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Mirya's Mini Garden (Nuvo 8) - Yasha Love Shack


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I had 2 of mine do that, it isn't unusual at all.


Mirya, your posts are always so thoughtful, I'm a complete fan.

The zoa pictures are incredible, did you use any of the gels on them?

Yours is a second case of those Smart ATO magnets busting like that, I should check mine just to be sure.

He sent me a new one immediately :)

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Don't worry kimberbee:

^ x 1000000


Cleaned the Nuvo24 tonight. Didn't dismantle the pump like I did on this tank, but I started siphoning the sand bed (something I haven't done previously). So, there was still lots of disgustingness removed.


It honestly will be. I'm glad you guys are supportive. This will let me clear my head, be a decent wife for a change, and spend time with my cat Ophelia (who is not doing so well with her cancer fight :/ ). It is really sad, I love the idea of my job. I love who I directly work with. Just the implementation of the job and the politics have completely broken me. This is by far the hardest career decision I've made... and silly me had thought I had already made some tough ones along the way!

I'm so sorry to hear about your Ophelia. Just catching up.

Retail therapy! My LFS got in a hot order of zoas this week. I took some flourescence photography of them. Sharing time!







OMG! I LOVE LOVE LOVE those yellow and purple ones! complimentary colors!


Let me help enable you!


This is the one I got for Ophelia, in a small. (She's lost weight with her age and cancer and is just under 7 lb.)


This is another one I contemplated.

Enabler...... :lol:

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Mirya, your posts are always so thoughtful, I'm a complete fan.

The zoa pictures are incredible, did you use any of the gels on them?

Yours is a second case of those Smart ATO magnets busting like that, I should check mine just to be sure.


Awe shucks, thanks Kat! I just try to keep my tank threads entertaining. I'm glad I'm succeeding! :blush:


(It probably didn't hurt that I posted the rock hard dong photo in Justin's thread.)


I did use gels for the zoa photos, a fairly heavy orange IIRC. For the fluorescence photos I pretty much crank the blues to max and turn the white channel to nothing. (I have NanoBox lights with v3 chips on all my tanks.) I do a little tweaking in Photoshop post, but not much.


Sadly, mine is the third Smart ATO I know of this has happened too. The first was Fnard, who posted a thread about it. Next was Gena. I can't remember if she mentioned it in her Pastel Garden thread or if she found it while she was breaking down her other tank to set up the Pastel Garden. AFAIK we all got our Smart ATOs shortly after they were released and they had all been in use for >1yr.

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For me the Smart ATO sensor light went on for a few seconds then turned off forever!! that was my first experience and it was brand new too.

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So, a couple months ago I picked up this Leptoseris (or maybe it is a Pachyseris) for its cool growth form and the hope that it would green up. This is what it looked like when I got it (normal lighting and fluorescence):



Well, it lost the little green it had developed and turned into brown chunky poo. I recently moved it to the frag tank to see if it would like life better there. So far no change, but it has been too soon. Anyways, this is ow it looks now:



The bright side out of all this is that Unique Corals was running a "Turn your Brown corals into Gold" contest on R2R. My "fabulous" Lepto took second place, and I've scored a UC gift certificate! :D


In other news, I picked up 2 overnight ER shifts to work. Tonight is the first one. I haven't done overnights in 10 years. I packed a lot of caffeine... Earlier this afternoon it was nice and sunny though. Ophelia and I caught some sun:


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Nice win! And you got this. You can do this for sure. Is it a vet ER? And I know w/ your skills you can bring the coral back too.

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  • 2 weeks later...

My two overnight shifts last weekend left me wiped for days! This weekend was much more fun. (Though the overnight shifts were fun in their own way.) Friday the hubby and I went to the local Dublin Irish Fest. Saturday we did a ROAD TRIP. Two out of town stores that are sponsors to my local reef club were having anniversary sales. So my husband, myself, and 2 club members piled into our car.


The first place we went to is this little place... you've maybe heard of it:



Yup. Premium Aquatics, also a N-R sponsor. They are south of Indy, which is about a 3 hr drive from Columbus. Their open house was 11-3. We showed up at 10:45, and the parking lot was already packed. Apparently people started showing up at 9! We each grabbed numbers to be helped once 11 rolled around. I think it was around noon when my number was finally called! I didn't buy much, but am super happy with what I got.


First, I got a fish. I hadn't planned on getting a fish, though they had Mandarin's for $7.50 and adorable little ruby red dragonettes for $12.50. I didn't get either of those though. I got a fish that I've long thought would make a good addition to this tank but hardly ever see them for sale. A Tanaka's Pygmy Wrasse! He looked healthy, seemed braver than most Pygmy Wrasses I've seen, and was priced at an absolute steal. Here he is cruising around the tank. I had just fed some Cyclopeeze so it looks a little snow stormy:



I also got a Ruby Mithrax (I never can find the Rubies in LFS!) and a very awesome price on a frag of Utter Chaos. Then I was really happy to get a stand for my frag tank for $40. (Frag tank currently sits on the end of my kitchen counter.)


On the way back to Columbus, we swung by Cincinnati and visited Aquarium Artisans. I got a very cool pink RIcordea florida from there. You will have to drop by my Florida Flower Garden thread for pics of that.

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I have one other picture to share... completely un-tank related. I happened to spy some ridiculously adorable and inexpensive cat kimonos on Amazon. (Why yes, I'm a crazy cat lady.) Ophelia, after having a rough time after her last round of chemo, is feeling much better so I didn't feel bad about dressing her up. She didn't seem to mind it either. (I also rewarded her with a 1/2 can of food afterwards.)


Ophelia is a gorgeous girl :wub:. Love her kimono...oh gosh...gonna have to check out cat clothes now LOL. Sorry to hear about her health :(. I hope she continues to improve! We recently got some good news about our 19 year old cat. He was diagnosed several years ago with early kidney disease. We had him at the vet's office a couple of weeks ago for a check up. Did blood work on him and found out his kidneys are fully functioning!!!!!! They said that is highly unusual for a 19 year old cat! We were sooo happy! Now his thyroid is another matter and he's now getting a twice daily dose of thyroid medicine. But he's doing so well for his age :).


Sadly, mine is the third Smart ATO I know of this has happened too. The first was Fnard, who posted a thread about it. Next was Gena. I can't remember if she mentioned it in her Pastel Garden thread or if she found it while she was breaking down her other tank to set up the Pastel Garden. AFAIK we all got our Smart ATOs shortly after they were released and they had all been in use for >1yr.

Yep...mentioned it in The Pastel Garden thread. So far the new one is working like a charm. Hopefully they fixed the issue fingerscrossed.



Your new tanaka's pygmy wrasse is adorable :wub:. Love those guys!

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He's beautiful!! I still want to get one when I move in 4 mos. Can't wait to see a video of him. What price did you get him for if I may ask?

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That is a very cute little wrasse!! I wonder how peaceful they are? Maybe I would consider one since I'm unable to locate a PSW...

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Ophelia is a gorgeous girl :wub:. Love her kimono...oh gosh...gonna have to check out cat clothes now LOL.


'Phelie knows it. :D


He's beautiful!! I still want to get one when I move in 4 mos. Can't wait to see a video of him. What price did you get him for if I may ask?


His regular price was $30, but for their anniversary sale, there was a "buy one fish at 50% off" deal. I got him for even less than $15 though as a thank you for arranging a car pool. (Premium Aquatics has a really small parking lot.) Normally I see Tanaka's for $50-70 online, so I was really pleased. Honestly all the regular prices for fish at Premium Aquatics is very good. Premium recently started selling fish and coral online in addition to their drygoods. IDK what their guarantee is for shipped livestock though.


I'll try to get a video in a few days. He is still fairly shy and spends a lot of time in the rockwork, peering out at me. He comes out when I turn the pump off to feed though. He looks like he is hovering when he swims -- he doesn't really use his tailfin to propel himself, he mostly uses his pectoral fins.


That is a very cute little wrasse!! I wonder how peaceful they are? Maybe I would consider one since I'm unable to locate a PSW...


Very peaceful to the point of being a little cryptic based on what I've read. WE'll see how brave this one becomes though!

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I love that wrasse, it's on my list for when I outlive my 6 line wrasse. Those prices at PA were unbelievable.

I've tried putting Bogi in clothes from when my niece or nephew were infants. He doesn't move, and when he does, it's a tortured death crawl a couple of steps away.

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I did catch him outside of his cave a few times today outside of feeding time, so the bravery is slowly coming.

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The oncologist is all "WTF?!?" since her last dose of chemo was the end of May. She had a rough month after that dose. We rechecked her numbers (she has leukemia) then. She still wasn't in remission, and she was feeling the sickest at that point. We didn't give her any more chemo. Another month goes by and she is now feeling like a million bucks. Took her in today for bloodwork and it showed remission.


The oncologist and I have decided "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" so we aren't going to give her any more chemo. (The first chemo drug we tried for a few months didn't make her sick, but didn't touch her leukemia. The stuff she got end of May that made her sick was something different. The oncologist isn't sure that it is causing her remission now since it has happened so long after the dose.)





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I've been gone for the past 4 days. A friend of mine here in Columbus grew up in Milwaukee and drives home regularly to visit his family. I grew up in a Milwaukee suburb, so hitched a ride with him to visit my parents for a few days. Even better, my sister and brother-in-law happened to be in town for the weekend too. I had a lovely weekend. Ophelia chillaxed with my husband. The tanks aren't any worse for the wear other than having green film algae on the glass. I should do a water change today though.


I did feed the tanks live brine shrimp right before I left. I've never fed live food before. Holy crap did everyone (fish, coral, nems) love it! I was slightly worried that I fed too much though as the fish all looked super bloated. So, I told me husband he didn't have to worry about feeding while I was gone. He was relieved. The fish were very happy when I fed them this morning though.


I don't have any tank shots (maybe after I water change later), but I did take some pictures on my trip I wanted to share.


My mom, sister, brother-in-law, and I spent Friday afternoon at the Mitchell Park Domes. (Would have gone to the State Fair for cream puffs, but it was raining. :( ) The Domes are a pretty iconic Milwaukee attraction and are one of my sister and my favorite places to go in town. They are three gigantic glass domes that house botanical gardens. One houses a rotating floral show, one a desert, and one a rainforest. All the orchids in the tropical dome made me want to set-up my dart frog vivarium. (I'm waiting til after we move):



To make this fish-related, there is a koi pond in the tropical dome:



My favorite koi was this long-finned calico:



Other things I got to do while home is partake in my favorite local brew soda:



I picked up a bottle of this just because of the label:



And one last thing that I did while home was visit the offices of one of our Nano-Reef sponsors:


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