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The Bro Love Build! A bro love story! 75g of wet lov'n!


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Good luck. Have you heard of Marvin's clown tank on reef2reef?? He had like 12-15 Premium Picassos with bta's all over the tank. But then, 1 day his tank crashed....don't know how it happen but he had running for a long time. Kinda sucks, lots of $$$$$ lost there.

IIRC it didn't crash, but he got ich.

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crash = everything or almost everything is dead

ich = he had to catch the fish and treat them


Nope, all his fishes died...Only the nems survived....

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That sucks!


Duh!! That's what I've been saying. All his picasso's and rare designer clowns died. I read the last few pages..It was dreadful. And he disappeared after that. I hope he's ok now. I'd cry if I lost my scoly collection, no joke. They're my only friends in my only hobby lol.

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Yeah, that's another reason I want a larger tank. Ich is known to break out when fish are stressed from over croweded conditions. I had two black and white clowns, three snows, and two sgt majors along with a sixline in my single 20L. Right now I have a spare 20L set up with one snow ony and one sgt major to help relieve the other tank from being over crowded. These were two most troublsome fish. Now that I've taken them out and placed them together there is no more trouble in either tank.

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Yeah, that's another reason I want a larger tank. Ich is known to break out when fish are stressed from over croweded conditions. I had two black and white clowns, three snows, and two sgt majors along with a sixline in my single 20L. Right now I have a spare 20L set up with one snow ony and one sgt major to help relieve the other tank from being over crowded. These were two most troublsome fish. Now that I've taken them out and placed them together there is no more trouble in either tank.


Well, if I'm correct, Marvin's tank was a big tank lol. I forgot how many gallons but I think it was over 80g. Lol. I think the best way to culture that many clowns is to have multiple tanks, this way not all clowns catch sickness and die.

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I will always have multiple tank syndrome. No matter how hard I try, all the crap piled in my fish equipment closet will eventually be too much to bare, and I will cave in and start another tank.

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I built my spare 20L aio just because it was sitting around and I had everything on hand to do it except lighting. I bought a used reefbreeders light because I'm going to want to add some bubble tip nems for the clowns I plan on adding.

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So I'm thinking about starting a 75g and running duel reefbreeders value fixtures. I just got one in today and I'm impressed with the pop I get out of my corals in my 20L. Here are a few shots of things. Just trying it out at this point. So far I'm loving it, and I think my coral is too.







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Not sure on the coverage on those but I want matching fixtures over my tank and the two reefbreeders are perfect coverage for the dimensions on a 75g. I'll be bringing the tank home today if I'm able to get out of work early enough to make it to the lfs in time.

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Couldn't get it today but no worries, I'm waking up early to give praise to the man that has made all this possible, them omw to the lfs to snatch up a sweet brand new tank then off to Glenn's to get that bad boy drilled. Should be an eventful day trying to get this thing started.

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My hopes were shattered when me and my good buddy Glenn came to realize that the bottom pane of my new tank was infact tempured the hard way. This only means that I won't have this tank filled this week. I have a friend Werth works in a glass shop and I'll be doing what I can to repair the tank and keep it as clean looking as possible. I should have a four day weekend on thanksgiving where I'll resume with the restoration. Today being Sunday and no chance of scoring new glass, I'll just have a few brews to ease my mind and rest up.

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Back on track, I ordered the replacement glass predrilled so I should have it by Friday. I'll most likely come home from work, silicone the bottom pane and trim back on then let it sit for 24hrs. When I come home the following day I will add my fabricated overflow box and let it sit for 24hrs before I leak test the tank in my garage. Meanwhile I'll prepare my sump and cabinet space to fit the 20L I'll be using.

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Feeling good, not perfect but kinda lovely! Just picked up a ton of great live rock for not a lot of money! About 50 pounds of very well established, coraline encrusted, aptasia free Fiji ultra premium to fill out my new tank once I get it set up. This along with my 50 or so pounds of my current rock should be enough to avoid a cycle and I'll be using the sand from both my current 20L and the spare 20L I have set up atm in my sump. Finally one big tank like I've always wanted and time to let the nano tanks go.

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Negative, I got them off a bro I got my original rocks to start my 20L with. They were long time established and allowed me to instantly add fish and livestock. I'll need that because I'm transferring everything over from both my 20L tanks and I don't want to risk a cycle time because of my sps and clownfish. The only thing new I'll be adding is dry sand in the display.

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