.

How's Adam today? What about something small pointing behind the rocks?

I did wonder about that too. Of course with the amount of rock work that i have it would be impossible to do away with all the sharp rocks.

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Actually I was thinking a small power head pointing behind the rocks. But maybe something pointy - I didn't think of that! Although I think if r was something sharp you'd have seen it before

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Actually I was thinking a small power head pointing behind the rocks. But maybe something pointy - I didn't think of that! Although I think if r was something sharp you'd have seen it before

Oops, i guess i didn't take the time to read that accurately. I actually have 4 powerheads behind the rocks but none of them are pointing into the rocks. Maybe that is exactly what i need!

what type of seahorse would you recommend for a 30 gallon. 24 L x14 Wx18 H


Hopefully one I could keep in a pair.

I would recommend a pair of captive bred erectus. They are a good specie to start with since they are sturdier than other species. They also are an outgoing specie and will interact with you more so than some of the more shy species.
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I'm sorry to hear about Adam, Dawn. Sending more good vibes for a quick recovery and hopefully he can stay in the display tank fingerscrossed

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I'm sorry to hear about Adam, Dawn. Sending more good vibes for a quick recovery and hopefully he can stay in the display tank fingerscrossed

Thanks teeny. Its been a rough patch lately but he seems to be holding his own.

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I am wondering if i should blow off the rocks every 3 days? Today i got a lot of stuff off of them. Usually i read (from more experienced seahorse keepers)that anything that collects detritus should be cleaned every 3 days. I only basted the rockwork once a week and sometimes was lax about it because i figured the cuc would take care of it. I probably should not assume that.


O yeah, Adam still looks the same and definitely he does not look worse.

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I am wondering if i should blow off the rocks every 3 days? Today i got a lot of stuff off of them. Usually i read (from more experienced seahorse keepers)that anything that collects detritus should be cleaned every 3 days. I only basted the rockwork once a week and sometimes was lax about it because i figured the cuc would take care of it. I probably should not assume that.

As good as my cuc is and circulation I still have to do this 2x a week to make it look presentable :/
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As good as my cuc is and circulation I still have to do this 2x a week to make it look presentable :/

With all the macro algae there are a lot of places for stuff to get caught. I guess i was lax because i hate sticking my hands and arms in 68° water!

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With all the macro algae there are a lot of places for stuff to get caught. I guess i was lax because i hate sticking my hands and arms in 68° water!

Agreed! Lol.
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A cleanup crew will do basically nothing with detritus except that some will move it around and get it back into the water column by accident. The snails, hermits, and starfish that are purported to eat it simply do not. If this were true, I have literally a half inch tall pile of detritus that none of these organisms would ever have reason to leave, yet it continues to be ignored :D

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A cleanup crew will do basically nothing with detritus except that some will move it around and get it back into the water column by accident. The snails, hermits, and starfish that are purported to eat it simply do not. If this were true, I have literally a half inch tall pile of detritus that none of these organisms would ever have reason to leave, yet it continues to be ignored :D

Coral likes to eat it :lol:
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