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I have no idea, but I am planning to go back to the South Pacific and for a few minutes a day I can check the tank or if my tank sitter has a problem she can call me and direct the camera at the problem as I have a 20' cord on the web cam (which cost only $29.00)

The cost of the minute overage will easily get absorbed in the $12,000.00 or so that it costs to go to the South Pacific. :rolleyes:


I read the info about the App on their Website on how to install it and what software is needed for the PC ... seems fairly simple actually.


But no indication of data usage, so I sent them an email ... let's whether I get a response like maybe on Tuesday or so because of the Holiday.


Have nice Memorial Day Week - End ...



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I love Banggai Cardinal's.


Yes so do it and as they are not that difficult to breed for those who want to give a try at breeding fish this would be a good one to start with IMO ...



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I read the info about the App on their Website on how to install it and what software is needed for the PC ... seems fairly simple actually.


But no indication of data usage, so I sent them an email ... let's whether I get a response like maybe on Tuesday or so because of the Holiday.


Have nice Memorial Day Week - End ...



I would be interested in that information also. It is easy to install, almost nothing to do but the pictures are jumpy. I can live with that because for what I need, it is fine and for free what do you expect? I could have bought a different camera with a service but I don't want to pay for it every month when I could just go downstairs and look at the tank.


As for the octopus (I had some for dinner friday) but I aquired a pregnant female about 20 years ago and she had these babies. Very cute little suckers and I loved it when I put in adult brine shrimp which were about the same size and the baby octopi would grab a shrimp and battle the thing. It reminded me of LLoyd Bridges in 20,000 Leages Under the Sea. As they were fighting the tiny octopi would eject ink, that didn't seem to bother the shrimp. The fight went on for a while with the sucker winning and eating the shrimp. If I had the time, I would try to raise a batch of them. I think they are the most interesting creature we can keep and they are smarter than many of us. Well smarter than Miss Hilton anyway.


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I would be interested in that information also. It is easy to install, almost nothing to do but the pictures are jumpy. I can live with that because for what I need, it is fine and for free what do you expect? I could have bought a different camera with a service but I don't want to pay for it every month when I could just go downstairs and look at the tank.


As for the octopus (I had some for dinner friday) but I aquired a pregnant female about 20 years ago and she had these babies. Very cute little suckers and I loved it when I put in adult brine shrimp which were about the same size and the baby octopi would grab a shrimp and battle the thing. It reminded me of LLoyd Bridges in 20,000 Leages Under the Sea. As they were fighting the tiny octopi would eject ink, that didn't seem to bother the shrimp. The fight went on for a while with the sucker winning and eating the shrimp. If I had the time, I would try to raise a batch of them. I think they are the most interesting creature we can keep and they are smarter than many of us. Well smarter than Miss Hilton anyway.



This is awesome!

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I would be interested in that information also. It is easy to install, almost nothing to do but the pictures are jumpy. I can live with that because for what I need, it is fine and for free what do you expect? I could have bought a different camera with a service but I don't want to pay for it every month when I could just go downstairs and look at the tank.


As for the octopus (I had some for dinner friday) but I aquired a pregnant female about 20 years ago and she had these babies. Very cute little suckers and I loved it when I put in adult brine shrimp which were about the same size and the baby octopi would grab a shrimp and battle the thing. It reminded me of LLoyd Bridges in 20,000 Leages Under the Sea. As they were fighting the tiny octopi would eject ink, that didn't seem to bother the shrimp. The fight went on for a while with the sucker winning and eating the shrimp. If I had the time, I would try to raise a batch of them. I think they are the most interesting creature we can keep and they are smarter than many of us. Well smarter than Miss Hilton anyway.


Well I guess you can't argue too much when it is free indeed ... and installation based on what I read is simple indeed ... and if I do get an answer from them Paul, I will let you know.


And on the Octopi ... great creatures indeed but Houdini's when it comes to finding a way out of tank, the slither through and as long as their beak can get through the opening they are out ... Interesting for a species tank though once they get to a certain size or they will feed on anything they can get hold of.






Interesting that Vector graphics can be copied and pasted in these posts ... Thanks for making the one below for me ... and for a real good deal too so if anyone needs help with Graphics contact Nick ... !!!!



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Thank you Albert, it was a pleasure working on this project with you.


Many Thanks,




Sent you an email ... let me know what you think the reason is for what I pointed out ..


And yes it was a pleasure working with you too ... and thanks for your responsiveness and speed in designing this .. GREAT



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Sent you an email ... let me know what you think the reason is for what I pointed out ..


And yes it was a pleasure working with you too ... and thanks for your responsiveness and speed in designing this .. GREAT




Thank you, I replied.

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I have had octopus a few times in my reef tank "in" an enclosure in the tank itself where they could not escape. I have also kept predatory lobsters and crabs similar to that in a "lobster" trap so they could not eat my fish, wife, neighbors, kids etc. For the octopus I had them in a plastic enclosure with very tiny holes, smaller than their beak, and a tube that fuplied water flow and food. Not an easy animal to keep and their lifespan is one of the shortest in the larger animal kingdom. It is amazing they are so smart living only 2 years.

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I have had octopus a few times in my reef tank "in" an enclosure in the tank itself where they could not escape. I have also kept predatory lobsters and crabs similar to that in a "lobster" trap so they could not eat my fish, wife, neighbors, kids etc. For the octopus I had them in a plastic enclosure with very tiny holes, smaller than their beak, and a tube that fuplied water flow and food. Not an easy animal to keep and their lifespan is one of the shortest in the larger animal kingdom. It is amazing they are so smart living only 2 years.


Given what they are capable of that was indeed a good way to make sure they did not decimate your tank :-0


And indeed short life but then they breed and propagate quite fast so there are always plenty of them around :-)



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Given what they are capable of that was indeed a good way to make sure they did not decimate your tank :-0


And indeed short life but then they breed and propagate quite fast so there are always plenty of them around :-)



About 20 years ago I was contacted by a group of people in Athens Greece. They wanted me to go there for a year and start an octopus breeding program for food. Octopus is a staple in Greece and Italy. They were going to pay all my expenses and a nice salary. I decided against it as I was still working and it would have screwed up my retirement and pension benefits. I was also unsure how I would go about starting an octopus program being I had only hatched a few octopi. And with their short lifespan, it would have been difficult as they spawn and die.

Today I think I would be better at it as I have more experience raising things. Right now I have my Grand Daughter here so I am busy helping raise her but she sometimes seems like an 8 armed octopus.

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I just found out we are going to have another one of these in January.


you need to invent a new frag rack if you keep fragging those cuties!!
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About 20 years ago I was contacted by a group of people in Athens Greece. They wanted me to go there for a year and start an octopus breeding program for food. Octopus is a staple in Greece and Italy. They were going to pay all my expenses and a nice salary. I decided against it as I was still working and it would have screwed up my retirement and pension benefits. I was also unsure how I would go about starting an octopus program being I had only hatched a few octopi. And with their short lifespan, it would have been difficult as they spawn and die.

Today I think I would be better at it as I have more experience raising things. Right now I have my Grand Daughter here so I am busy helping raise her but she sometimes seems like an 8 armed octopus.


Yes at that time that would not have been a good idea indeed + what after the 1 year ??


And currently taking care of her is a lot more important indeed than raising Octopi ... no doubt about that .


Happy Memorial Day



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I just found out we are going to have another one of these in January.




NIce .... of course it could a boy this time .... And Greta if I remember correctly looks SUPER .... ADORABlE ...




Yes I know, I also now need a twin stroller, another car seat, another tiny life jacket and twice the energy.




Yes and a lot more .... but real good another Hobbyist on the way !



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I can get them both certified to SCUBA dive at the same time. I also have plenty of fishing poles so that won't be a problem.


:) the sooner the better indeed ....



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Paul and anyone else interested in the iCam App ... | Data Usage


As I indicated I sent the Company an email enquiring about data usage when viewing the image in a non Wi-Fi area and how that would affect one's cellular data plan.


The answer came late last night :


For every second of viewing about 20 KB of data are transmitted, so that = 1200 KB per minute or 1 Meg.


Watch 10 minutes and 10 Meg are added to your usage ... etc ... you can do different calculations yourself based on the 20 KB per second and keeping in mind that 1024 KB = 1 Meg.


Not bad actually, I thought it would have been more .... and I suspect that no one would really watch one's tank for more than a few minutes at a time, so the impact on data usage would not be all that much.


Hope this helps those who are interested.



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Thank you, I don't exactly what that means in money but I would guess in my plan, I have some of that built in. I only watched the tank for about a minute so I will see it on my next bill.

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Thank you, I don't exactly what that means in money but I would guess in my plan, I have some of that built in. I only watched the tank for about a minute so I will see it on my next bill.


If you have an iPhone you have a data plan and that plan has an upper limit of how much data transfer you can have for the price you pay for the plan. So you will not see an individual charge on your bill, just how much your total data usage was (the App and whatever else you used that added data ... I have an unlimited plan but whereas one would think that really means "no limit that is not the case ... the upper limit is 5 gig).


As long as you do not go over what you data plan allows you will not see any addl charge ... IMO you should be OK ... but don't watch your tank for hours on end :-o ...



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I don't even watch my tank for hours on end when I am standing in front of it. But I think my fish watch me when I am home.


These last few days it has been cold here in NY. It has gone into the forties and I forgot I turned off my tank heaters for the summer so my tank temp lowered about 7 degrees. Today it is getting warm again and my fish will be able to remove their sweaters. But all is well except they are giving me dirty looks.

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