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The chalice and the Montopora are interacting and the Montipora is losing. Chalice is hitting it with sweepers at night.




Tissue damage at bottom of picture.

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The chalice and the Montopora are interacting and the Montipora is losing. Chalice is hitting it with sweepers at night.




Tissue damage at bottom of picture.


Pity ... can you move the Cbalice or is not possible.


Friend of mine took the rock out and on which one was encrusted and with a band saw cut it so the could move the offending coral (not a Chalice though), not easy to do I would say but for him it worked.

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Neither can be moved without lots of breakage. Thinking that maybe I can diminish the contact by manipulating the flow in the tank.


Yes that is a good idea so the stinger tentacles go the other way

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Some of them are a good 3 inches.

Yes and if like you say you change the flow maybe they will extend in the other direction and solve any further damage ( I hope for you )

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Wow, cool pic of that monti, its purdy! I had no idea that a chalice has 3" stingers! Is it possible to just break off that bottom piece on the monti?

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Underwater shot.




Orange Digitata and Nuclear Green Palys




Blastos and Acans



Purple People Eater Palys




Don't know the name of these guys



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Underwater shot.




Orange Digitata and Nuclear Green Palys




Blastos and Acans



Purple People Eater Palys




Don't know the name of these guys





Love it ! Great looking Chris !

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Pistol shrimp stole my clam in the night. Removed a bunch of coral and rock and found it. I have it sitting in my Capricornis higher in the tank.

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Pistol shrimp stole my clam in the night. Removed a bunch of coral and rock and found it. I have it sitting in my Capricornis higher in the tank.


You mean the the Pistol knocked it over and in between rocks ... wow .. guess it was a small one right (not a Zeph type one :)

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No. I mean took up into his tunnels. I had it on the sandbed. This morning it was gone. Had to move all the Zoanthids and Palys, one of the Acan colonies and two pieces of liverock. Unlike the Zoanthids that he stole on two other occasions, I was able to find the clam.


I have him on the rock now. I have been having trouble finding a good spot for him.



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No. I mean took up into his tunnels. I had it on the sandbed. This morning it was gone. Had to move all the Zoanthids and Palys, one of the Acan colonies and two pieces of liverock. Unlike the Zoanthids that he stole on two other occasions, I was able to find the clam.


I have him on the rock now. I have been having trouble finding a good spot for him.




Wow that's quite a feat for him ! Glad you found it ....

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Rearranging the front middle. To much fighting going on in the tank. Had to move the Scoly. It was attacking the chalice.




The anemone is getting too big.





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Rearranging the front middle. To much fighting going on in the tank. Had to move the Scoly. It was attacking the chalice.


Looking very nice Chris !

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Is that taken just under blue light Chris? Looks like it as when I only have the one LED that I have for moonlight supposedly, a 3W one, mine takes on that glowing colors as well and so do a few other organisms in my tank

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Looks very pretty! I love how it looks like a 55 gallon :)

Thanks for checking it out.


i really like your zoa garden, and also how this tank looks HUGE haha

Thanks. Running out of space.


Is that taken just under blue light Chris? Looks like it as when I only have the one LED that I have for moonlight supposedly, a 3W one, mine takes on that glowing colors as well and so do a few other organisms in my tank

This pic was taken under 2 ATI Blue Plus.

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