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Cultivated Reef

Mirya's Mini Garden (Nuvo 8) - Yasha Love Shack


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Just fed some frozen Cyclopeeze and live Tigger Pods. I watched Tanaka methodically eat all the the Tigger Pods. A few times she would take some Cyclopeeze, but then would spit it back out. What a bitch. Good thing she is cute!


Seriously though, I had read up on Possom Wrasses prior to getting her, and people said they were reclusive but ate well. She is shy, though not to the point that a lot of other people reported. I just wish she would eat frozen! The Tigger Pod culture is doing well. I need to dose more and more phytoplankton daily to keep it green. Even with me harvesting every other day, the population seems to be growing. It would just give me more peace of mind if she didn't eat like a mandarin!

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I understand the frustration of having an awesome fish that refuses to get onto frozen food! I've got one very stubborn lionfish! :lol: At least the Tigger pod culturing sounds pretty easy! I hope it keeps going well!

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Just fed some frozen Cyclopeeze and live Tigger Pods. I watched Tanaka methodically eat all the the Tigger Pods. A few times she would take some Cyclopeeze, but then would spit it back out. What a bitch. Good thing she is cute!


Seriously though, I had read up on Possom Wrasses prior to getting her, and people said they were reclusive but ate well. She is shy, though not to the point that a lot of other people reported. I just wish she would eat frozen! The Tigger Pod culture is doing well. I need to dose more and more phytoplankton daily to keep it green. Even with me harvesting every other day, the population seems to be growing. It would just give me more peace of mind if she didn't eat like a mandarin!


My dragonette eats live brine happily. Might be easier to store, or transition from live brine to frozen.

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Tanaka has ick. :( I know it is my own damn fault because I haven't quarantined any of my fish. I'm a little surprised that the ick is popping up now, so many weeks after introduction. My guess is that I haven't been feeding her enough pods, and I know I went too long on my last water change. So, I figured both of those things stressed her. I did do a large water change tonight and fed pods twice today. I'll see if maximizing nutrition as well as I can and keeping up on water quality will help her out. I honestly think taking her out to put in a hospital tank to treat (either hyposalinity, copper or tank transfer method) would just add to her stress and do her in for sure. Yasha seems to be perfectly fine. (knock on wood)

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Haven't seen Tanaka at all today. Yesterday she spent a lot of time in the rockwork, but did come out and eat. Just now I had the pumps off for 30 mins and threw a bunch of pods in the tank. Yasha ate well, but Tanaka was a no show. I don't have any crabs in my CUC so I don't know how quickly her body will disappear if she does die. I do have zombie snails though -- they'd eat her I'd imagine. I'll try turning pumps off and feeding pods in a few hours again. At least my pod culture is noticeably booming now.

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That sux... Love those fish but Possum Wrasses seem really susceptible to diseases. I think I read they have skin similar to a blue tang's. Anyway, I remember always worrying about them when they came into the LFS. Hope your Yasha does ok

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Thank you all for the condolences on Tanaka. She was a really neat little fish and perfect for this tank. My brain tells me that I should just stick with Yasha and not get any other fish in this tank... my heart tells me if Sangheilli gets a Tanaka wrasse in and it is eating frozen, I will want to buy her. :happy:


I still have the pod culture going for now, since it is pretty easy to keep up. Yasha loves it when I feed live pods to the tank. I tried feeding some pods to my Florida tank, but everyone (neon cleaner goby included) ignored them. More fun for Yasha then!


While the pumps were off so Yasha could hunt pods, I snapped a few pictures of new corals. First is the Pipe Organ I got from Cherry Corals the other week:



Next is the Sunset Blasto I got from Legendary Corals' live sale over the weekend. The new one is the single polyp that is orange on the right. That is also the LS I Wish I Were a Bounce Shroom photobombing from the upper left.


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Don't ya just looove the pipe organ. It's like a bouquet of daisies!


Hey, how goes the leg healing?


Ya, it is pretty cool and wasn't even fully open in the picture! It does definitely have a feeding response to microparticles which surprised me.


The leg is not healing. Argh! :furious:


8 more weeks of the bone growth stimulator. If that doesn't do it... then surgery. Standard of care is an interlocking nail. For that, they insert a rod (nail) down the marrow cavity of your tibia and fix the ends of the rod with screws. Like this:



However, 50% of patients with that procedure have persistent knee pain, particularly while kneeling. As I have to kneel a lot in my line of work, I'm not enthused by the idea of this complication. For that reason I'd prefer to have a compression plate applied. That surgical approach is a little more invasive (I'd have a scar down the length of my shin), but doesn't have the issue with chronic knee pain. Having a scar doesn't bother me. I just want this fixed. Part of me even wants to call my doctor's office back up and say, "Screw waiting 8 more weeks, let's just do this now!"

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What did you use on the top your aquarium stands? That black cover or top


It's black granite. I didn't actually use aquarium stands for my tanks. They are kitchen carts/islands from Bed, Bath and Beyond. There is free shipping from their website for orders >$49. Plus, there are always BB&B coupons to be found!


The Mini Garden (Nuvo8) sits on a Crosley Kitchen Cart.


The Floridian Flower Garden (Nuvo24) sits on a Crosley Kitchen Island.




Both of mine are in cherry, but there are a few other finishes available as well. I took the wheels/feet off of them. I also took the towel bar off the ends that are close to each other so I can have the two stands snugged up to each other.



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Your 2 tanks are pretty alone but couple them w/ that gorgeous set of kitchen carts and they're just so perfect looking. Made to be there.

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