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Cape Horn


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Ha don't you wish.


Yep and we are both redheads. ;) Him not a ginger though he is a Daywalker! :o

:rant: Both redheads? You don't see that anymore!

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Okay, I started to quote everything I was going to reply to but that was too tedious so I'm just going to do it like this. Ps, I like the love here on NR. :)


Mark, you're a freaking badass. Guns + cigarettes = dgaf. I don't smoke but I like to have one or a cigar when I shoot. Also, you were spot on with naked comment, one of the guys is like that when he gets too far gone and it's hilarious. :lol: the mother in OK was definitely in the right, under any jurisdiction. I'm a big fan of the things that John Locke wrote and in his section on The State of War in his Second Treatise on Civil Government he plainly lays out why any infringement upon your liberty should be met with deadly force.


Gena, thanks! I did have fun :)


Candy, worst injury was one guy got second degree burns all over his hand (he saw how we were doing flaming high fives and put wayyyyyyy too much on his hand :lol:) Also, there's not even cell service within 50 miles of that cabin.


Siwelk, great video link as usual, Ballz just doesn't get it. :lol:


Pismo, good FTFY :lol:


Danielle, I got your package, thank you so much! :):flower:


Felicia, yes... Sadly that is my thread, oh wait, that's not sad at all :D


Jason, things are well, the tank is cruising and Mr. Coral frags come Tuesday :) how are you?


Oh, I have mw3 now. B)


Okay, I don't have any real pictures to show you but I have two. One of my friends is a real graphic designer and works for Giant Eagle, if you've been to one he makes a large majority of the store signs and point of purchase displays. Anyways, he's got like a $4-5k dslr and he took pictures. I swear some of the best pictures of me *ever* were taken this weekend. Once he edits them I'll throw some up but here's what I took:






It was kind of foggy Saturday morning but that's pretty much what all the woods look like there, very calm and peaceful. :)

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Thats beautiful!


Glad you had fun! Flaming high fives! LMAO


I hope there is still snow when we go to NC .... would make it worth it.

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When nathan gets the photos edited you'll see some beautiful shots, that doesn't give it justice!


Flaming fives are fun, you put a splash of lighter fluid in each person's hand then you pass the flame around in a circle. As long as you are only on fire for a few seconds it won't burn you at all. The guy that got burnt cupped his hand and wanted to throw a fireball.... Just set his hand on fire and couldn't put it out :lol: I'm only laughing because we all told him it wouldn't work and he'd get hurt and that we'd laugh at him when he got burnt.


When do you go to NC? There's really no snow and that cabin is near Snowshoe Ski Resort which *always* gets snow. Temps supposed to plunge soon.

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Oh boys...a bunch of my high school friends used to do stuff like that. One of them was really into film and actually is out in LA working for some production company, and so they'd try to come up with ridiculous stunts for him to film (sort of like Jackass, haha). One time they were all juggling flaming tennis balls and spitting fire. They also liked to come up with great ways to make cool looking gore for movies. He made a zombie short film for some film contest that I was actually a zombie in. We used vanilla pudding dyed bright green (like a green screen) as all of the gore and then at the end he turned the whole film black and white but turned all the green pudding red, like real gore. His neighbors thought we'd lost our minds...a bunch of high school kids in zombie makeup running around in his front yard trying to kill each other covered in green pudding, haha. Anyways, my point was, boys :rolleyes: ...

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Oh boys...a bunch of my high school friends used to do stuff like that. One of them was really into film and actually is out in LA working for some production company, and so they'd try to come up with ridiculous stunts for him to film (sort of like Jackass, haha). One time they were all juggling flaming tennis balls and spitting fire. They also liked to come up with great ways to make cool looking gore for movies. He made a zombie short film for some film contest that I was actually a zombie in. We used vanilla pudding dyed bright green (like a green screen) as all of the gore and then at the end he turned the whole film black and white but turned all the green pudding red, like real gore. His neighbors thought we'd lost our minds...a bunch of high school kids in zombie makeup running around in his front yard trying to kill each other covered in green pudding, haha. Anyways, my point was, boys :rolleyes: ...



Sounds like fun!


A grown friend of mine still does this! I love his short films!

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Glad you are back safe and sound. I think the girls were worried about you with the drinking, guns, and naked men and all, but I knew you'd be fine!!!!


How's the tank?

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Glad you are back safe and sound. I think the girls were worried about you with the drinking, guns, and naked men and all, but I knew you'd be fine!!!!


How's the tank?

Drinking, guns, and naked men are the only real way to spend a weekend, no homo :lol: most of us grew up around guns so there isn't much to worry about safety wise.


I think my favorite part of these trips is the one thing we can never get a picture of well, since there's no light pollution there we can see the milky way at night. We go out in the woods at night and "space walk" and just look at cool stuff.


Tank is exactly how I left it, no better, no worse :lol: I think I killed the acro by trying to save it. I had a feeling halfway through that's what I would do but it was a learning experience. Now that my tank is at a nice balance there's no algae on the glass ever which is a nice change. The longer I've gone fishless the more making it permanent comes to mind. Just get 1-2 more shrimp/other neat, low bioload inverts and call it a day. Mr. Coral comes tomorrow. :happydance: Hopefully all goes well, I'd like to get some decent SPS experience.


Welcome back Grizz.

Beard's gone, now I'm just a cub. But thanks B)


Your very welcomed, Joel.


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Naked men? :o


... bizarre male bonding behavior only seen in captive log cabin enviroments ;)

Not men plural, just one of the guys does that when he gets really drunk. :lol:



Says the wrestler. :lol:

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