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Peter's petite pair of picos


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Builder Anthony

xeina will sometimes go skinny to move around but thats uasualy whats left behind after its first plumped up and moving towards the light ...4 instance it bridges a rock 2 sunny side and leaves a small peice on other rock

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Here is the new addition - Orange Montipora Digitata (I believe). Has amazing colour, I need to get it mounted somewhere higher in the tank (hanging out on the sand right now).




Here is a bit of a top down of my tank showing the Dallas Acro, and the other Acro which appears to be gaining some colour ... though I still have never seen a polyp:



Can anyone ID this macro algae growing in Ang's tank? There are some clove polyps spreading across here too, but the hard red growth here. Grows slowly, looks quite pretty, so we are not too concerned, I am just curious:




Finally a couple of quick FTS.


Ang's (shows the insane size of her cynarina now):





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Those corals look awesome but im pretty sure its not a monti digi. I cannot think of the name of that thing for the life of me. If I think of it before someone else I'll let you know.

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Thanks, JG. Damn LFS told me it was a type of montipora and the digi was the closest match I could find! Now I know what it is I can find out its proper care levels. Looks like it prefers strong flow and high lighting, and is also semi-aggressive according to liveaquaria. Hmm ... makes placement trickier now!


Interestingly the LFS owner seems to have taken the other frags for himself! He posted some pics of his tank on facebook and here was one pic:



Anthony, no asterinas so no concerns there.

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Think I managed to ID the macro in Ang's tank - Galaxaura, probably Fastigiata - a type of calcified seaweed. Growing like crazy in there, but it is very pretty and hopefully helping out at the moment. I might even try and transfer some to my tank and see if it grows there too.

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Hey pete!


Looking good, jusst wanted to letcha know I hooked up the first of my 2 pico's to the sump, and I'm planning on hooking up the second one in the next day or two...So far so good, cause everyone is still alive and the temp is holding stable with the heater placed in the sump...If you wanna check it out, it's post # 51 in the thread in my Signature. It'll be running 24+ hours once I get home from work tonight...


Anyway, that new coral looks amazing! And any work on the Duncans? Are the gonerss or have you seen any improvment? Haha, sorry for the threadjack, hope everything with your pair of Picos is going well!

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Kat they do look similar, but I am pretty sure that JG nailed it with Pavona. Has very distinct and wide pores ... here is another pic (not mine obviously):



Meta I'll go check out your sump now! As for the duncans, well they are still hanging in there. I just rearranged my tank quite a bit, moved the Koralia to the other side and pointed it down the back aiming to reduce flow up the front a bit (my hammer wasn't liking it so strong either). So they are in yet another position in the tank, but still not opening. I do see some green peeking out which retracts when I move it, so they are still in there. Just bizzare they won't open up for some reason.

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Builder Anthony

its a pretty tuff coral.i had a frag in high light.it was eventual eaten.it would regenerate tissue in 3 to 5 days from asteria eating pacthes

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My open brain though that the Shrimp's moult would make a tasty snack. At least I hope that is its moult as I don't see the shrimp itself anywhere!



Here is a pic of how my duncans have been for weeks now ... I have tried 4 different positions in the tank but no luck. Surely only a matter of time before they die? =0(



Though I do wonder if there is something else going on in the tank, I must update my tests to make sure though I did an 80% water change last weekend. My hammer has been 'splitting' like this for a week or so now.



Apart from those two, the other residents are doing great. Palys, open brain, blasto (still growing pimples), SPS, mushies, favia. Here is a shot of the 'SPS mountain':


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duncans and zoanthids are subject to do that at any time without notice or justification lol


it happens less the older your tank gets.


about annually in my reefbowl a large (relatively) duncan colony will close up for a week or so without warning, Ive learned to be mindful of that polyp flesh you can see covering the corallite and proceeding down the base of the frag. as long as it isn't retracting, and there's no sign of skeleton around the rim/septa, its doing its duncan thing.


I never trust a duncan if other corals around it are open. big bluffers they are

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True, I have been encouraged by the fact that the flesh there reacts if I move them. But they have been like this for quite a few weeks now ... ah well I guess they will adjust and open again some time, or they won't.


I have found the same with zoas - had a nice little rock of green mini-zoas in Ang's tank, did great for 2 months then suddenly a few weeks ago closed up and started melting away. Meanwhile the zoa rock next to them with 4-5 different kinds on it (though the larger variety) are thriving.


Guess these are those times you just shrug and get on with it!

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You can't see it that well in that pic above, but my hammer is now even more retracted and there is some brown slimy stuff in the centre where the skeleton is showing. Think it is BJD? I will try to get a photo, and am going to try and syphon it out ...


Wonder if that is why my duncans have been unhappy.

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Yeah, sounds creepy...Not what I have both picos hooked up to the sump, I'll be pulling anything when it starts to look unhealthy...I just sorta set up another tank, I was thinking of doing a softie tank, but maybe a quarantine tank would be a better idea...I've been reading a lot about brown jelly disease lately, sounds icky. Anyway, maybe your duncan will open back up once things settle a bit, or if you identify the problem...Good Luck!

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Honestly, as much as I like the look of Euphyllia's (hammer), that's one of the reasons why I personally don't like them in such small tanks. I think when they get irritated, everybody gets irritated.


Hope the Duncan pulls through. My LFS gets really nice ones in. I may try my hand with them in the near future.



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Well I managed to blow and syphon off all I could see of the brown gunk, not very much at all but I am hoping my hammer starts to recover.


In its full glory the hammer has been my favourite coral so far, really sad to see it suffer like this.

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Found the moult from my HH crab. Small Gorilla?




My hammer seems to be doing a bit better, but is clearly showing skeleton in the middle. So it now has 'two heads', one at each end. Duncan is still closed.

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Well it has been there a few months now and is only the size of a fingernail, so it's all good.


Talking of which ... these little tanks are just turning 6 months old! Ang's tank slightly older than mine technically, but I am still pretty happy with lasting this long so far.

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Gorillas are bad so get it out if you get a chance. For the hammer and duncan, try enclosing it with a plastic cup or bottle. That will block much of the flow and make it gentler (make holes if using a bottle) which might encourage both corals to expand.

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