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Diver's Pony Paradise - New photos! (pg. 64)


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Ok, first off, sorry for being MIA guys! Thank you for all the posts and the holiday wishes! I hope everyone enjoyed the holidays! I know I sure did but I got super busy and haven't been online much at all. I'm playing catch-up now :)


The main issue with being gone so long is that my update post(s) are going to be super long. I think I'll start with updates on my Christmas vacation and then do a separate post with tank updates. I'm planning to take a ton of new photos of the seahorse tank today, I'm just waiting for the sun to go down so I don't have glare off the glass in my photos. I'll get those up later this evening and hopefully a new video too! Later this week I'll do a big update on the main tank. Its just too much to do both of them in one day.


Ok, so anyways, Christmas vacation...


I first flew with Lily (my cat) to Atlanta, which is where my parents and sister live. I was there for a few days and did some last minute Christmas shopping and such. Then me, my parents, and my sister all flew up to Calgary, Alberta Canada. Lily stayed at my parents' house and a friend of my mom's took care of her while we were gone. We drove from Calgary to Banff in Canada's Banff National park. Its a gorgeous national park! There were so many lovely views of the snow covered mountains, frozen lakes, frozen rivers, and snow covered forests. It was definitely a change of pace for me, since I grew up in Florida and now live in sunny CA. I've seen snow plenty of times, but not every winter, so it was nice to have a white Christmas :)


While we were there, we stayed at the Fairmont Hotel, which is 125 years old and is known as "Canada's castle in the rockies". Its a fitting nickname, because its a HUGE hotel and it looks like a medieval castle. It was a really cool place to stay and there was a lot to do even just in the hotel. They had a bowling alley, curling, ice skating, an Alpine pub, tons of restaurants and bars, cool shops, and a really cool gallery of historic photos of the hotel. The town of Banff is also super cute, with lots of cool shops and restaurants.


My dad, sister, and I had never been skiing and my mom had been skiing one time back when she was in highschool, so we took a 4 hour ski lesson to try to learn. We all did pretty well and were able to graduate from the bunny slope to the green runs on our first day. I did really well on the bunny slope and mastered everything pretty easily and didn't fall down even once. Then we went to the green runs and I spent a lot of time falling on my butt :lol: I was pretty bruised up after skiing. It was fun, but I already have one hobby that is expensive, involves super uncomfortable gear, is very cold, and results in me being covered in bruises (coldwater diving!), so I don't think I need another one! :lol::lol::lol: When we weren't skiing, we went ice hiking in a canyon with lots of frozen waterfalls, which was my favorite part of the whole trip. Skiing is fun, but I'd rather go hiking and enjoy nature and the views! We also drove to other parts of the park, and one day we drove out to the Lake Louise area, which had a lot more snow and was like a Winter Wonderland! Very pretty!


We flew back to Atlanta the day before Christmas and had Christmas with my grandparents and Lily at my parents' house. Then the next day, Lily and I flew back to Berkeley. Anyways, here are some photos!


Trying to pack before the trip. Lily was trying to make sure I didn't forget to pack her as well!



Lily is quite the little jetsetter. This is when we were waiting for our BART train (like the subway) to take us to the airport. By the time we arrived at my parents' house, Lily had been on a bus, a train, a plane, and in a car. She is so chill about all of it and mostly just sleeps!



A view of the Fairmont Hotel. It definitely looks like a castle!



One of the ballrooms in the hotel. Very grand and castle-like. The hotel was so huge it was easy to get misplaced in there and we definitely did a few times!



This one is for Gena! There was a gallery of historic photos from the hotel and this one is of Marilyn Monroe playing golf at the Fairmont.



Here's a view early in the morning down the main street of the town of Banff.



Frozen river and waterfalls.



A view of Lake Louise and the mountains around it.



Another photo from the Lake Louise area.



Me by Lake Louise. Yes, I realize my hat is ridiculous, but it was super warm and awesome :)



My mom and I standing on the frozen Lake Louise by a big ice sculpture.



And my favorite photo...This is a view of the valley with the town of Banff surrounded my the mountains. I took this from the top of one of the ski lifts at Mt. Norquay Ski resort.



Finally, a nice Christmas photo of my family. I'm on the left :)



Nice. That's what I read too, but most of what I read was really old. I even read that they reproduced in someone's tank though, so hopefully they might do the same for you!


Yeah, most of the info on them seems to be at least a few years old. The rock of them I bought was in a display tank at an LFS, but they agreed to sell it to me. They had had it for several years in a nano tank, so I figured I could keep it alive if they could. So far so good! I'd love to see them actually reproduce!


Some pictures of the trip would be greattt! :)

Your wish is granted!

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amazing pictures and wonderful "trip report". you and your family look very happy =). if i am not such a wuss for the cold, i would totally go to that hotel. can't wait for the tank update.

Thanks! It was a great trip! I'm a bit of a cold wuss myself since I grew up in Florida, but it wasn't too bad. Once you get all the layers of clothes on its bearable. It also helped that we were always doing something active like hiking or skiing since that keeps you much warmer. It was only when I sat or stood still for a bit that the cold really got to me. Tank updates soon! I just have to take a ton of photos now and upload them all, so it may be a few hours. :)

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Yeah, most of the info on them seems to be at least a few years old. The rock of them I bought was in a display tank at an LFS, but they agreed to sell it to me. They had had it for several years in a nano tank, so I figured I could keep it alive if they could. So far so good! I'd love to see them actually reproduce!


Here is one thread I saw that someone claims they reproduced in his tank. It's over a decade old though haha


And nice vacay pics! Looks like a good time (though a bit cold for my taste)

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Looks like a glorious winter wonderland. You see all these cold looking photos and the warm toasty family picture. I think my favorite part would be coming in from the cold and having a warm but spiked hot beverage. and I'd have to find a hot tub.

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Ok, so before I get into the tank updates, here are a few other random updates.


1) I got some awesome Christmas presents. As you all know, my parents got me the Maxspect Razor Nano for the seahorse tank. Its definitely perfect for the tank. Its very sleek and the color is great. It also gets great spread and coverage over my cube. Here's the fixture:



I also got some really cool aquarium/ocean themed mugs this year for Christmas. Zia, being the sweet person that he is, sent me one of the awesome mug's that Tikki's wife makes! He got me one that has both a seahorse and a mantis shrimp on it. So cool! Its on display in my kitchen now. My sister got me a really cool jellyfish mug. It was extra awesome because the profits from the mug sales go to a save the ocean non-profit. Here are my new mugs:



2) I booked my flight to Hawaii! For my birthday (beginning of February), me and my best friend since third grade are going to Maui to go diving! My friend's sister lives in Hawaii, so we get to stay with her instead of paying for a hotel, so I could afford to go for 8 days. We booked 3 days of boat diving and a day of zip lining already. We also plan to go to the aquarium, hike, lay on the beach, kayak, eat good food, etc. I'm super excited about this trip! Last year for my birthday, I spent a long weekend on Catalina diving, which was awesome but this trip should be even better! Expect lots of dive photos after that trip :)


3) My little FW betta tank is doing well. I brought it home for the holidays so that the people I had feeding my saltwater tanks could also take care of the betta. It will be going back to my desk at work soon. Here's a quick photo. You can see both the betta and the tiny green dragon pleco.



4) Cute Lily photos!

This is how Lily feels about me being on the computer.



Lily with the seahorse tank behind her.




Looks like a glorious winter wonderland. You see all these cold looking photos and the warm toasty family picture. I think my favorite part would be coming in from the cold and having a warm but spiked hot beverage. and I'd have to find a hot tub.

You definitely have the same attitude as me. I had some delicious Gluhwein (hot mulled wine) at the Alpine pub after being out in the cold. :)


Here is one thread I saw that someone claims they reproduced in his tank. It's over a decade old though haha


And nice vacay pics! Looks like a good time (though a bit cold for my taste)

It seems like there isn't much current info on them. I wonder why.


Thanks! It was definitely cold, but we weren't there too long so it was bearable. I was glad to get back to warm CA though!

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It seems like there isn't much current info on them. I wonder why.


Thanks! It was definitely cold, but we weren't there too long so it was bearable. I was glad to get back to warm CA though!


I think it's like most things in the hobby -- some people will buy it, and then it'll die, and they'll label it as "impossible". People often don't take the time to learn about the organisms that they place in their tanks. Gonioporas are a good example, though I have one that is thriving in my tank.


Ah, to be in sunny warm CA. I just got a foot of snow lol

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Haha, nice update! Glad you had fun to experience the skiing lessons. I've never skied before as well.

It was fun, but I was definitely sore afterwards since its a lot of work when you're new. Also, falling down a lot isn't super pleasant. I recommend trying it though!


Awsome! Looks like you had loads of fun!

I did! :)


from one awesome vacation to another....i am sooo jealous! make sure to do Road to Hana and get some fresh pineapple!

Yeah, I don't do on a ton of big trips since I'm busy being a poor grad student, but my family was long overdue for a family vacation and then this Hawaii trip just worked out perfectly. I've never been to Hawaii so I'm super excited! Its also been way too long since I went diving in tropical water. I'm excited to see coral reefs! Thanks for the suggestion! I will definitely have to do that because I love pineapple! If you have any other good recommendations, I'd definitely love to hear them!


I think it's like most things in the hobby -- some people will buy it, and then it'll die, and they'll label it as "impossible". People often don't take the time to learn about the organisms that they place in their tanks. Gonioporas are a good example, though I have one that is thriving in my tank.


Ah, to be in sunny warm CA. I just got a foot of snow lol

True. I'm just surprised more people haven't been trying them in recent years. It seems like they were sort of a trend a while back and now they're pretty uncommon. I think it has a lot to do with all the coral foods that have come out in recent years. Now that there is Phytoplex, Phytofeast, Marine Snow, etc., it seems much easier to keep Christmas tree worms alive and healthy. I think gonioporas are another one that seems to be thriving for more people now that there are better coral foods for them.


I got my fill of snow for this winter! I'm enjoying the pleasant Berkeley weather now :) I'd send some to all you guys with snow if I could! :lol:


Ok, I'm off to go take a bunch of photos of the tank!

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Loved the updates!!!!!! Looks like you had a wonderful vacation. Thanks for the MM photo too :wub:. I bet that was taken when she was in Canada shooting the movie River Of No Return.

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Loved the updates!!!!!! Looks like you had a wonderful vacation. Thanks for the MM photo too :wub:. I bet that was taken when she was in Canada shooting the movie River Of No Return.

It was and she sprained her ankle filming it. You see the bandage on her left leg. :)


Welcome back Felicia !


I have spent some serious time in Banff, magical place, glad you got to see it in style :)

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It was and she sprained her ankle filming it. You see the bandage on her left leg. :)



Welcome back Felicia !


I have spent some serious time in Banff, magical place, glad you got to see it in style :)

You're right. I see it now. Didn't notice it when I looked before. :)
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I have to admit, that misty seahorse is my most favorite aaha. What kind of camera are you using? Those are some really nice macro shots.

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yay you're back :)


Awesome pics


and ya, I've just been busy with school. Hopefully it'll slow down some but I have no idea really haha

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Beautiful shots! Wow.

Thank you! I'm glad you like them. I've got more on the way :)


I have to admit, that misty seahorse is my most favorite aaha. What kind of camera are you using? Those are some really nice macro shots.

Misty's patterning is amazing. When I first got her, she had a bright yellow head with a silver body and tail, but now she's all silver with those darker stripes. I actually like her current coloration better than her original colors. She's very shimmery in person. I just wish she didn't have flatworms on herself. All the macro shots I take with my Canon Powershot SD1200 IS. It takes really nice macros for a point and shoot.


yay you're back :)


Awesome pics


and ya, I've just been busy with school. Hopefully it'll slow down some but I have no idea really haha

Yep, I'm back! Thank you :) That's school for you. So how's the progress on the seahorse tank? Any chance of getting seahorses soon?

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Ok time for more photos!


New FTS 1/5/14



And with the new light fixture.



View from the right side of the tank.



Toadstool leather



Ric garden



Mushroom island



Zoanthids (not the best shot, but where they're located, its really hard to get a decent photo of them)



Blue sympodium



Pulsing xenia



Red tree sponge and the new purple/blue photosynthetic sponge to the left of it.



Christmas tree worms and porites (aka the dinosaur egg)





Spiral wires







One of the jawfish



Trixie between the two neon spirals



Trixie and a blue leg hermit crab



Blue leg hermit in the caulerpa



Rare shot of all four ponies :)


Welcome back Felicia !


I have spent some serious time in Banff, magical place, glad you got to see it in style :)

Thanks! Its good to be back :) It was very pretty. You're lucky you've gotten to go there quite a few times!

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Wow, tank looks amazing Felicia!


A little bit of progress is happening...idk about seahorses soon but my neon/yellow stripe goby duo is set to arrive on Wednesday. Hopefully they do better than yours did! :(

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Wow, tank looks amazing Felicia!


A little bit of progress is happening...idk about seahorses soon but my neon/yellow stripe goby duo is set to arrive on Wednesday. Hopefully they do better than yours did! :(

Thanks, Martin! I'm glad it survived me being gone for 10 days :) Getting some fish is exciting! I really liked the neon goby pair in the two different colors. Hopefully yours don't have any issues with ich!


TOTM! haha, yeah misty is awesome. Those flatworms won't disturb it? Are they always on it? A wrasse will help. :)

You're too kind! This tank isn't old enough for TOTM yet, but maybe someday :D The flatworms are harmless and the seahorses don't seem to even notice them. Seahorse actually commonly grow algae and stuff because they don't move all that much, and that doesn't bother them or harm them at all so flatworms aren't really any different. I squirt the seahorses with a turkey baster every so often to knock off the flatworms and any algae. Weirdly, the seahorses seem to enjoy being blasted with the turkey baster and play in the flow. They follow the baster around and are very playful :) A wrasse would help, but this tank is definitely at its stocking limit. I'm still working on trying to get a couple more blue velvet nudibranchs. I'd like one for this tank and one for the main tank.

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Yeah initially they were scheduled to arrive on Friday but saltwaterfish keeps having to delay the shipment cuz it's so damn cold. The high tomorrow is -15, and they're saying it could get to -50 with the windchill

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