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Innovative Marine Aquariums

Euphyllia's BioCube 29 HQI ~ FTS PAGE 93


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What does Ora farms have to do with your coral issues? Lol


Nothing. They just can't follow simple instructions.

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....? Explain? Vent? Whatever.... Go on


I went to my LFS and paid for two Grade 'A' ORA Picassos. One came in dead, so they ordered another. They sent a pretty low quality one if I might say. It was yellow, it had no black, and it was huge compared to the other, which is never good when pairing. ORA was told to send me two fish similar to each other with connection between the middle and tail stripe. They were sent a picture of the fish that it needed to match and they said they would. They they sent a oddball "picasso" with only picasso markings on one side. The LFS was even willing to give me my money back for it because they thought it was ugly. I took it anyways in hopes it would get better, and it has, ASIDE FROM THE INTERNAL PARASITES AND NEAR DEATH SCARE. It's not the ideal picasso, and I've seen many like the nicer one going for $50 as grade 'B'.


Seeing all of the nice ORA picassos on DD, I feel cheated. Multiple LFS have told me that they don't order from ORA anymore because they DOA rate is over 25%, in the best case scenario. The order that came in to the LFS with my replacement picasso had three or four dead designer clowns come in. Even though people have told me they love my clowns, I'm not 100% happy with their appearance. Nevertheless, I love all of my clowns and wouldn't trade them for anything.


That's my rant. There are many arguments that can be made for and against it. I'm not saying that they're an unjust company, I'm just stating my experience.

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Ya Ive never done "shipped" livestock. ORA is about 40 minutes north of me, so when I

Pick up my stuff, the ORA guy is atthe LFS, showing me the different bags he just packaged an hour before lol.


Can't trust shipped stuff.



Btw, what's it matter spending $70 on a clownish vs $15 for regular clowns (like the ones in my tank)

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Yeah I never understood the "designer" clowns.


The simple originals look the best to me. And they are wayyy cheaper.

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Well then I congratulate you! My parents would never do that!


I kinda payed for it... :mellow:


I'm a loser, buying myself a birthday present. :(

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It was your birthday present, and you paid for it? :huh:


Yeah... The present was the privilege to buy them... :tears:

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What???? :huh:


Let me know next time your birthday comes around then lmao I can't buy you a huge gift but hey I can send a card! ;)



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Why not? :huh:


All of the ones that are having issues were fragged and successfully moved last week. They are doing great in the RSM 130.

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Ahhh so you have them still this is your mother colony then.


Sorry man that stinks. SO what is doing well?


Probably just his softies.

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