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That's great Albert,


Now we just need to work out the why's. That is why did the corals react negatively so quickly and why did they react positively so quickly when the Oxydator was replaced.


Also just what caused each to happen so quickly as I would have expected a more slow decline and a more slow improvement in your corals. Sure water quality will be the answer but just what was the oxydator doing exactly to improve your water quality so drastically.


Was/is it the oxidation of undesirable compounds, the incesae in oxygen level in your tank or something else that triggered such speedy reactions.


What I would also like to see is others results using Oxydators. You can measure your water quality with a redox meter of course but its just what is being oxidised like DOC for instance and if it is DOC what is it oxidising it into.


It would e great if some laboratory work could be done to establish exactly what is happening when an Oxydator is introduced into the reef aquarium.




Yes that is indeed the 64K question but I am sure we can figure it out ... I may have to run a whole batch of tests before removing it, then the same tests at regular intervals while the Oxydator is out of the tank, and then the same when it is replaced, and then determine what we come up with as differences.


The interesting part though that I noticed and pointed out is that upon placing the Oxydator back in the tank a wide stream of small bubbles came out of it, together with a few large bubbles now and then but the wide stream of very small bubbles went on for minutes and minutes and then stopped.


To conduct those tests mentioned I would have to buy a few pieces of equipment though and a number of test kits as a lot of testing would have to take place and that would involve a rather high expense which I am not in a position to do at this time, but I am not excluding doing it in a few months or so. Right now a lot of money went into the funding for the printing of the book already and I still need to put up quite a bit more.


Anyway we can see the results, and we'll figure out why at some point.


And check this out ... the right side with the Cabbage looking back as it should and the R. florida about 1/2 as large as it was while the Oxydator was removed.




Oh and for those reading this ... I have no affiliation with the Oxydator people, am not getting paid or remunerated in any way for posting all of this ... just wanted to clarify that



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Thanks, that what I thought since when sold live they obviously still have all their innards and nothing has been removed.


BTW I love mussels but being from Belgium that is not unusual ... we eat them in any which way you can think of, even with Merlot added to the water with the vegetables when they are cooked ...


I also love mussels and collect them from the back of my boat and eat them like M&Ms. Free lunch.

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I also love mussels and collect them from the back of my boat and eat them like M&Ms. Free lunch.


You are a seafood junkie for sure Paul ... do you ever eat anything else ? I Not that there is anything wrong with that of course ... Seafood is good food and healthy food.


Had some myself today actually ... sardines in olive oil :-)



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This is my LFS. It's a pretty fun place to visit; I always like to look at the baby shark eggs. You can see them moving around inside the eggs.

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This is my LFS. It's a pretty fun place to visit; I always like to look at the baby shark eggs. You can see them moving around inside the eggs.


Interesting indeed and yes I have seen it indeed but not there of course but at a few public aquariums and some videos. Odd shaped eggs as well on top of it, and also how they are deposited.





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Hi Albert,

Its great to see so many species now being bread in captivity now. Seems every week almost another species is bread which can only be good for the hobby.

I have been offered an Aqua Medic 1000 kalk stirrer almost new and the newer type for just £40 plus £5 shipping, they are £160 here new so it looks to be a real bargain. I did think of building my own but at that price I am getting it. The guy seems honest enough and I hope to have it on Monday with a bit of luck and weather permitting. When we get a little snow here the country all but grinds to a stop and we are never prepared for it.


My TV did arrive this morning but the van could only get 3/4 of the way up my avenue so the guys had to carry it the last 100 yards. They said if it had been a washing machine they would not have delivered it lol.Anyway I have a nice new 42" Panasonic TV to watch while snowed in lol.



Am actually in the NW of the country but the above still applies.


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Hi Albert,

Its great to see so many species now being bread in captivity now. Seems every week almost another species is bread which can only be good for the hobby.

I have been offered an Aqua Medic 1000 kalk stirrer almost new and the newer type for just £40 plus £5 shipping, they are £160 here new so it looks to be a real bargain. I did think of building my own but at that price I am getting it. The guy seems honest enough and I hope to have it on Monday with a bit of luck and weather permitting. When we get a little snow here the country all but grinds to a stop and we are never prepared for it.


My TV did arrive this morning but the van could only get 3/4 of the way up my avenue so the guys had to carry it the last 100 yards. They said if it had been a washing machine they would not have delivered it lol.Anyway I have a nice new 42" Panasonic TV to watch while snowed in lol.




Am actually in the NW of the country but the above still applies.



True indeed and I am sure also that there are more that have been bred in captivity that we just do not know about yet. We only read about what gets published and I would imagine that not all breeders report their successes so there are probably even more, which I think is really good for the hobby indeed.


And on the snow .. none here in ATL but north and west of here they had a fair amount but more north even in the Carolinas they got blasted with it .. We have black ice here though so lots of accidents ...


Glad they were able to get your TV "carried" to you, talk about "service" ... here in the US I bet they would never have delivered it with that kind of weather ... nice TV too ... good for you !


I like the 1 Snowflake we are doomed .... reminds me of Brussels were they really hardly ever have snow and no removal equipment so yes 1 snowflake does it ! :-)



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You are a seafood junkie for sure Paul ... do you ever eat anything else ? I Not that there is anything wrong with that of course ... Seafood is good food and healthy food.


Had some myself today actually ... sardines in olive oil :-)




We go to restaurants every week and here in NY we have some great restaurants. If the place doesn't specialize in, or at least serve, seafood, there is no use of us going there as there would be nothing for us to eat. I do eat some chicken and maybe once a year a hamburger but I would much rather have some linguini and clams, raw oysters, mussels, scungeil, calamari or just about any type of salt water fish. It's in my bones and heritage.

I was stationed in Colorado for a few months and was lost. They have some great steaks there and if you are into meat, thats the place to go. I like meat, just never think to eat it and I have never ordered a steak in a restaurant in my life. It's just me.

My copperband butterfly is starting to make me hungry. :wub:

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We go to restaurants every week and here in NY we have some great restaurants. If the place doesn't specialize in, or at least serve, seafood, there is no use of us going there as there would be nothing for us to eat. I do eat some chicken and maybe once a year a hamburger but I would much rather have some linguini and clams, raw oysters, mussels, scungeil, calamari or just about any type of salt water fish. It's in my bones and heritage.

I was stationed in Colorado for a few months and was lost. They have some great steaks there and if you are into meat, thats the place to go. I like meat, just never think to eat it and I have never ordered a steak in a restaurant in my life. It's just me.

My copperband butterfly is starting to make me hungry.


Yes Paul reading your previous messages any time you make a reference to "eating" it's fish or seafood of some kind, so I figured by now that 99.9 % of what you eat is just that ... and it's healthy too .. of curse be careful with Fugu ... you never know they leave a piece of the liver in it and it kills you as happens in Japan to a few every year even though only licensed chefs are allowed to handle Fugu.


I ate some of it (fortunately I was not the one paying because that stuff is super expensive) and at that time was actually not aware of the fact that the poison in it can kill you in no time ... of course that was in the mid 70's or so when I used to go to Japan several times a year for business.


Now ... now ... I know you are hungry but do leave that Copperband alone please....




And for those who want more info on the world's deadliest fish ... http://www.hotelclub.com/blog/the-worlds-deadliest-meal-fugu/



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Well I got in touch with the distributor for the oxydator. He stated they'll begin importing in the spring time when pond season kicks up. No word yet on which retailers will be carrying it.

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Well I got in touch with the distributor for the oxydator. He stated they'll begin importing in the spring time when pond season kicks up. No word yet on which retailers will be carrying it.


Any idea whether the Aquarium units will be imported as well ? Thanks



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Livestock for the Temperate Aquarium - Yes it can be done and there are plenty of Life forms you can find for them


One interesting one that I used to keep years ago is "Actinia equina" Anemone, dark red and a beautiful color addition to any tank.


If time is taken to slowly acclimate it to higher temps in a separate aquarium very slowly it can even be kept in our Nano-Reefs but the acclimating time is long and temp in that separate tank.






Link to the article : . http://www.advancedaquarist.com/2009/5/short



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The Green Brittle Star Ophiarachna incrassata


Do not get it even if it is given to you !


Link : http://echinoblog.blogspot.com/2008/11/giant-green-brittle-stars-of-death-when.html


It will destroy just about everything in your tank. This is a Killer ! Include video of how it captures and kills. A must see video !




I just figure anything with spines is a no bueno. Scary!

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