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Meepduino: 2.0 RELEASED!


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Is this going to include a diagram for wiring the ds1307? Or could u give me a run down of what goes where. Also what is gonna be needed for the pump control, maybe a diagram?

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All done! I hope. I am worried about temperature control in particular. I think my probe is broken, but I can't be sure.


EDIT: Actually, wait. I still have to test one last feature that will improve it considerably.

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Might want to update the parts list. I'm gonna have to wait for a full wiring diagram with pictures before i put anything together as i am comically inept where this is concerned.

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Might want to update the parts list. I'm gonna have to wait for a full wiring diagram with pictures before i put anything together as i am comically inept where this is concerned.

Thanks for the reminder.

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Might want to update the parts list. I'm gonna have to wait for a full wiring diagram with pictures before i put anything together as i am comically inept where this is concerned.

Okay, I think I updated everything. I read on another forum that pump control, like with AC pumps, is actually easier with normal relays because of the high inrush current. However, buying a huge relay will stop that from happening, so 10a+ relays are recommended.


EDIT: going through old posts and liking them... I need to appreciate those who post.

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I've been gone from the site for a while. Getting back in the swing of things trying to learn the newer concepts. What are the main differences between this and jarduino? Also are there any pictures, videos of your controller?

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No pictures right, now because mine is quite ugly. :P I might take some today then and post them on page 1.


The differences between this and Jarduino are pretty simple.

1. Simple build. The components used in making my controller can be anywhere from 4 to 10 or more. It's very modular. You don't need any shields that have to be bought a from a single source or anything; you just need some generic items.

2. You can contact me. The Jarduino maker can only be contacted by email IIRC (please correct me if I'm wrong). This way, you can get help from different sources.

3. Constant updates. While there was a period in which I stopped work on this, I did keep myself occupied and eventually returned. You should post in this thread to bug me if I don't update for more than a week. For every day I work hard, a new feature can be released. The Jarduino, while still being amazing, stopped work last year. :(

4. Different features. Because this has a heavy use for led lighting, I might go for 8 channels of light, versus 6 on the Jarduino. The interface is also different, albeit somewhat worse graphics-wise.

5. Less features. The cost of the above is that there are not as many features on the Meepduino as on the Jarduino. There is not a lighting test, you have to use 24hr time, there are fewer temperature probes, and a fish feeder is not here yet. However, I plan to add more temperature probes, fish feeder and dosing options, and much more.


The original controller was inspired by the Jarduino, but I hope one day to be able to say that I have more features than it. That day likely will not come for months, but it's a goal, at least.

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So what all is needed on your part for a better graphical interface? Just wondering

First of all, better drawing skills. I'm working with circles, rectangles, and lines here. It's hard to come up with a better interface.

I can't use rectangles with rounded corners or it slows way down when I render the screen.

Second, something more powerful. The hardest thing to get past is the lag of the display. Too complex, and it will take half a second or more to update, wasting a lot of time.

Third, an SD card. Complex graphics need to be stored somewhere other than the Arduino. And I can't add SD functionality.

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Why cant you add SD functionality? There's a slot on the back of the TFT screen for a card.

You need to actually modify the shield itself by desoldering 2 of the SMD resistors and putting normal resistors in their place. If done incorrectly, it screws up the whole shield like mine.

Also, you would need to buy an SD card, format it, and move more files. Less simple.

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Have you considered adding a raspberry pi to your build? You can get one and add a usb wifi dongle to it for wireless access. It would add about $40 to the overall cost but opens up a lot of new options for control like remote access, data logging, more complex code, SD support, etc...


If you forgo the arduino completely, you can add a PWM piface to the pi for about $10.

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Have you considered adding a raspberry pi to your build? You can get one and add a usb wifi dongle to it for wireless access. It would add about $40 to the overall cost but opens up a lot of new options for control like remote access, data logging, more complex code, SD support, etc...


If you forgo the arduino completely, you can add a PWM piface to the pi for about $10.

Can't do that. It would require me to change every aspect of the build, learn a new programming language and cause everybody to need to change up their hardware. Not fair to the current users.

The Arduino Mega is enough. I can switch to a Due for $40 and keep all my current stuff. Adding wifi is not too hard, but I want to do that when I'm completely done.


Good idea though. The Pi is very powerful.

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Can't do that. It would require me to change every aspect of the build, learn a new programming language and cause everybody to need to change up their hardware. Not fair to the current users.

The Arduino Mega is enough. I can switch to a Due for $40 and keep all my current stuff. Adding wifi is not too hard, but I want to do that when I'm completely done.


Good idea though. The Pi is very powerful.


Yeah the pi is great; I've been using it as the brains for my quadcopter project.


Once I get my big tank set up, I'm planning to use a pi as the controller since it will be able to interface with my bigger home automation plans much easier.


I'll probably be using an Arduino for my tank at work though since it's a much simpler tank.

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You need to actually modify the shield itself by desoldering 2 of the SMD resistors and putting normal resistors in their place. If done incorrectly, it screws up the whole shield like mine.

Also, you would need to buy an SD card, format it, and move more files. Less simple.


You mean how most of them have the MOSI and SCK pins swapped on the shield?


If that's the problem then it would be a simple fix to just swap out with this correct?



The pin scematic for that shield matches the MOSI and SCK pins to the pin maping for the mega2560 provided by sainsmart.

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You mean how most of them have the MOSI and SCK pins swapped on the shield?


If that's the problem then it would be a simple fix to just swap out with this correct?



The pin scematic for that shield matches the MOSI and SCK pins to the pin maping for the mega2560 provided by sainsmart.

All the things I've read online say that the SD function doesn't work. In any case, what will I use it for? Logging the pH or something?

I can just use a maximum and minimum for each thing and not have to graph stuff. It's just a gamble I don't want to take right now, but that shield does indeed look different. Maybe later.


Hey Meep was wondering if I could use one of these for my relays http://www.ebay.com/itm/2-Channel-DC-5V-Relay-expansion-board-Module-for-Arduino-MCU-AVR-51-PIC-DSP-ARM-/261048535570?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item3cc7b48a12 I am trying to keep it as neat as I can. Let me know what u think.

Depends what you're using it for. Those are known as electromechanical relays, and have a lifetime of about 100k on/off cycles. That's fine for things like on and off moonlights, but for many applications it will burn out fast, like pump control. If it doesn't say "SSR" or "Solid state" then it's an electromechanical relay.

SSRs have lifetimes of several million cycles because they are based on semiconductors.

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