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Innovative Marine Aquariums

Cape Horn


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I want to watch the NASCAR one again. I've not kept up with it in a while. :(

"I'm gonna go real fast an' turn left sometimes."


Not even the new ones?!

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I know, it's bad. I think the Germans was the last one I watched in real time. My last semester in college was really hard so I didn't watch much tv and now that I'm home I don't watch much either. I didn't watch any of the second new season of futurama. I've really neglected Comedy Central.


I'll see what Netflix has and if they don't have new ones I'll go online for them and catch up on south park.

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Okay, I lied, I've seen about half of the new season, I forgot they split their seasons in half and thought "You're getting old" was the end of season 14 but it's the middle of 15.

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Okay, I lied, I've seen about half of the new season, I forgot they split their seasons in half and thought "You're getting old" was the end of season 14 but it's the middle of 15.






I feel ya on the work load though.

Somehow I always had time for South Park.

It also took me 4 years to get an Associates Degree.




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When you upgrade to the 75, after your move, will you take the scape from the 40 and put it in the 75? I can't imagine after all that work you wouldn't do just that.


I don't believe you'll stay fish free until the move. I bet you won't be able to wait that long!!!!!! If you're anything like me, you won't :lol:

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I feel ya on the work load though.

Somehow I always had time for South Park.

It also took me 4 years to get an Associates Degree.

As long as you had fun B)


When you upgrade to the 75, after your move, will you take the scape from the 40 and put it in the 75? I can't imagine after all that work you wouldn't do just that.


I don't believe you'll stay fish free until the move. I bet you won't be able to wait that long!!!!!! If you're anything like me, you won't :lol:

The existing scape and the new thing mark made would fit perfectly side by side. But I'd also be interested to see if the LFS would buy the horn and make a new scape. Maybe a full rock wall with ledges or something.


If I don't stay fish less I'll only buy one set of fish so the DT would essentially be a QT. I just don't have it in me to lose more fish and the best way to not do that is to not get more lol.

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Fortunately, it's one of those industries that's more focused on technical ability (certs) and experience.

Well, for me anyway lol. I paid my dues (IT tech @ a high school) and was able to upgrade a bit (IT Admin).


The university I started at had a pretty decent law school.

At least for the general region I suppose.

I don't think it was a nationally renowned school though.


I admire those who are willing to accept such academic commitment.

But when you get rich from frivolous litigation, hook me up with free coral plz.



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My dad was the first in either family to go to college and my mom was the second, then my dad went got his phd so from the beginning they were pretty clear when they said college was happening :lol:


Then I had trouble figuring out my major and settled on political science which is pretty useless to your future without going to graduate school or having a double major in statistics :lol: I also got a BA in graphic design and a minor in studio art but the truth is I wouldn't make it as a graphic designer. I've done a bit of freelance stuff but there's not a future for me there. I know this because my graphic design friends who are heads and shoulders above me in ability and creativity are having a really hard time breaking in.


I'll probably double up and get an MBA or MPA to have more options.


Don't think I'll forget your free frag B)


I'm big on paying it forward.

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I noticed you're online right now, Joel, so I thought I'd ask you a favor. I'm going to start ordering equipment for the upgrade over the next couple days and I want a bit of input from you pros first. My plan is on page 24 of my thread if you don't mind looking over it and putting in your 2 cents. I'd really appreciate it :flower:

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Done and done :)


Thank you! You're awesome! I'm so itching to start ordering things, but I wanted to check with people who know what they're talking about first so I don't end up with equipment I decide is useless and spend even more money replacing it.

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No fish till Feb? Yea right. We'll see, haha.


I was just thinking,"boy am I glad you had your fish problem before my little rock went in there!" Although I think you did loose the anthias after it went in.

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The anthias did pass after the rock was in there, but believe me when I say that the is no way it played any part. The epoxy had plenty of time to cure and I think base rock leach mainly phosphates if they even leach anything and my mangroves and calupera would take care of that. No worries.


No fish til February really isn't going to be hard. Personally, I like watching the small stuff just as much as the big additions. I love sitting real close to the rank and watch pods run around. Or watch a worm crawl around. I think the hermits are really neat. My snails had babies so I have some teeny tiny ones. And my shrimp and lobster are cool. I have plenty of entertainment in the meantime. B)


TBH I actually have been very interested in the explosion of micro fauna due to the lack of predators.

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TBH I actually have been very interested in the explosion of micro fauna due to the lack of predators.

I have been fascinated by them as well in my new ecopico... i took some sand from my JBJ and it seeded the tank with a bunch of cool little guys!

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Awesome! I keep finding pod molts that are huge, like 1/2" long but I've yet to see a living one. I'm also noticing distinctly difference species of things too.


Today will be the first day of feeding marine snow, I will be doing 7ml of each Phyto, Zoo, and Snow.


Too bad stupid flatworms had to ruin my 40ml/day plan.

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Today will be the first day of feeding marine snow, I will be doing 7ml of each Phyto, Zoo, and Snow.


Too bad stupid flatworms had to ruin my 40ml/day plan.

Your skimmer is going to run a train on that plan.



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That's the only way my water was staying so clean with 40ml/day :lol:


Today I noticed a huge amount of skimmate was collected overnight. My best guess is the cut down of feeding starved a chunk of the micro fauna and they died.

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