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Biocube 29 w/LEDs: A learning experience.


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Crud. WTH is this?


Between the pectoral fins and the anal fin, there's a round, almost ring-shaped raised area, lighter in color than the main body.


This is the only symptom I see. Respiration is normal, eating well. I've seen no cysts before on either fish...


The only recent change is this fish has not found a new cave since being evicted by the brittle star. Actually, the star moves between caves, but this guy has been sleeping all over the place, in semi-open areas, so I'm sure it's been stressed.


Old picture:




Direct link to full size images: http://i179.photobucket.com/albums/w293/ro...ey/P1000377.jpg





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Crud. WTH is this?


Between the pectoral fins and the anal fin, there's a round, almost ring-shaped raised area, lighter in color than the main body.


Read "External Bubble Disease" here http://www.chucksaddiction.com/disease.html


and here "Weird Bubble like disease" http://forum.marinedepot.com/Topic72512-10-1.aspx


and this:Skin and Bubble Disease/ Syndrome on Jawfish?



I hope you get some answers! He might get better on his own if he were not stressed. Is there the possibility of moving him to a separate hospital tank(?).

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Strangely, the picture that most looks similar, is the one in the third link with the male and female jawfish showing the difference in dorsal side appearance.


The problem being that was a brooding pair, and the fish were preparing to spawn. Unless this Firefish is desiring to spawn with an Assessor, I'm not sure that's even possible.


Last night, the condition seemed better, but this was after the actinic lights went off, so it was hard to tell. This morning, he's deep in his original cave, so I can't hardly see him. At least he's getting sleep in a more protected area, so hopefully is getting a bit destressed.


I half wonder if maybe he wasn't just a piggy yesterday and had a bloated stomach / constipation...

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Swelling is way down today, coloration of the affected area is about the same, though. Respiration, activity are still normal, and still eating well. I fed less today incase that was part of the issue. Hopefully the sleeping arrangement for the Firefish will stay back to normal and his stress level will go down.


The gas bloat problem seems most likely, so hopefully that's it. Near as I could understand there's not much to do if that's it. He'll either be OK or not.


Oh, I saw the Pistol shrimp today for the first time since he went into the tank. He was in the cave the assessor used to use for sleeping before the brittle star evicted him. I'm guessing the snapping I've been hearing has been the pistol guarding that cave from the Assessor and the Brittle Star...


Hey, when a snapping shrimp pops at a fish, what does it do to the fish?

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Swelling is way down today, coloration of the affected area is about the same, though. Respiration, activity are still normal, and still eating well.

Hey, when a snapping shrimp pops at a fish, what does it do to the fish?


That is great news!

Sorry but IDK about pistol shrimp. I am sure there is ton of info on them if you google it.


Good luck!

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So... Was at the lfs today, and was chatting with the owner. (This is the upscale lfs that services millionaire tanks and whatnot)


After a bit, I described to him what I was seeing, and his initial reaction was actually spawning symptoms. He was thinking that the Firefish is a she, and was about to put forth eggs. He thought my ideas of constipation or gas bubble are the next two likely scenarios.


His suggestion, based on behavior, is to observe closely for the next 5 days. If nothing gets better, to soak food in Formalin for a bit and see if that helps.


Oh, and ordered a new Dracula Goby. It'll be here Saturday.

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Oh, yeah. Since I keep seeing hermit molts every couple weeks, I figure the parameters are good enough for my second shrimp. The good lfs has Fire Shrimp back in stock, so...



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Swelling on the firefish is almost completely gone. Coloration is almost normal.


Totally don't know what this was, but if it's gone, that's the important thing, right?

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Meet the new neighbor:





It's regrowing a couple antennae right now, but aside from that is pretty gorgeous.


Also, saw the Pistol again when I was feeding the fish... Hopefully some of that shyness is wearing off.

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The fire shrimp performed it's first molt last night. Now, as long as the next one goes well, I know everything is still good to go in there.


Also, I'd moved the zoas up a bit on to the scape, and to one side, and they were actually extending more than when they were sitting on the sand bed. I guess this JBJ unibody light focuses the light from the LEDs down quite narrowly. I relocated the zoas again, and further up and in. I am starting to think this light fixture, as expensive as it was, will not be able to support light hungry corals.

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I'm such an idiot.


I completely forgot to ramp up the dimmers on my lighting. They've been sitting at the bottom of the ramp since I first got it and installed it. I think I was trying to minimize algae growth before the CUC arrived, and I never went back and adjusted it.


d'oh! No wonder the zoas are looking light starved.


Up 20% today. Maybe I will remember to move the sliders up again before another 5 months goes by.

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I'm such an idiot.


I completely forgot to ramp up the dimmers on my lighting. They've been sitting at the bottom of the ramp since I first got it and installed it. I think I was trying to minimize algae growth before the CUC arrived, and I never went back and adjusted it.


d'oh! No wonder the zoas are looking light starved.


Up 20% today. Maybe I will remember to move the sliders up again before another 5 months goes by.

Hey at least you caught it in time to save the zoas. The shrimp is super RED. I love that dracula with the 'googly' eyes. Hopefully this guy will stay put!


Good luck.

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So, tonight, in a dark back alley, I found a coral dealer to hook me up with a fix. Bought three zoa frags. That should keep the monkey at bay for a bit.


Pics when they open up. Some Purple People Eaters, Radioactive Dragon Eyes and a third morph I don't recognize. Might be chocolate mint based on a quick look through coralpedia.

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I was specifically after smaller frags so that I can more easily see growth or problems. One of my goals for this tank isn't massive diversity, but the opportunity for what I put in there to grow out.


This gives me 4 zoa morphs, so unless something drastic changes, I'm done with zoas.

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I seem to have bought this.



Along with some of Morgan's magenta birdsnest and magic mushrooms.

Good thing I'm going on vacation soon and won't be able to buy anything else!

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OK, the minimaxi is temperature acclimating with two coral frags from ReefGardener.


...and my super-tiny flatworms are finally mature enough to ID as acoel flatworms. Most people seem to have mixed feelings leaning towards not a problem, so I'll suck out the bigger ones I see and let the tiny clear ones keep eating from my glass.

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Is the coral dealer in the back alley Chris with Seaking Aquariums? If not I can't believe I haven't pointed you to him before. Good guy with TONS of stuff for cheap.

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^Eddie, yes. That was Chris at Sea King Aquariums.


^^Kat, the tank lid he made is perfect. I love it and it looks great. As for the Dracula Goby issue, LiveAquaria is saying that either it's a gender issue (?) or a species that has not been genetically identified as separate from Stonigobiops dracula. It is not the first example of this possibly distinct species, but it is very infrequently seen.

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Small cyano outbreak, my first, is occurring below the level of the sand at the front of the tank. I wish I had water ready for a WC, but I'll make some tonight, and siphon out as much as I can get tomorrow. I'll skip tomorrow's feedings, and go to every other day, and try to do extra water changes this week. I have a feeling my chaeto has been melting again, and it's not uptaking nitrogen as well as it was.



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Small cyano outbreak, my first, is occurring below the level of the sand at the front of the tank. I wish I had water ready for a WC, but I'll make some tonight, and siphon out as much as I can get tomorrow. I'll skip tomorrow's feedings, and go to every other day, and try to do extra water changes this week. I have a feeling my chaeto has been melting again, and it's not uptaking nitrogen as well as it was.




Rats! How long have you had the tank before your cyano outbreak? I wonder when I will have a cyano outbreak.

When you say you have a feeling your chaeto is melting are you saying that the dying chaeto feed the cyano?

Sorry for all the questions, but newbies like me don't know the simplest things! ;)

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Signature says 4 months and 23 days, so I'm guessing 4 months and 23 days since I added the LR.



My chaeto keeps melting. Something is out-competeing it for nutrients. I keep getting GHA in the fuge, despite the fact that I keep scraping it all out. The vanishing chaeto means less nitrates and possibly phosphates are being removed from the water column. This gives the cyano something to eat.


I may have actually introduced the cyanobacteria the other day. While on a tank tour around Puget Sound, I was given a large piece of monti cap. I was very rushed, as I had to drop my daughter off at home, then dash off to work, so I temp acclimated the coral, but didn't dip it. Totally my fault if that was the source of infection.


I did overfeed the tank once earlier this week when I accidentally dropped a cube of mysis in the tank. I never feed the whole cube.

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Signature says 4 months and 23 days, so I'm guessing 4 months and 23 days since I added the LR.


Oops. He, he. :blush: I gotta learn to pay attention!


Thanks for the info. Very helpful. I have a refugium with chaeto and I want to be armed with knowledge if mine starts melting.

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Yesterday morning, I siphoned the affected sand out of the tank, sifted the area for dead CUC members, did a WC, turned up the MP10 a notch, scrubbed the glass below the usual level of the sand and skipped a feeding.


Hopefully, I got in front of the outbreak and by reducing the feedings, will keep it squashed.

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