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Final Answer: 40B!

llama roadkill

Which RO/DI?  

20 members have voted

  1. 1. Which RO/DI System?

    • Aquasafe Canada 100 GPD 7-Stage
    • Refurb Spectrapure 90 GPD
    • BRS 4-Stage Value 75 GPD

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llama roadkill
Was a long time ago. Still sucks though.





And I feel for ya. I'm sorry. Childhood shouldn't go like that, and when it does it makes me sad.



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And I feel for ya. I'm sorry. Childhood shouldn't go like that, and when it does it makes me sad.

Agreed. I was a very angry person for a very long time. Ended up ruining a lot of good things, making a lot of stupid decisions, and making a lot of people hate me over the years. But that's what happens when you're raised to truly believe you're filth and will never amount to anything, having that beaten into you constantly. Then things got better, a lot of self healing happened, then I moved here and (because of the people here) I'm angry all over again lol. But that's just because people here are obscene in how they treat each other. Can't wait to move...



FWIW I haven't seen or spoken to him since New Year's Eve, 2000.

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llama roadkill
Agreed. I was a very angry person for a very long time. Ended up ruining a lot of good things, making a lot of stupid decisions, and making a lot of people hate me over the years. But that's what happens when you're raised to truly believe you're filth and will never amount to anything, having that beaten into you constantly. Then things got better, a lot of self healing happened, then I moved here and (because of the people here) I'm angry all over again lol. But that's just because people here are obscene in how they treat each other. Can't wait to move...


I'm not abused by my parents, but definitely everyone else. I literally left school and joined virtual school, where I work on the computer, because of bullying. I was depressed and on the edge of suicide on multiple occasions. Only meds could temporarily fix it. I'm considering going back for a couple classes next semester, but I don't know...


This once kid, Chris, convinced my "friends" I was a horrible person, there goes half of my social group. He's a homophobic, racist dirtbag. He called my Muslim friend a terrorist. And his popular friends and him all laughed. And the ladies love him. And the guys think he's cool. It sucks to see such a mean person get everything he wants while your sitting at the bottom of a mental gallows in your mind with a rope around your neck.


Oh, did I mention that he was nice to me for a whole year a school but not on Xbox Live. He finally admitted over Xbox he was just doing it because he didn't want to seem like a jerk in front of his multiple crushes. One of which called me gay, told the teacher she really said hey, and in the hallway she said "I actually said gay you ###."


Sigh. Our generation is screwed. I have recently realized, however, that there is an advantage of being a smart guy surrounded by idiots...less competition in the work force!

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When I was young(er), kids were so stupid and racist in highschool and jr high and acting like they were going to beat each other to an inch of life. It gets better, college is a lot of fun. I don't see any of that idiocy (drunken idiocy maybe but not people trying to murder each other in hallways). I guess those people either didn't go to college or realized they were acting like twats.


I hate to use the word immature but thats just the stage most kids your age are at right now.

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That's just how it is. That's how it's always been and that's how it always will be. We as humans don't learn until it's too late.


llama I went through almost the exact same thing when I was in school. The only reason I even stayed in school was because of Mr. Buchanan, my band teacher. Back then homeschooling online wasn't an option. I was very depressed, had a lot of the same thoughts as you. Then I went in the Navy and it was like hitting a reset button on my life. Nobody knew me and I suddenly could fit in with people, even the "cool" people. Of course there were still asshats, you can't get rid of those no matter where you are... I even stood captain's mast and went to a correctional custody unit (CCU at the brig in Jacksonville, Fl., I got to share the space with the people who were actually doing hard time, lucky me) because I did what my supervisor ordered me to do. I got out, got involved with the wrong people, started doing a lot of drugs and constantly drinking. Luckily I never got caught. Then 9-11 happened and I was deployed and that really straightened me out. I became the model sailor for a while. Got back from deployment and my lead took credit for the work I had done all cruise and he received a bunch of medals for my work. So I finished my enlistment and got out. Then the girl I was engaged to at the time had to put me through the ringer... And it's been 10 years of that same crap since then. Women... bleh. Luckily now I have a good one. Finally.

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llama roadkill
That's just how it is. That's how it's always been and that's how it always will be. We as humans don't learn until it's too late.


llama I went through almost the exact same thing when I was in school. The only reason I even stayed in school was because of Mr. Buchanan, my band teacher. Back then homeschooling online wasn't an option. I was very depressed, had a lot of the same thoughts as you. Then I went in the Navy and it was like hitting a reset button on my life. Nobody knew me and I suddenly could fit in with people, even the "cool" people. Of course there were still asshats, you can't get rid of those no matter where you are... I even stood captain's mast and went to a correctional custody unit (CCU at the brig in Jacksonville, Fl., I got to share the space with the people who were actually doing hard time, lucky me) because I did what my supervisor ordered me to do. I got out, got involved with the wrong people, started doing a lot of drugs and constantly drinking. Luckily I never got caught. Then 9-11 happened and I was deployed and that really straightened me out. I became the model sailor for a while. Got back from deployment and my lead took credit for the work I had done all cruise and he received a bunch of medals for my work. So I finished my enlistment and got out. Then the girl I was engaged to at the time had to put me through the ringer... And it's been 10 years of that same crap since then. Women... bleh. Luckily now I have a good one. Finally.


Man...couldn't even imagine...


Just wondering guys, I saw a YouTube video of a Radial Filefish in Kevin Kohen's reef the other day. Are they more reef safe?



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llama roadkill

Not sure about the file...I have heard that they are a hit or miss like dwarf angels but have a bigger chance of being a miss.


I've asked this question plenty of times but now that I have a few new followers...what are some cool fish that could fit in my tank and are reef safe? And don't cost a fortune (over $100)

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That's just how it is. That's how it's always been and that's how it always will be. We as humans don't learn until it's too late.


llama I went through almost the exact same thing when I was in school. The only reason I even stayed in school was because of Mr. Buchanan, my band teacher. Back then homeschooling online wasn't an option. I was very depressed, had a lot of the same thoughts as you. Then I went in the Navy and it was like hitting a reset button on my life. Nobody knew me and I suddenly could fit in with people, even the "cool" people. Of course there were still asshats, you can't get rid of those no matter where you are... I even stood captain's mast and went to a correctional custody unit (CCU at the brig in Jacksonville, Fl., I got to share the space with the people who were actually doing hard time, lucky me) because I did what my supervisor ordered me to do. I got out, got involved with the wrong people, started doing a lot of drugs and constantly drinking. Luckily I never got caught. Then 9-11 happened and I was deployed and that really straightened me out. I became the model sailor for a while. Got back from deployment and my lead took credit for the work I had done all cruise and he received a bunch of medals for my work. So I finished my enlistment and got out. Then the girl I was engaged to at the time had to put me through the ringer... And it's been 10 years of that same crap since then. Women... bleh. Luckily now I have a good one. Finally.



I'm not abused by my parents, but definitely everyone else. I literally left school and joined virtual school, where I work on the computer, because of bullying. I was depressed and on the edge of suicide on multiple occasions. Only meds could temporarily fix it. I'm considering going back for a couple classes next semester, but I don't know... This once kid, Chris, convinced my "friends" I was a horrible person, there goes half of my social group. He's a homophobic, racist dirtbag. He called my Muslim friend a terrorist. And his popular friends and him all laughed. And the ladies love him. And the guys think he's cool. It sucks to see such a mean person get everything he wants while your sitting at the bottom of a mental gallows in your mind with a rope around your neck. Oh, did I mention that he was nice to me for a whole year a school but not on Xbox Live. He finally admitted over Xbox he was just doing it because he didn't want to seem like a jerk in front of his multiple crushes. One of which called me gay, told the teacher she really said hey, and in the hallway she said "I actually said gay you ###." Sigh. Our generation is screwed. I have recently realized, however, that there is an advantage of being a smart guy surrounded by idiots...less competition in the work force!

I wish all of those asshat people could be killed.

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llama roadkill

By file you mean filefish? There are no reef safe filefish.

Yes. I just assumed since one was in Kevin Kohen's reef it would be fine. It was a Radial.


Maybe. I'm sure John will be great, though. I'll check it out.


I wish all of those asshat people could be killed.

Ding Ding Ding! We have a winner! :happydance:

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Yeah John is great, just wasn't sure if this would be cheaper or not (might not be after shipping, no idea what they charge).


Next time specify what type/size of rock and John will hook you up. I always specify.

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llama roadkill

Yeah John is great, just wasn't sure if this would be cheaper or not (might not be after shipping, no idea what they charge).


Next time specify what type/size of rock and John will hook you up. I always specify.

All together it's about $16 for 10 lbs incuding shipping.


That was my biggest mistake, I didn't specify. WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY?!




Still awesome rock, I just personally don't like flat pieces.

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llama roadkill

What do you guys think about a really calm peaceful tank? Like not many corals with sweepers (really just Euphyllia). I really love Tanaka Wrasses so I plan on getting one and hopefully if it is peaceful it will come out often. Could I have a pink streak wrasse with a Tanaka?

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llama roadkill

So I'm thinking...


2 Neons

1 Fang Blenny

2 Bangaiis

1 Tanaka

1 Pink Streak

1 Yellowhead Jawfish

1 Orchid Dotty or Royal Gramma or Chalk Bass

1 Goby/Shrimp Pair


Is this good? Any suggestions? Could I do more?

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llama roadkill
I think so.




All pieces of rock:








Plate 1:




Plate 2:




Plate 3:




I emailed John to see if he could give me some pricing on some larger island pieces.



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llama roadkill
Blah IMO, great for rics, and zoas, perfect for the calm tank.

I think the list is good.


I just emailed him to see what he can do. If he can't do anything, I'm happy anyway! :)


I know, I love the list. Nice, calm fish.


Should I stick with Z/Ps, Mushrooms, and Acans? Sessile inverts maybe a couple BTAs?

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I wish all of those asshat people could be killed.

Nah, even after all I've been through I'm still an extremely passive person. Never been in a fight in my life, don't care for any sort of violence. That's one of the reasons I got out of the military. You can word it however you want, but when it comes down to it the military is about killing people and nothing else.


Dammit I wish I had some money...

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llama roadkill
Nah, even after all I've been through I'm still an extremely passive person. Never been in a fight in my life, don't care for any sort of violence. That's one of the reasons I got out of the military. You can word it however you want, but when it comes down to it the military is about killing people and nothing else.



Dammit I wish I had some money...


I think he just means he wants them to get what's coming to them.


Ya, nice rock.

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I think he just means he wants them to get what's coming to them. Ya, nice rock.

Yep. Get hit by a drunk driver or something.


What's funny is that a lot of the people who gave me crap in high school are super religious now. Either that or living in a trailer park with a bunch of kids collecting child support.

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llama roadkill
Yep. Get hit by a drunk driver or something.


What's funny is that a lot of the people who gave me crap in high school are super religious now. Either that or living in a trailer park with a bunch of kids collecting child support.


And the cycle of asshats continues. You grow up with crap parents in crap world and you become a bully.

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