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Cultivated Reef

Rio Grande Twins


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Looks great, Mark!!!! Has he gone in that PVC home you made him?


RSM is :wub: So pretty. I like the pink bird you put in place of the gorgonian.

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Looks great, Mark!!!! Has he gone in that PVC home you made him?


RSM is :wub: So pretty. I like the pink bird you put in place of the gorgonian.

Not that I can tell, but he's already made a home right in front! When I made the rock sculpture, I made it with three "feet" so there is a ton of room underneath where he is right now.


Thanks, the RSM is finally pretty much how I envisioned it, thanks for the advice regarding moving the gorgs. I was going to leave them there, but looks so much better now since I moved them! B)


I'm thinkg that with so much more room on the sand I might get a clam or two. I'll have to read up on them since I know very little.


Awesome! The fish looks great, I can't believe he is out and about already!


The tank looks awesome.

Thanks Randi! I just hope he does well in there!


Wow everything looks amazing

Thanks Hugo! Do you have a thread yet? Post up some pics dude! B)

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I honestly was very worried about getting Kevin the clam, but he is thriving in the tank, never closed, always open and happy.


If you want to start with an easy one get a squammi, their prettier then I thought in person.


Anything you add will only make the tank look more awesome though.

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Someday I would like to have a clam. That's pretty much the only thing I have not yet tried in my reefing career. Maybe I'll name it "Dave" :lol: "Kevin" just cracks me up so much!!!!! It's a great name and a super pretty and healthy clam, Randi!!!!!


Clams will look awesome in your tank, Mark!!!!

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Don't you know all clams are girls. :rolleyes: Kevin the clam also cracks me up!

I honestly was very worried about getting Kevin the clam, but he is thriving in the tank, never closed, always open and happy.


If you want to start with an easy one get a squammi, their prettier then I thought in person.


Anything you add will only make the tank look more awesome though.

I guess some clams do better than others and some like sand some rocks, that's all I know about them. :blink:

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Lol! Actually I'd like a really pink one and a very blue one! One boy and one girl, maybe you can name them for me when I get them. :P

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Ok, so what have I missed. Get off work and there's 145 notifications, 70 from rio grande twins.


What gives....

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Ok, so what have I missed. Get off work and there's 145 notifications, 70 from rio grande twins.


What gives....

Must be a mistake, probably Kat's thread.

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Well......I just got home from work and all three fish are in there! I have no idea where the hell freaky and the basslett were hiding, but you guys were right!


Also, I got two of these.......They are great, I highly recommend them, it makes it so much easier to turn things on and off!



oho! You got them, awesome.


Edward the fish looks great, you always wanted one of those guys, I'm glad you got him. What other fish are you planning?

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I love these things. I forget who, but someone on yer thread gave me the linky! They are bigger and fatter than I thought they would be, so I haven't figured out how I should mount them below. Right now they are just sitting on the stand between the two tanks. They are very accessable there and look quite cool there, so I might just leave them where they are. :)


BSJ's are a kick in the pants. What personality!


Other fiish? Not sure yet. I certainly would like something that swims around and is purdy and not aggressive, maybe a pygmy angel or a wrasse?


What would you suggest?

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I love these things. I forget who, but someone on yer thread gave me the linky! They are bigger and fatter than I thought they would be, so I haven't figured out how I should mount them below. Right now they are just sitting on the stand between the two tanks. They are very accessable there and look quite cool there, so I might just leave them where they are. :)

It was my ninja, JBB. I would have used the 4 plug one but mounting it was the issue. There are "stands" for this product, basically a metal rack with mounting places that could work for you.

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It was my ninja, JBB. I would have used the 4 plug one but mounting it was the issue. There are "stands" for this product, basically a metal rack with mounting places that could work for you.

Rack mounts aren't small, though.

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I do have a lot of space underneath, but those things are awkward in that the receptacles are in the back of these units which would cause a huge mess of plug wires down there. Right now all the plugs wires are just hanging behind the stand, so currently underneath looks very clean.


Hey, Kat, please check out the one pic I posted of the white thingy growing on the frag plug of the branching green duncans. It looks like a xenia thingy not a pest nem......


Tell me what you think. :)

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I do have a lot of space underneath, but those things are awkward in that the receptacles are in the back of these units which would cause a huge mess of plug wires down there. Right now all the plugs wires are just hanging behind the stand, so currently underneath looks very clean.


Hey, Kat, please check out the one pic I posted of the white thingy growing on the frag plug of the branching green duncans. It looks like a xenia thingy not a pest nem......


Tell me what you think. :)

It's a xenia or anthelia. Does it have a contrast spot on the mouth? If so it could be cloves.

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Hmmmm? Don't know about the spot, they are very tiny. I'll try and look tonight when I get home.


Either way, should I scrape it off?

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It's a xenia or anthelia. Does it have a contrast spot on the mouth? If so it could be cloves.

Yep, looks like Xenia to me. I'd recommend scraping it off just since Xenia can start to choke out other corals and I doubt you want it that close to your duncan. But if you leave it be just keep an eye on it and it shouldn't be much of an issue.


Wow! Everything looks great and I love the new BSJ. He looks like he really likes his new home. Also, I'm glad the other 2 fish made an appearance finally. Its amazing how well they can hide even if you don't think there are many hiding places. Oh, and man do you have lots of frags right now. Exciting!

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+1 looks like xenia! I wouldn't put it in your RSM. I don't think it would fit the theme very well in there. Xenia has a "wild 'n crazy"-ness about it. Break off that part and put it in the DF...it would be PERFECT in there :D

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OK some more picturds:


I made a diy cover for the overflow box



Terrible pic of the all red mini carpet nem



Some zoas that are adapting to the Solona



Edward G after Edward G. Robinson. He is an incredible fish so far..... dare I say much more entertaining the Dr Seuss the midas blenny. I'll get better pics of him later. Very yellow with incredible blue spots. Not shy at all today,,,acts like a puppy dog.





Branching duncan will go in the RSM



What is this? It looks like a xenia at the base of the branching duncan. Should I let let it be?





Throckmorton the sixline...best I could get of him......



Frags ready to go for Maria and Felicia!



RSM with a little more real estate for corals!







Wow! :o:wub:

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I looked and looked, and didn't see a picture of the swissguard. Did he make it? Would love to see a pic of him!!

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