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Coral Vue Hydros

Mangrove Forest-time to say goodbye


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Still sending positive thoughts for your whole family. Keep the updates coming - we're all one big family here and care deeply about you and your little one ((((HUGS)))) to you all.

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How's the baby doing? I hope she is feeling better!


she finally at like 99.9%-she had an ear infection and bronchialitis-which let me tell you is not fun


Floating who?


now that my daught is better i'll explain this


Hope she feels better soon!



Still sending positive thoughts for your whole family. Keep the updates coming - we're all one big family here and care deeply about you and your little one ((((HUGS)))) to you all.


see above but yes she is good to go and we are all finally getting sleep- now I can get back to my tanks!

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My daughter had to get surgery at 6 weeks and dropped below her birth weight due to an internal digestive defect. That feeling of not being able to do anything is maddening. Glad to hear everything is going to be ok.

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Hey guys if any of you pray please do so now, my daughter had to be hospitalized due to getting sick. It nothing serious as of right now but it could get worse. I'm feeling pretty helpless just sitting around and holding her and can't take the pain away.No one told me being a parent was so hard and painfull.


As a fairly new parent I'm right there with you. We a couple minor scares (an exposure to Pertussis) and a midnight sprint to the ER when he had croup. When you kid is sick it's the worst thing in the world. Wishing you could take the pain, or even 10x the pain just to make them better.


My son had bronchiolitus when he was about 6 months old. They had to do a treatment where they stuck a tube up his nose to clear his sinuses. Ugh, terrible to watch.

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My daughter had to get surgery at 6 weeks and dropped below her birth weight due to an internal digestive defect. That feeling of not being able to do anything is maddening. Glad to hear everything is going to be ok.


man thats crazy-i would have gone crazy!


As a fairly new parent I'm right there with you. We a couple minor scares (an exposure to Pertussis) and a midnight sprint to the ER when he had croup. When you kid is sick it's the worst thing in the world. Wishing you could take the pain, or even 10x the pain just to make them better.


My son had bronchiolitus when he was about 6 months old. They had to do a treatment where they stuck a tube up his nose to clear his sinuses. Ugh, terrible to watch.


yeah they did that too-not fun to watch but it did help

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she finally at like 99.9%-she had an ear infection and bronchialitis-which let me tell you is not fun



now that my daught is better i'll explain this





see above but yes she is good to go and we are all finally getting sleep- now I can get back to my tanks!


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Got a Yellow angel fish(Centropyge heraldi) and I love him, He schools with the blue eyes and is very bright yellow and awesome! Need to get a good shot though always on the move. Also change the scape just a tad so will do a FTS soon!





peppermint love lol



I still need to get a good shot of these guys to, and find more then 4 of them



sorry for lack of updates but been super busy with life n work. also with building the drop off that tends to be sucking my hobby funds each month toward that. lots of updates soon though!

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I feel like there are a lot of under rated angels everyone goes for the flame angels and coral beauties however some others are really nice.


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That is a really nice Angel, can't wait for a FTS!



I feel like there are a lot of under rated angels everyone goes for the flame angels and coral beauties however some others are really nice.


it's my first angel i've ever bought and I wanted something a little different then what most go after and he seems like a perfect fit

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Got a Yellow angel fish(Centropyge heraldi) and I love him, He schools with the blue eyes and is very bright yellow and awesome! Need to get a good shot though always on the move. Also change the scape just a tad so will do a FTS soon!






peppermint love lol



I still need to get a good shot of these guys to, and find more then 4 of them



sorry for lack of updates but been super busy with life n work. also with building the drop off that tends to be sucking my hobby funds each month toward that. lots of updates soon though!


Lookin awesome bud.

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angel is gorgeous, really a great tank for one too. I keep thinking in my head I want one for my new tank but I also keep thinking... man I like coral too much.


They are supposed to only nip at soft corals and some nps so we shall see as I don't plan on getting corals one I finish my new vivarium


Lookin awesome bud.


Thanks man! I just worked a 60hr week and now that my daughter better and work is now normal hours I plan to go full steam on my tanks.

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how many ghost cardinals do you have now?

Centropyrge angels are some of my favourite, I absolutely loooove the bicolor! Great choice :D


4 cardinals, there hard to find and I had to go to 5 lfs to find 4, yeah I really like this guy so bright and no scared at all will swim up to me every time I come to the tank-asking for food, he's very piggy lol.


That's a nice angel!


Thank you!


Really nice! Glad your daughter's feeling better. :)

Any other stocking plans? I have missed a bit. :lol:


Yes lots of plans but want to finish the dropoff right now so slow stocking for corals as of right now, but don't know long I can hold out


Beautiful fish and beautiful pics! Thanks for the update. That angel is really stunning!


Thank you! I'll try and get a better pic soon

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4 cardinals, there hard to find and I had to go to 5 lfs to find 4, yeah I really like this guy so bright and no scared at all will swim up to me every time I come to the tank-asking for food, he's very piggy lol.




Thank you!




Yes lots of plans but want to finish the dropoff right now so slow stocking for corals as of right now, but don't know long I can hold out



Maybe a burrower of sorts. How deep is your sand bed.

Thank you! I'll try and get a better pic soon

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Got a Yellow angel fish(Centropyge heraldi) and I love him, He schools with the blue eyes and is very bright yellow and awesome! Need to get a good shot though always on the move. Also change the scape just a tad so will do a FTS soon!





peppermint love lol



I still need to get a good shot of these guys to, and find more then 4 of them



sorry for lack of updates but been super busy with life n work. also with building the drop off that tends to be sucking my hobby funds each month toward that. lots of updates soon though!


My next show tank will be very deep (front to back). Your first shot there really shows off illusion that the water just goes on forever. More and more I'm finding that to be the key to creating a really amazing aquarium.

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