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75g SPS build.


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Wait so instead of the typical 100 dim points that the stock program has, his program has 255 dim points?

Well kind of not really though. arduino led dimming functions are standard from 0-255. In the typhon code they converted the 0-255 number into 0-100% so it would be easier for the user to see what % our channel is at. I guess you do have slightly more dimming control with 0-255.


Say you start at 0 with the 0-255. If you want a value of 25% then you have to set your channel to a value of 63(.75).


In other words you have to increase your value by 2.55 to increase the lighting by 1%

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So it definitely sounds like the incremiments are smaller so intead of on the regular typhon program, where 1 is 1% this is 2.55 for 1% so the the dimming seems it would be much smoother. But I didn't mean it would dim from 0 to 255% just meaning that there were 255 dimming points between 0 and 100% instead of the 100.

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So it definitely sounds like the incremiments are smaller so intead of on the regular typhon program, where 1 is 1% this is 2.55 for 1% so the the dimming seems it would be much smoother. But I didn't mean it would dim from 0 to 255% just meaning that there were 255 dimming points between 0 and 100% instead of the 100.


Yeah exactly. What is nice about meeps is you can set custom values for sunrise start and end along with dusk start and end so you can get a much more custom color for your sunrises and sets as compared to the original code that dims them all at the same rate.


Once you find the color ratios you want for your sunrises and sets I was able to figure out a formula so that all the channels will dim at different ratios giving you that desired color ratio you found using the light test settings.

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My old "typhon" controller had where you could set each channel up to dim up and dim down at different times and also each channel you could set different lengths so for instance. My white channel would come on at 11am and go from 0 to 25% over 45 minutes but my blues would come on at 10am and go from 0 to 65% over an hour. That wasnt a regular typhon, and Ive actually not dealt with this typhon controller yet so Idk if the guy who programmed mine did it differently that the regular typhon controllers.

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The regular typhon controller In my experience is harder to get a specific color when it comes to the rise and set functions since you have to adjust the max value for the channel, start and fade duration. Where as meeps has start time, fade duration, start value and end value for both rise and set plus the option for a parabola which mimics mid day by increasing the lighting value during mid day.

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Quick question for you LED/Electronic gurus, a buddy of mine is looking to step into the world of diy leds. He sent me a link to this, and his question was, can you dim this, as in can you use this as a dimmable driver? Gotta be honest, I'm not 100% sure but I'm pretty certain this isn't what he's looking for. To me it seems more of a power supply than a driver, and if it is a driver it sure doesn't look dimmable. But once again, not 100% sure so I wanted some more input. http://www.ebay.com/itm/370653603018

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If it is a constant current LED driver, it is 12v at around 16.6 amps. No bueno, that would be so many parallel strings it's not even funny. If it is just a regular 12v constant voltage power supply, then it can be used to power DC drivers.


Meanwell LDD are cheaper and better.

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That was my answer to him, there is literally like no info on that thing. I just told him he'd be so much better off buying a P/S like I bought, some LDD's, LDD board(s) and a typhon or Storm controller.

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Hey, how did you figure out 16.6 amps?


I really should have paid more attention to electricity while in school and cared less about getting lapdances at the strip club next door.

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It's not much but Im just glad the tank is actually back on the stand and not leaned up against the wall. I need to still order the check valves. I was going to buy some unions and a ball valve from Lowes but I figured I'd might aswell buy the true union ball valves from BRS, they seem way easier to open and close so why not. I'm also going to paint the piping, not just asthetics but it should be easier to see if there is a leak, ok but it's mainly for asthetics. Just did a quick mock up of the plumbing, I know vinyl tubing will quiet it down but honestly I think hard plumbed looks way better and this isn't really in a living space so the extra noise is fine by me. And I'm sure the skimmer will drown it out anywyas. Stand is for sure getting finished next weekend. Just a few quick pics.


Please for the love of god, disregard how terrible the stand looks at this point.




Yeah, the tank still needs some SERIOUS cleaning but believe it or not but this is way cleaner than it was when I got it.




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Nice progress. I like the hardplumbed look too - I use a mix of hard PVC and flex PVC for my builds. I just feel better have glued in joints than clamps.

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Painted the return, I missed a few spots, started to rain so I had to bring it in only after a single coat but I'm impatient and wanted to see what it looked like. I was going to paint the drain but I need to get a true union ball valve for the drain, the ones you get at HD and Lowes are just to tough to open and close, well without f*cking up the plumbing anyways. Added some unions to return, I was going to add a ball valve to the return to but, even after headloss and bends the return drains a 5 gallon bucket in about 50 seconds so around 360gph, so that should be good. I hope these $24 true union ball valves are worth the money. I also sold about 85% of my LED stuff, decided the light isn't as important at this point so that can pay for other things at the moment.


Still needs another coat or two but looks way better painted black.






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LOL, I wish my updates were more impressive but working 10:30am-6:30pm Mon-Fri then the ole lady ALWAYS finding something for us to on the weekends is really killing me.

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I know I know, the stand is getting done this weekend. Then getting get sort of bottom for the tank, since it'll be BB I like putting like starboard or PVC on the glass and it's a tempered bottom so it freaks me out even more. There really isn't too much right now to be able to get some water in the damn thing. I mean, the skimmer still needs a pump and I need powerheads but the damn thing is going to take about a month to cycle anyways so that doesn't matter right now. Oh and I need ro finish cleaning the last of my dry rock. Shouldn't be too much longer. So quick question/comment, buddy of mine is putting together a BC29 BB SPS tank. He is actually the one I'm selling my LED stuff to his current list is

x2 Bxra's

x4 Luxeon M RB's

x4 Cool blue

x6 Cyan

x12 HV


I know it's all dimmable but that just seems like quite a bit of RB for that size tank. Like he is running half the Luxeons M's that I was going to run, half the Bxra's, 4 less HV's, just seems like a lot to me. Thoughts?

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I think he'd probably be fine with 1 BXRA & 2-3 Lux M RB.


So if I read that right, that means you arent going with an Evil Cluster anymore. What are you going with for lighting?

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Oh no, I'm going with an Evil cluster in the end. But at this time money is just slightly tight so instead of haulting all together I just sold some of the light stuff so I could continue with the tank build. Once the tank starts cycling I will then start piecing the light together again since I won't need any light for awhile after that. A buddy has a t5 setup I am going to use for temporary light, not for corals but just to give the tank some light. Oh and, slight miscalculation. When I built the stand I only built it 18" wide, problem is, and I have no idea what my mind was doing, I didn't take into account the plastic trim so the tank overhangs front and back. The sump also sticks out so, I just need to get ned horizontal supports cut tomorrow and exchange them tomorrow.


This is with the sump push back as far back as it'll go. I know some might go eh, it's not that bad but, an hours worth of labor and $5 in lumber is worth making it right.



Which gives me this. Still can't believe I made that mistake.



I was going to buy a 1" piece of plywood and make a front face for it but with the price of $90 for a 4x8 sheet, I don't think so.

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Oh ok. Phew - thought you lost it and decided to not go with a Cluster.

I hear you on not really needing all the light parts til after the cycle is up. For some reason I've been accumulating 'Cluster' parts early on and my tank isnt even set up or plumbed or anything. I guess being on here and following Jedi's build and your build made me a little LED crazy so I picked up the BXRA, Lux M's and Lux ES Cyan so far. But I think this is where I stop til my tank is mostly finished.


That sucks about the stand. I think you are making the right call fixing it now. Do it right now that way its not a headache later.

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Yeah, a few months ago I would have just set it up but, it just doesn't look right to me and I keep thinking, I'm putting a damn good amount of money into this thing so I need to do it right the first time. It's actually a very simple fix too.

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Random post. I've been drinking about 8-12 cups of coffee for about 4 years now. About 6 days ago I decided to stop.I had no idea that would result in being being crazy depressed, having bad anxiety, headaches, tired and somehow having insomnia and crazy mood swings. I bought new wood for it, but was having a hard time locating the screws since the stand was gone over with wood filler, it literally made me so mad I wanted to let it roll down the stairs. Stupid coffee withdrawls.

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Yeah, you should never quit something like that cold turkey. I drink around 4-6 cups on some days, but sometimes I don't, and surprisingly don't have too many issues.

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