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Chucktown ELOS NPS Mini


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Just get them all, and send me the ones you don't like!


Hahaha :) I wish I could get them all....but would likely have to sell a kidney first. Some of them are pretty close in coloration so I'm just looking for a nice mix and not looking to break the bank.


We may have to setup a trade in the future ;)

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Hahaha :) I wish I could get them all....but would likely have to sell a kidney first. Some of them are pretty close in coloration so I'm just looking for a nice mix and not looking to break the bank.


We may have to setup a trade in the future ;)

I'm definitely up for a trade although I'm not sure I have anything that's all that desirable at the moment.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry for the thread silence. Between re-sodding our backyard, enjoying the cooler weather (finally under 90), work busy-ness, and chasing our son around it's been tough to find some spare time. That said, there have been some BIG additions and changes in the Chucktown reef :)


First things first, I went ahead and placed an order for the following zoas and palys (examples linked). These were cut on Sunday and I should have them in the tank sometime next week. Super-excited!!

  • Chong Bongs (Link)
  • Rastas (Link)
  • Tyree Orange Rainbows (Link)
  • Blue Hornets (Link)
  • Orange Mandarins (Link)


I was only going to get 2-3 varieties but the deal was too sweet to pass up (roughly $5-10/polyp). Especially since shipping is only $10 so that meant more coral.


Second, I got a text from Kyle (MonoChrome5 and a local reefer/friend) about a week ago asking if I'd be interested in some coral/fish from his current tank (link). He recently found a job up in Charlotte working as the aquarium service manager at Fintastic and needed to move this weekend. Long story short, rather than trade in his coral/fish to one of the LFS for a few pennies and then not know whether they would be properly cared for, he basically told me I could take anything and everything that I wanted....for FREE.


So here's a list of what was added yesterday. :o



Hifin Perchlet - Plectranthias sp.

Twospot Candy Hogfish - Bodianus bimaculatus



Pink and Green Frogspawn - Euphyllia paradivisa

Duncans - Duncanopsammia axifuga

Wellso Folded Brain - Trachyphyllia radiata

2x Acan Frags

Eagle Eye Zoas

Orange Monti Cap - Montipora capricornis

Ricordias - Ricordea florida

Yumas - Ricordea yuma


Even though I haven't moved everything into place, I LOVE all of the diversity in both color and variety that these additions add. I thought the tank looked too full after adding things but once the lights were on and I started looking at things, I think they really add a ton to the tank. I guess I've just gotten used to a scape that is just dotted with frags rather than filled with awesome pieces.


To top things off, I've been thinking about starting a small fuge in the chamber next to the tank drain in my sump. Kyle just so happened to have a brand new Coralife 11" Mini T5 fixture so I traded my old 20H for it and some chaeto from his tank so I now officially have a fuge in the sump :happydance: .


Lights were off while I was at home so no pictures yet. I know...FAIL. You can check his most recent FTS from his thread for some of the coral. The camera is all charged up, memory cards are empty, so a photo session is in store this evening. Hope to have a whole bunch of pictures posted in the morning.


Happy Friday!!

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Second, I got a text from Kyle (MonoChrome5 and a local reefer/friend) about a week ago asking if I'd be interested in some coral/fish from his current tank (link). He recently found a job up in Charlotte working as the aquarium service manager at Fintastic and needed to move this weekend. Long story short, rather than trade in his coral/fish to one of the LFS for a few pennies and then not know whether they would be properly cared for, he basically told me I could take anything and everything that I wanted....for FREE.


Shhhhhh... people are going to start thinking I'm a nice guy!


Can't wait to see everything :D

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Shhhhhh... people are going to start thinking I'm a nice guy!

Too late ;)


Congrats on the new additions, Adam!!!!! Count me in on the list of excited people!!!!! That hogfish is really gonna add a splash (more than there already is) of color to the tank. It's beautiful!!!! I love yellow fish :)

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Too late ;)


Congrats on the new additions, Adam!!!!! Count me in on the list of excited people!!!!! That hogfish is really gonna add a splash (more than there already is) of color to the tank. It's beautiful!!!! I love yellow fish :)



That guy that gave you the free stuff is hella nice! Can't wait to see pictures!


I agree. Really couldn't believe that Kyle was willing to give it all to me for free. Then again, I know how it feels having to try and sell some of your fish and coral and in the end just wanting to know they're going to be cared for.


Enough talk though....time for some pictures. Keep in mind that I'll be moving some of these things around a bit over the next few days. Need to try and bring out the awesome Frogspawn to really showcase how crazy colorful it is. I'm also going to mount the Monti Cap up top to add some vertical interest.


Folded Brain





Florida Ricordea - These always remind me of Dippin' Dots :)



Orange Yumas



Duncans - These are SO much nicer than the ones that I had before.



Frogspawn - Kyle originally got this from VicSkmmr. LOVE the coloration.





FNF Acans - Forgot to get pics of the ones I got from Kyle :(



Twospot Candy Hogfish - Gena is right, the color on this guy just pops. You can see it from across the room. Love the swimming style and way it explores the tank as well. Reminds me of a six-line.





Full Tank Shot





The Perchlet was hiding under a rock pretty much all day yesterday so no pictures yet. Hopefully he/she will start coming out and about a bit more in the coming days so I can get a few pictures.


After adding the zoas and palys this coming week, I think I need to talk to the Macro Maven Gena ;) about adding some to my tank. I'm also thinking about a nice Gorg since I think they add so much to a tank. Ideas ideas :)


Hope everyone is having a great weekend. Time to find some rigid tubing to start tackling some of the small bubble algae you can see in some of the pics. Hopefully the fuge will help soak up any excess nutrients they've been enjoying.



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Wow! tank looks awesome Adam! nothing like free corals..I did the same with my 125g. I gave all the fish and 150lbs of live rock away and was just happy that I knew they would be well cared for and still together :)

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After adding the zoas and palys this coming week, I think I need to talk to the Macro Maven Gena ;) about adding some to my tank. I'm also thinking about a nice Gorg since I think they add so much to a tank. Ideas ideas :)


Hope everyone is having a great weekend. Time to find some rigid tubing to start tackling some of the small bubble algae you can see in some of the pics. Hopefully the fuge will help soak up any excess nutrients they've been enjoying.



I didn't even notice bubble algae. I was too mesmerized by all the colors!!!!!! Your tank is perfection!!!! Seriously :bowdown:


I'm here to answer any macro ?'s you may have. I could definitely see a gorg or two in there :)

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Oooooooh! Purdy! I love the hogfish!


Did you end up using the favia?


Thanks. Hope the tank is doing your fish and coral justice. I did keep the Favia...broke it off the rock and had it in the sand bed. Just forgot to load the pic of it and the Acans. Maybe later today :)


Wow the tank looks great....you did a great job with the white balance on those shots.


Thanks for swinging by and for the compliment. It's definitely a challenge getting the white balance right and consistent across the pics. Sometimes I have to bump it up to 30,000Kelvin and other times right around 5,000-7,000. Lots of variation between each frame sometimes.


Wow! tank looks awesome Adam! nothing like free corals..I did the same with my 125g. I gave all the fish and 150lbs of live rock away and was just happy that I knew they would be well cared for and still together :)


Thanks :)


Oh man, incredible! Great pics of some wow factor pieces and fish!!!


Yep, rics = dippin dots, lol


Glad I wasn't the only one thinking Dippin' Dots :) Hopefully I can get some snaps of the Perchlet later today since I saw he/she venturing out yesterday afternoon. Sneaky little fish.






I didn't even notice bubble algae. I was too mesmerized by all the colors!!!!!! Your tank is perfection!!!! Seriously :bowdown:


I'm here to answer any macro ?'s you may have. I could definitely see a gorg or two in there :)


They're pretty small and just in a few spots on the rock with the zoas/palys. Glad they weren't obvious to anyone else.


As far as Macro goes, I used to have some Flame Algae that is absolutely fantastic. Really added a splash of red and some movement to the tank. It was nice since it wasn't invasive and was really manageable as far as keeping it under control.


I'll have to shoot you a PM so we can work something out if you happen to have anything to "share."


Love the new florida rics and hogfish! Seems like you're running out of room for livestock already ahaha.

Also, do you have a mesh top for tank?


It's definitely starting to fill in....and I like it :) I built a mesh top for it a few weeks back...gotta keep all these nice fish in there.





Purdy tank! I like that blue clove/mushroom rock. :)



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As far as Macro goes, I used to have some Flame Algae that is absolutely fantastic. Really added a splash of red and some movement to the tank. It was nice since it wasn't invasive and was really manageable as far as keeping it under control.


I'll have to shoot you a PM so we can work something out if you happen to have anything to "share."

The only thing I have to share right now is the pink flamingo feather algae. I just did a big trimming on red grape so that needs more grow out time. Oh, I have some ochtodes. I really don't think you'd want to add that to your display though. It's ok in my crazy macro-land, but it can get out of control, and you don't want it covering your gorgeous corals!!!!!!

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Hay Adam,


The tank is looking awesome man, and those new additions are definitely keepers. Have you thought about placing the monti cap at the very top right next to the frogspawn? You can keep trimming it back if it grows too much.


Keep up the good work!


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