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I see you on the pooter checking out nano reef! And there is a kitty on the desk too!

That was Bubbles. She's large and I :wub: her lol.


quit movin the cam yo

The cats knocked it down lol. I've got to find a better mounting system for it that they can't reach.

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I received my Hanna checkers for phosphate, calcium, and alkalinity yesterday, and I used the alk and calcium tests just now - the results were most curious.


Calcium - 564ppm

Alkalinity - 135ppm (7.56dKh)



Anyone else think those don't match up? I'm thinking the calcium is testing high because I didn't use deionized water for the test, I only used reverse osmosis, roughly 17ppm TDS.


Then again, I use Reef Crystals for salt, but RC is supposed to have a very high dKh. I have two small pieces of SPS, and a lot of small LPS, nothing that would suck down carbonates like that.



Anyone have any ideas? I have no way of testing magnesium, unfortunately (not yet, anyway). :(

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u know i beez all ova dat live streem dawg

lol. I took it down because I'm home at the moment and the lights are off, no reason to keep the computer running all night so people can look at a black screen, and saves me 150w of power. :)

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How is your pH stability? I'm not sure what tank you're testing but if it's your DT you might be dropping pH each night since your sand bed lacks buffering. As for your Ca2+ running so high, not sure. Wish I could help more, but I think following the pH over the course of day and night will give you a good idea how the OH- is playing out.

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Yes, all that jump start bacteria once in a while mumbo jumbo you mentioned. :)

:lol: yes, Microbacter7 is good to use, but I wouldn't dose it before - dose it after a while (every few months).

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Sugar by the truckload ..... LOL

My wife always wondered why I had the sugar container in the fish room until she saw me dose it one day. She was like "what in the world are you doing that for, do the fish need to have diabetes, too?" :lol:




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My wife always wondered why I had the sugar container in the fish room until she saw me dose it one day. She was like "what in the world are you doing that for, do the fish need to have diabetes, too?" :lol:


Now how about Nitrates, how do I get those?

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Now how about Nitrates, how do I get those?

Dump some macros and feed three times as much as you do now and see what happens. ;)

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:lol: yes, Microbacter7 is good to use, but I wouldn't dose it before - dose it after a while (every few months).

I use microbacter 7 -- I used a couple of doses (given to me by lfs) to get tank started, and use a 1/2 cap with every water change. I have also used it "medicinally" when I had scum stuff on top of the water and a stronger tidepool kind of smell -- I just followed the directions on the back and used it for a couple of weeks. It helped immensely!!

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I use microbacter 7 -- I used a couple of doses (given to me by lfs) to get tank started, and use a 1/2 cap with every water change. I have also used it "medicinally" when I had scum stuff on top of the water and a stronger tidepool kind of smell -- I just followed the directions on the back and used it for a couple of weeks. It helped immensely!!

Do you have a skimmer?

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I love my macros! Why can't you just ship me a tank full of water from your pad?

what was I thinking? :rolleyes:




I use microbacter 7 -- I used a couple of doses (given to me by lfs) to get tank started, and use a 1/2 cap with every water change. I have also used it "medicinally" when I had scum stuff on top of the water and a stronger tidepool kind of smell -- I just followed the directions on the back and used it for a couple of weeks. It helped immensely!!

A smell pretty much means that there are a large amount of dissolved organics. Adding a skimmer can help, but active carbon should also remove any traces of smell from the water - one reason I use it.


As far as your water changes, dosing this product is not necessary - for any reason. Bacteria only exist in the water column if there is no "room" for them to live in the bacterial film on your rocks, sand, glass, etc, and this will only happen when certain conditions are met, and your water will appear "cloudy" from the bacterial bloom. Routine water changes will in no way remove even a slight amount of bacteria from your system.

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I'm baaaaaaaaaackkkkk!




Stopped by World Wide Corals after dropping off my sister in Orlando. They had a whole lot of awesome stuff, but they just celebrated their 5th anniversary with a ginormous sale, so they didn't have a lot left! I picked up a SWEET pair of leathers (look like devil's hand, sorta, but fatter) for $39, a nice green slimer acro for $39, and a single chromis to replace the one I lost a couple of weeks ago (was $6). I'll get some pics in a bit.



When I got home, the cats had partially ignored their new fancy litterbox and peed a few places on the floors, but nothing I wasn't expecting.


As for the tanks, the tang was just a skeleton (kinda mad that my grandma didn't tell me it died, it was stuck to the front of one of the HOB filter intakes), and I found the pearly jawfish that I thought had died!! My wife is happy! Other than that, all look happy and healthy. I cleaned the intakes of the filters, changed the filter floss, threw in a massive dose of sugar, and stirred up the sandbed to get some more detritus out that had built up. Gave them some Formula Two pellets and they all ate heartily, even the new little chromis.


The main tank was a mess - algae freakin' explosion. But this was on purpose :D The snails needed something to eat, didn't they? I cranked up the deep red LEDs and every inch of glass was covered in a thick layer of hair algae. It's in a few places on the rocks, but nothing a bit of peroxide won't help with. My new skimmer will be here on the 19th, and I've gotta get this one sent out to Kat soon, her tank needs it!! Macros were all over the place, the tuxedo urchin was being a dick and carrying things he shouldn't have, the conch had knocked over a few frag plugs that were on the sandbed (still need to mount them, I know), but other than all of that, all was well. The porcelain crab that wasn't banished to the sump even molted again. They grow up so fast! :tears:


And btw, live stream is back up. Still mad that I couldn't connect the entire time I was gone. :angry:

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