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Kat's Ol' Max


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After 3 months of goofing off, the spectrapure finally got installed, except the sink leaks and I just had a mini flood where I let the spectrapure run and forgot about it.


The RSM is about to be moved 10ft over to another wall in my foyer which needed outlets. The outlets also finally got installed yesterday. So I really have no excuse to delay moving the tank anymore. I'm thinking Monday. Lord help me. Have a 20G rubbermaid container on the ready, 10G of new saltwater has to be made ready in time for the move.




Good luck with the move Kat. Btw, My fathers name is Jerry.

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It's done! I'm pooped too, not from the effort it took to move the thing but the mental torture. I was worried sick the whole time and now I have to wait and hope all the corals made it. As far as I can tell the Cyphastrea is not looking too hot.


Started by draining about 3 gallons into a bucket which then received my loose corals and rocks. Then I siphoned out the back chambers which hold about 5G of water. Next I used a MJ1200 to drain the water from the display till a little less than 1/4th was remaining. The fish were terrified of course. As the water drained, I draped wet paper towels on the corals that were exposed to air.


Next, TS (Tank Sitter) and I managed to get those moving saucers under the 4 corners of the cabinet and slowly slid the whole thing (tank and stand) towards the wall where it was supposed to go. I had wedged some foam sheets between my designer branch and the wall, I felt if anything was going to fall it would be that rock. I was lucky that the whole structure stayed intact. Took the opportunity to remove some sand (I feel I have too much).


Moved the tank into position, and began filling it back up with the water. Of course the hose flailed at one point sending a shower all over my foyer. :rolleyes: Getting the tank level was another matter, my entire building is warped. Then it was time to watch the sand storm settle, put the corals back from the bucket and wait to see the fish.


All fish accounted for except Charlie the Yasha who I see twice a year anyway. Corals are sliming but for the most part have recovered. I put in a bit of Seachem Prime to help with any nitrates that might have been stirred up. The water is still not 100% clear.


In the midst of it all Jerry the crab and Mr. Silly my little guy decided to have another fight over the BTA. This time they were punching each other, left hook, right swing, right hook, left upper cut. Fascinating.






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Question: when keeping salted water on reserve do you keep a powerhead and heater in it after it has been mixed for the initial 24 hours?


Since I am learning this also, because I will be obligated to learn to mix my water soon. I have heard mixed techniques. But after the 24 mix cycle. It should be dialuted enough? I mean, I would think so. Because then you can store in your usual manner.

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It's done! I'm pooped too, not from the effort it took to move the thing but the mental torture. I was worried sick the whole time and now I have to wait and hope all the corals made it. As far as I can tell the Cyphastrea is not looking too hot.


Started by draining about 3 gallons into a bucket which then received my loose corals and rocks. Then I siphoned out the back chambers which hold about 5G of water. Next I used a MJ1200 to drain the water from the display till a little less than 1/4th was remaining. The fish were terrified of course. As the water drained, I draped wet paper towels on the corals that were exposed to air.


Next, TS (Tank Sitter) and I managed to get those moving saucers under the 4 corners of the cabinet and slowly slid the whole thing (tank and stand) towards the wall where it was supposed to go. I had wedged some foam sheets between my designer branch and the wall, I felt if anything was going to fall it would be that rock. I was lucky that the whole structure stayed intact. Took the opportunity to remove some sand (I feel I have too much).


Moved the tank into position, and began filling it back up with the water. Of course the hose flailed at one point sending a shower all over my foyer. :rolleyes: Getting the tank level was another matter, my entire building is warped. Then it was time to watch the sand storm settle, put the corals back from the bucket and wait to see the fish.


All fish accounted for except Charlie the Yasha who I see twice a year anyway. Corals are sliming but for the most part have recovered. I put in a bit of Seachem Prime to help with any nitrates that might have been stirred up. The water is still not 100% clear.


In the midst of it all Jerry the crab and Mr. Silly my little guy decided to have another fight over the BTA. This time they were punching each other, left hook, right swing, right hook, left upper cut. Fascinating.







Glad to hear the move went well!


On a separate note, it looks to me like they are holding hands :P


Question: when keeping salted water on reserve do you keep a powerhead and heater in it after it has been mixed for the initial 24 hours?


I don't. I mix it up and let it sit. Then the day before or the day of, I give it a good stir and heat it back up again.


Then again, I don't usually keep pre-mixed saltwater for too long before using it. I usually make enough to do my weekly water changes.

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I always do. That way its ready for a water change or whatever else you need it for. just make sure you check the salinity before using it because it will evaporate some if you are storing it with a heater.

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I always do. That way its ready for a water change or whatever else you need it for. just make sure you check the salinity before using it because it will evaporate some if you are storing it with a heater.


Can you add more water/salt to that mix if there is evaporation? Or do you have to start that batch all over again :huh:

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Question: when keeping salted water on reserve do you keep a powerhead and heater in it after it has been mixed for the initial 24 hours?


I initially kept my pre-mixed 5 gallon bucket of saltwater heated and ready to go, but found I was getting a lot of precipitation of white stuff on the heater and pump, which was causing a drop in alk.


Now I mix it cold and keep it cold until I'm ready to use it. I have a 100 watt heater that warms it up in about an hour. No problems with alk any more, and the hour that it takes to get it up to temp isn't a problem. Even in an emergency, that wouldn't make much of a difference.

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Can you add more water/salt to that mix if there is evaporation? Or do you have to start that batch all over again :huh:



I would think you can fix the salinity.



You can add more salt and/or water. Or at least I know I have lol.

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You can add more salt and/or water. Or at least I know I have lol.


Good enough for me :P ... thank you.

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Stressful. But thank goodness for a smooth move all around. Also! I found a picture of the CPR overflow on a RSM!


Well......let's see it!

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I'm also giving this little fan a try for it's slim profile

fan pic snip

You had me at 'slim profile'.



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Hey! Looks nice. Looks like some trim work on the back plastic was required, but I don't think that's too difficult with a dremmel tool.

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MY FIRST YUMA! Thank you Zeph, what a pretty green mushroom it is.



The musical crabs saga continues. This time Lola the crab ousted Jerry the crab from the BTA. Jerry spent several hours dumbfounded in the sand. Now he's taken up residence on the other side of the BTA contemplating his next move....



Btw, My fathers name is Jerry.

Is he crabby too? :lol:

Just Kidding!


In other news (Civickm, is your iPad going ding ding dign with these updates or what?)

As I was saying, in other nooz, a BIG box of corals is headed my way for delivery tomorrow.



And I might have some lighting news by next week.


So much Ninja!

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In other news (Civickm, is your iPad going ding ding dign with these updates or what?)

As I was saying, in other nooz, a BIG box of corals is headed my way for delivery tomorrow.



And I might have some lighting news by next week.


So much Ninja!


Does this "Big Box" happen to be the Mystery Box from SaltCritters?

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Does this "Big Box" happen to be the Mystery Box from SaltCritters?

No, Saltcritters order got delivered to Zeph. I brought my frags home over the weekend, just the ric that you see in the pic above all pissed off and an Acan that is on the frag rack.


Since I'm in a self bump mood....





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