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Danielle's • NC24 • Moderately updated • FTS 5/26


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Omg...there are pictures!!!! :happydance: The BTA is so cute! Are you shipping your kitty back to Randi??? LOL. She looks bigger then I remember her being!

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Omg...there are pictures!!!! :happydance: The BTA is so cute! Are you shipping your kitty back to Randi??? LOL. She looks bigger then I remember her being!


LMAO! We never agreed on that! :P:blink:

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Omg...there are pictures!!!! :happydance: The BTA is so cute! Are you shipping your kitty back to Randi??? LOL. She looks bigger then I remember her being!


She is little. Very small. I guess sitting in the box gives that effect.


... and so far a good eater. Seems happy fingerscrossed


Oh yes....Pics!!!! BTA looks great! .......and that is one very fat cat!!!!!


She really isn't fat. Short hair poof ball.

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:happydance: Sweet, update w/ pictures even. Nice BTA, with awesome color on it. The one i bought from him about a year ago has tripled in size and done really well.

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:happydance: Sweet, update w/ pictures even. Nice BTA, with awesome color on it. The one i bought from him about a year ago has tripled in size and done really well.

Thank you .... So far so good with this nem. He had some pretty white ones too.


I am going to trade in my pencil urchin and I need to catch my huge emerald crab too. Trades, yay!

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Bra lookin great! Nice pics , send that cat my way I'm sure my dogs could use a chase toy .

Bra? yes, I am wearing one :lol:


Hey now, what the dueces? My cat isn't even afraid of dogs, because she does not know better. She lived with a dog.


... and thank you and I moved some coral around too!



Update! Yay! .... okay, so I went to my new favorite LFS. Vivid Reef.



... I traded in my monster emerald crab and nano pencil urchin.


So my new additions are:

Blue/green hand leather that looks like a kenya tree. Really pretty.

1 huge (maybe to big) trochus snail to replace the one I lost a while back.

White feather duster ... pretty nice one.


:P ... yes, I will get them pictures up. :lol:

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The male clown hosting ... the female has been copying him, however he spends the most time in the nem. Also, the nem has moved about 4 inches over so this has confused the clown and there has been no hosting today.




This is the huge monster emerald crab I trading into Vivid Reef. I can tell there is a calm in the tank. Fact is once I removed the crab, that is when the clowns started to host the nem.




The monster only hosted for 24 hours.




This is the pencil urchin that dined on the nudi I had for only 3 hours. Yes, it was also traded into Vivid Reef.





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Awesome new photos! Finally! :lol:


I love that new nem and its amazing that your clown is already hosting.


Ellas has LASER EYES! Cute!

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Awesome new photos! Finally! :lol:


I love that new nem and its amazing that your clown is already hosting.


Ellas has LASER EYES! Cute!

Thank you very much.


Now the nem is up against the side of my small candy cane <_< which is showing signs of retraction. I am sure I might just have to move the candy cane.

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Wow that pink/red gorg is freaken awesome. How bout a better pic of that beauty. Where did you find it. I need that color of gorg in my fuge display.

That clown looks ginormous in that bta. But once the bta settles in it will be much bigger and be able to happily host both clowns. In the meantime you'll have to just keep moving everything out his way till he finds his happy spot. Ella is a cutie. We have a tortoise shell colored cat that adopted us a few years ago. Shes the queen of our house. Well as far as my other half and daughter is concerned,lol

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Wow that pink/red gorg is freaken awesome. How bout a better pic of that beauty. Where did you find it. I need that color of gorg in my fuge display.

That clown looks ginormous in that bta. But once the bta settles in it will be much bigger and be able to happily host both clowns. In the meantime you'll have to just keep moving everything out his way till he finds his happy spot. Ella is a cutie. We have a tortoise shell colored cat that adopted us a few years ago. Shes the queen of our house. Well as far as my other half and daughter is concerned,lol


Oh got it, I will move the candy cane.


The gorg is actually a nano spiny orange ... I will have to ask Gena where we got it from, we did an order over a year ago when I still lived down the street from her in Cali.


Yes, Ella is spoiled little crappy tabby. Love her ... Tortoise shell are so pretty. My daughter is just about the same, but I am not the one that spoils her.

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Looks wonderful lady! How are those things doing that I sent your way?


Thank you very much .... so far the poly has two heads out of the 3 slightly open which is a excellent thing. I really do not think they traveled well, but I hope to have them in their full glory in a few months of nursing them back. I still have the baby sunny on the plug. I am going to leave that there and hope I can get it to multiply. Of course the mushies are thriving.


Moved the candy cane as Zia suggested I do since the nem decided to go for a walk.


Finally placed and glued down most of the other additional coral down this morning. Except those bright pink mushies.

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Awesome! I am glad, those palys were getting PO for me too I think they will like your tank better. Once they open fully they are super bright.


Oh and I found that FL Ric, so next order I can send him with.

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Awesome! I am glad, those palys were getting PO for me too I think they will like your tank better. Once they open fully they are super bright.


Oh and I found that FL Ric, so next order I can send him with.


No problem. However, if you do get an order and someone wants it. Please do not hold it for me. Sell it. I am still working on the Fluval pico.

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Pics of the blue/green hand leather???? :flower:


That gorg came from KPAquatics (formerly SealifeInc).


Thank you, Gena ... I could not recall the name of that place even if my life depending on it.


I will get more pictures up. I need to now move the gorg again. just down a bit. The leather is not mad anymore since I have moved it and glued it down. But it is stretching into the gorg. So I will move it down a bit more.

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Would a peppermint shrimp eat the tentacles of a anemone if it was able to?


... my nem is eating, but half of the tentacles look retracted and irritated. Color looks fine also.





This is almost a duplicate picture.



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Hmmm...I know they can munch on coral, but I would think they'd know enough to stay away from an anemone. Not much help here LOL. Hopefully it's just moody!!!!!

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Hmmm...I know they can munch on coral, but I would think they'd know enough to stay away from an anemone. Not much help here LOL. Hopefully it's just moody!!!!!


I know right! I was just thinking it is moody because of where it walked over to, the light is iffy there. Which is weird, I would figure it would move because of that.


I am stumped.



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I know right! I was just thinking it is moody because of where it walked over to, the light is iffy there. Which is weird, I would figure it would move because of that.


I am stumped.



Has it been moving around a lot?
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Has it been moving around a lot?


Earlier last week it did, but that is when I adjusted the lights for the montipora I am trying to grow. The nem is still reponding to lights, just half of it is deflated and looks moody.


I also sought out the advise from the stop I purchased it from. Basically he told me, as long as it is not melting or it's gut is not exposed. The nem just looks really moody for the time being is all :mellow: .... umm okay. So I am just watching it daily.


For the time being, it does not look like it is getting worse.

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