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Smallest external protien skimmer you have seen?


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Hello agan UTR, i have some questions about the skimmer:


1. Its only for 20 gallons?

2. Can change anything for 30 or 40 gallons

3. If yes, what a i need change, maybe the height, wide or deep?

4. Maybe the inyector to bigger?


THX man.


PD- Sorry for my english

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Im almost finished with mine. I ended up using a 1 3/8" tube for a foam riser and cut my old gravel vac tube which fits snug inside the 1 3/8". I added an O-ring to the vac tub and now you can raise and lower the hieght of the foam riser. I think it is going to work out great. Does anyone think it would work to connect the air inlet to the top of a sealed collection cup? Will this put a vacuum on the collection cup and help draw up the foam? Anyways I see a lot of great skimmers out there, thanks for the pics, and most of all thanks UTR.

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no prob JDB.



Nice to hear from you again man, hows it going? I dont know if its all the posting on nano-reef or what, but your english is better than many of those who have english as a first language! Right now, I am working on a larger version of the injection skimmer due to my cousin's need for a larger version for his 40g. I am trying to keep it constructed with 1/8" plexi...so far so good. I am making the skimmer depth 1.5", the height 18", and the width 3.5". The pump size is a 300gph - ish maxi-jet 1200. The injector is a 1/2" CPVC still, but with 4 x 3/16" holes. Dont know how it works yet...it is still being thought out...but as soon as I test it y'all will know (I want to see if it can out-skim a remora at the same pump capacity...If it does, then I know I have a great design).

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Its pulled about 3 cups of dark brown/green "bubbling ####" ( :x ) out of my 12"custom cube (that I have uncured liverock curing in) in just 36 hours... I'm totally blown away! I plan on selling mine in a few weeks after my LR is cured... If your interested send me a pm with an offer.

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I will warn you that the reason that nobody else is selling is because selling the design would open you up to a lawsuit for patent violation. Do what you want, but dont say that I didnt warn you.


RP, I do need to give him a call this week...

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hey Dr. DIY


i built mine and its perfect...i did make 2-3 of these and i modded some parts of the one i have on my tank...just my 2 cents if you see it fit to help....ok...first i didnt do 1/2 PVC i did 3/4...which was a tad bit larger cylinder= i figured and noticed alot less back pressure...especially useful for people who have crap rio's...luckily im not one


second the collection area is not flat i made it at an angle, good 30 degrees and put the airline hose right at its lowest area...in turn there is no puddle in the collection area as most hhave in pics...goes right out


lastly..(this due to how good of a skimmer it is) the crap was flying out, but since the area above the collection area corners, you know the area where you put a top on tapers ta a square end, well i kept noticing a buildup of crap bubbles in those corners that werent goin down and even pushin my top off. so i ended making a top that fits snugly right inside but this one was made off heated plexi i curved to fit...and voila no more buildup all the crap went down the drain that more efficiently


So what do you think?

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Rsmags, it is the choice of the patent holder, true, to react and sue...but I assure you that patent law does cover selling even just one unit. For this reason all of those glowfish (danios hybridized with coral pignent genes) that people have bred are illegal to sell and have resulted being nothing than glowing feeder fish. Patent law is patent law, if it is one little DIY or a precision machined assembly line.


As for pumps, I use the Aquaclear Hi Spec 1000...I know they changed it's name recently (Hagen cut the HiSpec Line, but migrated the 1000 and 5000 over to it's regular lineup), but they still make it. Any other 80-100gph powerhead should work fine as well.

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I think I might give building this thing a try. Any advice besides what I've read in this thread? I've NEVER worked with acrylic before, so I'm a little intimidated.


For the people that have built it, did you cut the acrylic yourself, or just bring the measurements to a plastic place (we have Tap Plastics around here), and have them cut the pieces for you?


From what I can gather, I need three different types of weld-on, and some type of applicator? Something like this?


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trmiv you dont need all 3 weldon...all you need is weldon3...lol that wasnt on purpose...the reason for the others is it is used as a filller if u fu*% up and need to fill in leaks but if i were u and its local to tap get it there...like that you will have true flat line to work with thus havin only to buy weldon3 since true cuts will bond w/o any leaks.


Wallet - weldon3- applicator bottle- acrylic cuts-(beer)= diy skimmer=pricelesss


Rsamags-dont drop the soap

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well its not the smallest, 26"x3"x8", But it still kicks ass. I just finished my skimmer and it is in the sink with some water from a water change on my 55 gallon and a gollon or so of fresh water. It is pullin out stuff after only about an hour and a half. I have a 500 gallon per hour pump hooked to it right now but when it goes on my tank it will have between 400 and 750 depending on how mush goes through my modified cpr refugium. this thing rules. How do I post pics or drawings?

Thx again utr!

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Hey, sorry, how do you plumb the outlet to hang-on, with PVC like Rsmags, just glue 2 pieces of 1" or so PVC, one on the outlet, and one on the other side just glued in place. thanks -Matt P.S. Sweet design, I decided to make one for my 10 hex, because I was having issues with that, so I'm gonna make one, yay!

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