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Dawn's seahorse garden. Farewell 36g bowfront!


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I have yet to catch up on your thread, I'm so far behind. I found this picture - do you know what they wiry green macro is?


No, but I have always wondered what it is? It is a very cool macro but nobody has ever really ID it and it was a hitchhiker on a mushroom rock.
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Merry Christmas to you as well Mark!


I couldn't believe it when I read your post because one of the guests that we invited had that same gadget that you showed pictured, (the outlet tester) in his car. Dave got his voltage meter and they set out for our basement to fix my problem. First we tested all the outlets, (both the upstairs display tank and then the basement sump). We decided since both tanks are hooked together any problems with either could impact both. They were good. Then Dave used his volt meter by putting 1 prong in the ground of the outlet and 1 prong in the tank water. It read 110 volts!!! It was the same in both tanks. So we began unplugging equipment 1 by 1 to find the bad actor and it turned out to be my chiller, much to my dismay. That is fairly new, (bought in June) and the most expensive piece of equipment I have. Steve our friend asked to see the owners manual and while he was reading the manual he read that the chiller should be grounded. He was testing the timer strip cord I was using and the extension cord and he discovered that the ground prong was broke off on the extension cord. Can you believe it? We switch out the extension cord for another and the volt meter read 0.

All I know is that I am so glad that I never was grounded good or I might have felt more than a little zap! Anyhow I don't think I should have any more trouble.

Now, THAT's a Merry Christmas story :)

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Dave and I mostly fixed the constant gurgle from the overflow drain. Dave helped me build a diy hofer gurgle buster that I saw on youtube. It still has occasional syphon slurps when the water level eventually creeps up but then it runs quiet for 5 minutes or so. The gurgle buster is adjustable and it's touchy so maybe I can tinker and adjust a bit more for a better, quieter drain. It is definitely way better than it was.



maybe I should start carrying one in my car. :D

Maybe! Ya just never know when it might be needed, ha ha!

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For anyone curious about what a volt meter is I am posting a pic. Ours is old and came from Radio Shack but they are fairly inexpensive or were 15 years ago. Like Marks outlet tester, this is a handy gadget to have.

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My hofer gurgle buster seems to have settled and mostly equalized. The water in the overflow box stay pretty constant and stable, thus the overflow is acceptably quiet. Not silent mind you, but acceptable. Since everything water level wise is running pretty constant I am feeling fairly confident that it won't do something heinous like overflow the box or tank. With only 1 drain being practical for my application I think this is the best solution unless I want to dial back my return and slow the flow into the tank. That's what I will do if I feel this hofer gurgle buster is too unstable.

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Some new pics of the tank. I think my corals are paler so maybe I am doing too many WCs. Either that or I need to feed some of the corals.


FTS end of December 2015


As you can see, the green slimer is not faring well.

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I moved all the dragon's breath away from the right side. I got spooked from reading threads on the hofer gurgle buster causing plugs in the drain and overflowing tanks. Of course that same thread warned against ever using an overflow box and I have been doing that since 2007 without a problem. Anyway i need to work on the composition of my tank.

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Everything looks great!

Thanks Arce. It's not perfect but then i guess we never get our tanks to where we think they are perfect, do we? In the overall general sense i am very happy with the tank. I am going to feed a bit heavier, particularly where the coral are concerned. Actually i have never fed my coral prior to now so this is a new venture for me, ha ha! Wish me luck!!!

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What do you think is irritating the green slimmer? Is Alk. stable? What do you keep it at?

Yes Scott, I think Alk swings is definitely at least some of the problem if not all of it. I know acros are more sensitive to that than other corals. I dose 2 part and I don't test regularly. Right there sends up red flags doesn't it? LOL I know that is a foolish way to do things but until the slimer I have gotten away with it, in part because of my big WCs, (which always kind of evens out extremes). Today I tested some of my parameters. PH 8.2, Alk 7dkh, CA 480, Mag. 1360 so for my tank everything except the Alk is a bit high but not awful. Mondays WC will probably put it where it usually is. I use IO but I have wondered about switching to a reef salt especially with the macro algae calling for so much Mag. (I've had very good luck with IO though.) The slimer is not quite dead so maybe I should give it a bit longer. Also the temperature is 70-72, (for the seahorses) and I read acros don't like that either. Who knows? I am a WC fanatic but will never be a good parameter tester, so i guess I should stick with corals that can live with my inadequacies, ha ha!

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Yes Scott, I think Alk swings is definitely at least some of the problem if not all of it. I know acros are more sensitive to that than other corals. I dose 2 part and I don't test regularly. Right there sends up red flags doesn't it? LOL I know that is a foolish way to do things but until the slimer I have gotten away with it, in part because of my big WCs, (which always kind of evens out extremes). Today I tested some of my parameters. PH 8.2, Alk 7dkh, CA 480, Mag. 1360 so for my tank everything except the Alk is a bit high but not awful. Mondays WC will probably put it where it usually is. I use IO but I have wondered about switching to a reef salt especially with the macro algae calling for so much Mag. (I've had very good luck with IO though.) The slimer is not quite dead so maybe I should give it a bit longer. Also the temperature is 70-72, (for the seahorses) and I read acros don't like that either. Who knows? I am a WC fanatic but will never be a good parameter tester, so i guess I should stick with corals that can live with my inadequacies, ha ha!

Ya, temperature alone could be upsetting it. Parameters seem really good for an acro- I usually run Alk. at 7. You might want to try Kent salt- they have a pretty high Mg. from my experience. Don't give up on it yet- slimmer's can be fairly resilient. Enjoyed the pics as always ?

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Ya, temperature alone could be upsetting it. Parameters seem really good for an acro- I usually run Alk. at 7. You might want to try Kent salt- they have a pretty high Mg. from my experience. Don't give up on it yet- slimmer's can be fairly resilient. Enjoyed the pics as always

I did not test PO4 or nitrates today but they run pretty constant at PO4 .25 ppm and nitrates at 10 ppm. I don't try to decrease them any more than that because then the macro algae would suffer.

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I did not test PO4 or nitrates today but they run pretty constant at PO4 .25 ppm and nitrates at 10 ppm. I don't try to decrease them any more than that because then the macro algae would suffer.


Is the slimer really dying or just not happy?

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Is the slimer really dying or just not happy?


I am not sure to be honest. I think some of it bleached but it never looked white because I think it got algae on it immediately which made it look green. However when the LED moonlights are on the part that looks brown fluoresceses, so that's why I think some of it is still alive. I will try to get a pic right now.
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Can't tell. If it's bleached it will stay white, if it's dead it will grow algae. Doesn't look good though. :(

Yep, I think it's only a matter of time. Ha ha, if I can kill a slimer I better stay away from acros!

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Yep, I think it's only a matter of time. Ha ha, if I can kill a slimer I better stay away from acros!


Maybe. I killed my slimer in the 40, ALk spike, but the Miami Orchid frag lived. It's an old old cultured coral as well. Stuber Stag would probably survive too. No reason to have acros though, tank looks just fine without them.

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