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Chucktown ELOS NPS Mini


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Wow!!!! The colors on everything are fantastic!!!!! You really have an eye for picking out nice pieces!!!! And the Onyx is gorgeous! I think the Black Ice and Onyx look great together!!!!! I wish I would have remembered Alpha Corals when I was looking to buy my clown pair. Of course, now that I think about it, I was trying to stay on the "cheap" side of fish.


That nepthea is :wub: too!!!!


Thanks, Gena. DaveFason is sending me a replacement power supply today so I can get all of the LEDs firing (RBs and Whites have only been on so far) so I can't wait to see how things look with everything firing B)


I agree about the match between the Onyx and Black Ice....I really can't help but stare at them swimming around now. Did I mention that I'm really enjoying this tank :)


So true- I remember some time back you noted how they seem to "base out" first then really take off. I finally saw this for myself. A couple small frags- two were just plugs that the frag had been removed from- languished for months before any noted growth, but boy, once they decided "out" was enough they really do reach for the light. Makes a reefer very happy. :)


Glad I'm not the only one that noticed that. I swear the Green Poccilipora that I had in my 20H had to lay down a 2-3" diameter base before it started pushing outwards. Once it did that, it was Katie bar the door. Gotta build that strong foundation before adding multiple stories to the "house." :) I actually find this sort of slow establishment and growth pattern with SPS one of the most appealing aspects. That and growing them reminds me a lot of bonsai, another hobby that I would love to get back into at some point.

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I actually find this sort of slow establishment and growth pattern with SPS one of the most appealing aspects. That and growing them reminds me a lot of bonsai, another hobby that I would love to get back into at some point.

You make me want to have SPS again :lol: I'll just have fun watching yours grow ;)

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You make me want to have SPS again :lol: I'll just have fun watching yours grow ;)


It's certainly a sickness and addiction once you start adding those colorful "sticks." ;) Although I went crazy in my 20H, I'm going to try and rein myself in a bit this time around and try and have a more diverse reef. We'll see how that goes...


Should be getting the power supply today from Dave so I'm excited to finally start giving all of these coral a full dosing of light. I'm fairly anxious/nervous to see how well it can maintain their color. Although all of the advantages of LEDs greatly outweigh T5s, I just know how well the Aquatinics TX5 fixture I used to have grew SPS. Fingers crossed the LEDs can provide the SPS what they need fingerscrossed


Also getting in some slow-sinking pellet food from Sustainable Aquatics. I got it from Alpha Corals when I ordered the clown but it was shipped separately.

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It's certainly a sickness and addiction once you start adding those colorful "sticks." ;) Although I went crazy in my 20H, I'm going to try and rein myself in a bit this time around and try and have a more diverse reef. We'll see how that goes...


Should be getting the power supply today from Dave so I'm excited to finally start giving all of these coral a full dosing of light. I'm fairly anxious/nervous to see how well it can maintain their color. Although all of the advantages of LEDs greatly outweigh T5s, I just know how well the Aquatinics TX5 fixture I used to have grew SPS. Fingers crossed the LEDs can provide the SPS what they need fingerscrossed



I have the addiction to colorful sticks as well.


While I don't have experience with T5 lighting, I do have with metal halide. I went from a 150 watt Phoenix that I used and really liked for 5 years. Then, recently, I went with one of Daves' retro set-ups for my BC29. Let me say I couldn't be happier. I see more colors in my corals than I did with my old MH! Plus mySPS corals are growing like crazy! And I have had to do the bonsai trimmong already with on of my stag acros or it would grow right out of the top of the tank!

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I have the addiction to colorful sticks as well.


While I don't have experience with T5 lighting, I do have with metal halide. I went from a 150 watt Phoenix that I used and really liked for 5 years. Then, recently, I went with one of Daves' retro set-ups for my BC29. Let me say I couldn't be happier. I see more colors in my corals than I did with my old MH! Plus mySPS corals are growing like crazy! And I have had to do the bonsai trimmong already with on of my stag acros or it would grow right out of the top of the tank!


Thanks for swinging by the thread.....your two clowns are what really got me addicted to the look of the Onyx/Picasso mix. Yours are some real beauties!!!


Thanks for the input on lighting and how your SPS have reacted to the LED retro that Dave made for you. I still remember how much I loved my 150w Sunpod MH w/Phoenix 14k....although it threw off some heat it was a great fixture over my BC29. I'm glad to hear that you've noticed a lot more color and great growth with the addition of the LEDs. Now that I have the other blue bulbs firing, things are already looking better coloration-wise....time will tell with growth.


Overall, have you noticed that you've had to move things up or down in the tank with the addition of the LEDs? I'll have to cruise through your thread again soon!!



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Basically I have not moved anything, for the most part. I did move a Myagi Tort because it wasn't getting enough light. One thing you will need to be careful about with LEDs is not to bleach them. I have my LEDs turned way down, to about 30%. I have not increased the intensity because I like how the tank looks, and the corals are doing really good. I guess I'm concerned I might mess things up. You will learn that with SPS some like strong lighting while others like lower light, like my red dragon acro. It looks better in low light. The Hawkins acro is another low light coral.


I'll have to update my thread as the corals have grown quite a bit since I last posted. BTW, thanks for the comments about the clowns. I still have them and they act like they "own" the tank!

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Tyree Neon Green Nepthea - Really fluoresces in person



I've got so much of this stuff I've been throwing it away! The LFS won't take it because "no one wants kenya trees" (no matter what I tell them). So once it gets to the surface I trim it back and pitch a few branches. Maybe people will see yours and suddenly it will come back into demand haha.


Tank looks wonderful, Adam! Really love that Hawkins. I may have to get one myself.

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Thanks for the heads up Basser. Now that I have all of the bulbs firing, I've really been trying to keep an eye on coloration to make sure that I'm not starting to bleach things. So far the Red Planet has been maintaining it's coloration and the Green Slimer is slowly starting to color up since moving it over from my old 17g. The Hawkins is the one that I'm really keeping an eye on....it has been looking great but some of the branches have been getting a little lighter in coloration. Not sure if this is potentially new growth, what younger branches look like, etc so I'm watching it like a hawk. Should have some more pics this afternoon.


@Kyle - Thanks for swinging by the thread....long time no see. Yeah, some local reefers and the LFS don't really have a clue. Once I saw that they were trying to get about $80 for a browned out turd of an Acro, I only take a quick peek at their coral selection but mainly just look at their fish and invert stock. There's no hope around here for top-notch coral...that's why I've started to just contact Joe (Joe Knows Reef) who is up in Sumter and ships for $15 overnight. Glad to see you back around.



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I've got so much of this stuff I've been throwing it away!

That's heartbreaking!!!! :lol: Wish I lived closer to nab some of it!!!!!


Looking forward to the pics, Adam :)

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saw these and thought they'd look awesome in your tank


:o:o Where could someone obtain a frag of those?


^This. :D


Should have them posted around lunch time.....darn work getting in the way of my reefing obsession :)

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saw these and thought they'd look awesome in your tank

Looks like Magicians. They are pretty easy to find!!!! One of my favorite palys!!!!

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Sorry for keeping everyone waiting for new pics :) Here are some quick pics that I took the other day that I actually thought turned out really well. As you can see, all of the new SPS additions have been holding their color and I've started to notice a bit of encrusting at the base ;)


Mmmmm.....Acans :)





ORA Hawkins



ORA Red Planet





Nightmare Paly (really difficult to capture the "glitter" look)



Armor of Gods / RPEs / Nightmare Palys



Red Bug Monti (starting to encrust down on the rocks)



Full Tank Shot (Onyx was hiding behind the rocks)



Although reefing funds are going to be a little tight over the next few weeks, here's what I have my eye out for next -

  • Gorgs (really want to get some from SeaLife, Inc)
  • Other colored Palys/Zoas (Bam Bams, Eagle Eyes, etc)


I also need to talk to Gena about picking out some nice calcareous or other Macros that can thrive in higher light with minimal nutrients. :)



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Nice pics as usual.


I love the Hawkins. I finally found a shop that orders from ORA around here. I checked out their August wholesalers list and their SPS selection is limited, they only have Borealis and Plum Crazy that I am insterested in.


URS is doing a SeaLife groupbuy, I'm probably getting a purple feather gorg and some of their awesome zoanthids. They have some of the best looking livestock I have seen.

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Great pics!!! Just beautiful. Yep, some gorgs would look really good in there!


I was in Charleston about 12 years ago for a week long conference, what a cool place to visit!

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Well, I was off :lol:


I also need to talk to Gena about picking out some nice calcareous or other Macros that can thrive in higher light with minimal nutrients. :)



Woah!!!!!!! Super pictures!!!!! :bowdown:


Hmmmm...calcareous or other in higher lighting. Lots of macros do well in high light since they are found in shallow waters. A good reference site for macros is live-plants.com. A lot of reds do well in lower lighted sections of your tank too. Blue ochtodes, I've discovered, hates high lighting. Mine is fading out in my NC12 where it's directly under the lights. Halimeda Opuntia (on that site I gave you) would be good. That's a calcareous one and will do fine with high light. Also, c. Barbata. I've had experience with both. The only thing I do not know is how well they will do in a low nutrient tank. You might find them struggling in that sort of environment. My tanks have always been high nutrient places :lol:

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I'll have to keep my eye on these although I'd like to win multiples to justify the shipping cost.


Nice pics as usual.


I love the Hawkins. I finally found a shop that orders from ORA around here. I checked out their August wholesalers list and their SPS selection is limited, they only have Borealis and Plum Crazy that I am insterested in.


URS is doing a SeaLife groupbuy, I'm probably getting a purple feather gorg and some of their awesome zoanthids. They have some of the best looking livestock I have seen.


Thanks for the compliments. The Hawkins takes the cake for me as well. Just something about the gradation of blue and the delicate form of the branches. I'm really keeping my fingers crossed that it starts to take off in the near-future since I think it will look great as a nice mini-colony.


It seemed like ORA was cranking out some super SPS for a while there but may have slowed down a bit with their releases. That or I'm just out of the loop :) Either way, that's great that you have a local shop that is going to be carrying ORA goods. I've found that although other have done well in my tank, it's the ORA SPS that have always held their color and done well in a variety of conditions. I'm sure it has to do with the number of generations of aquacultured frags in circulation now.


Great pics!!! Just beautiful. Yep, some gorgs would look really good in there!


I was in Charleston about 12 years ago for a week long conference, what a cool place to visit!


Thanks. After Labor Day, I'm going to start seriously looking at getting a couple of Gorgs...I think they'll add some vertical interest and I love coral that provide a good bit of movement as well.


My wife is a Charleston native (kind of a rarity around here now) and I've been living here since 1992. Although I've visited places where I could see myself living (San Fran, Seattle, San Diego), there's just something about the laid back, small town (yet big amenities) feel that I don't think we could live without. I could do without the humidity though ;)






Woah!!!!!!! Super pictures!!!!! :bowdown:


Hmmmm...calcareous or other in higher lighting. Lots of macros do well in high light since they are found in shallow waters. A good reference site for macros is live-plants.com. A lot of reds do well in lower lighted sections of your tank too. Blue ochtodes, I've discovered, hates high lighting. Mine is fading out in my NC12 where it's directly under the lights. Halimeda Opuntia (on that site I gave you) would be good. That's a calcareous one and will do fine with high light. Also, c. Barbata. I've had experience with both. The only thing I do not know is how well they will do in a low nutrient tank. You might find them struggling in that sort of environment. My tanks have always been high nutrient places :lol:


Thanks for all of that great information, Gena!! You're awesome. I might see about just ordering a variety from John and seeing how things do. I don't really think I have a really low nutrient system since I've been feeding a lot heavier in this tank than in past tanks but I always like to keep things in check. Sounds like there may be some good options out there for high light and semi-low nutrient environments. Thanks again.


I love it!! Pics of your clowns please!


Will definitely get some more at the end of the week. My plan is to document both weekly to see how their patterns/coloration develop. I wish I would have done this with the Black Ice a year ago :slap:




Thanks Dave! The hotness is mostly due to your slick fixture B)

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I'll have to keep my eye on these although I'd like to win multiples to justify the shipping cost.

thats what i wanted to do too. i lost all the other auctions that i had with him but he ended up offering me other coral just for that reason. id buy from him anytime. :D

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