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Dawn's seahorse garden. Farewell 36g bowfront!


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Adam and Eve are able to hunt down and devour fairly large ghost shrimp now. Its funny though, they will not snick the shrimp if its looking at them. Maybe the shrimp are giving big sad eyes that say,"please don't eat me"!

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Adam and Eve are able to hunt down and devour fairly large ghost shrimp now. Its funny though, they will not snick the shrimp if its looking at them. Maybe the shrimp are giving big sad eyes that say,"please don't eat me"!

I thought of this when I read your post......


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Well, Adam and Eve began courting again last night. I felt bad turning the moonlights out but I am guessing that they will resume today. I had noticed that Eve had looked pretty chubby like she does after she has ripened eggs. Its been awhile since Adam has had fry.

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I called it...as soon as I turned the moonlights on, Eve set off to find Adam. Then they began to hold hands, (I mean tails) and swim around the tank together pointing. Pointing is when they lift their noses up I guess as a sign to their partner that they are interested along with lightening in color. Its kind of like a lady batting her eyelashes at a cute guy and then blushing.

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looks like your gonna need a nursery tank

I have what I need since I raised fry last year, except the motivation, ha ha! I raised 15 out of 22 but then after I had them to maturity and about 5 months old I had trouble re-homing them. It was an awesome experience but it really ties you down as they need fed about 4Xs a day.

Fun times in the tank

Yes, they always look like they enjoy being together. I never get tired of watching them dance...its just so sweet and charming. I am glad that I was sent a male and female instead of 2 females as I requested!

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ya its not just the fed 4x a day its what they need to eat too. I dont think i could ever own seahorses, its hard enough remembering to feed my kids

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LOL, thats funny. Lucky for me my kids are grown. Since I have H erectus they can eat newly hatched brine shrimp and thats not too bad. Its the daily cleaning, enriching and water changes that wearied me. Then of course the nursery needed cleaned and sterilized every other day too. It was a lot of work and not cheap either.


Even the adult seahorses should eat twice a day although if they only get fed once occasionally that wont hurt them. Those are the days I throw in some live ghost shrimp for them to hunt their 2nd meal and they like that.

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I have what I need since I raised fry last year, except the motivation, ha ha! I raised 15 out of 22 but then after I had them to maturity and about 5 months old I had trouble re-homing them. It was an awesome experience but it really ties you down as they need fed about 4Xs a day.


Yes, they always look like they enjoy being together. I never get tired of watching them dance...its just so sweet and charming. I am glad that I was sent a male and female instead of 2 females as I requested!

Yay! It's so nice to see how happy they are :wub:

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As I watched my tank clear in about 10 minutes after I stirred the sand I grasped a concept regarding flow and turnover and how they vastly differ in regards to some tanks. I noticed on seahorse forums when someone is setting up a new tank they are always encouraged to have a minimum of 10Xs turnover. Foolish me in my first SH tank added the flow of my powerheads into the turnover. Now I know that seahorse keepers want 10Xs the tank turnover so that much is going through the skimmer to remove nutrients to lower the dissolved organics in the system. Seahorses can get gas bubble disease or bacterial infections if dissolved organics are not kept in check and protein skimming and WCs are the means to that end. Most of us SH keepers want to keep WCs manageable so we must maximize the effectiveness of our protein skimmers. My tank with the sump upgrade has doubled my turnover, (because my return pump is not split in 2 lines now) and it is quadrupled from when I had the seahorse tank and reef tank sharing the sump. This is something that should have been obvious to me but was not until recently. I shared it at the risk of sounding dumb just in case I am not the only aquarist who hadn't thought about the difference.

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Digging the sump vid- how often do you need to change the light in the UV?

I change it once a year. I think technically it is supposed to be changed every 9 months though.

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A more fun video, (most anything is more fun than a sump tank!)...and I learned to add music!

Very cool! I liked the bumbling along music you added fit the video perfectly Dawn! :)

This tank is so lush and full,reminds me of my chameleon enclosure

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Ha ha, thanks Patrick! Hmmm, have you posted pics of that enclosure? I think maybe I do remember something. If so then I need to go back and take a closer look.

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Yes indeed. The title is Action Jackson, I had a link but it got all screwy for some reason. He has a good following lol. Probably more than my tank haha

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