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Anthonys 5 Gallon Tanks

Builder Anthony

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Builder Anthony

so i ben poping the pox infected ones and direct doseing peroxide very quickly only a few seconds.It seems some of the blistered areas have turned yellow and hard.so i dont know if thats a good or bad thing but they do look improved and it has died down.The display frags are all holding up though one was munched on by a astera starfish.Those sttarfish also went crazy on my kenya tree and its not looking hot that was down in the lower tank.They ate major sections off of it and some branches fell im tryen to give it light and keep brown slime or zooethelene from forming.its been slightly sighted where branches fell off.

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Builder Anthony

Maxi mini split again.Every thing ion the display is holding up but still some pox in other 2 tanks.A few more species lost.Growth on the ones that are in the display.Its odd because i hate loseing zoas i see other things do well.I just hate loseing species though that ticks me off.As long as one makes it.I need another species emergency tank just for safehouseing stuff in case this happens again.The plate corals getting big and ive slowed down feedings because the lobos right next to it and its been stung twice and recovered.I dont know why it wont just let go of the rock and i realy really dont wantg to mess up the branch rock by fraging it.The kenya trees in flipen peices the starfish really did that thing in.But in time again itll grow back with all the peices laying around.A couple frag size peices are drifting in the other tank.I really hate looking for batterys,i have rechargeables but i need 4 and my room eats them up.Finding all four is a task.

Edited by Builder Anthony
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Looks really good Anthony! Your really got to get a bigger tank, though.


Move somewhere else if you have to!

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Builder Anthony

Well i had another maxi mini split so thats 4 off one.it moves like somewhere else after it divides.like 5 inches or so but the biggest ones grabbed onto the fragrack hook.

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Builder Anthony

Well the largest maxi mini moved off the rack hook and back onto the glass.I dont know how it crosses over to the glass though.Could it grab onto the glass with its tenecales? Either way these things seem to take off in one direction or another but they hang arounf the filer intake and where the flow drops in.I have a sponge filter on the intake so it doesnt get sucked in but i just dont want it to decide to go onto there because i have to rinse it out.

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Builder Anthony

well i seen one baby cerith snaill from the egss back a few weeks.i hope more are hideing in the sand more but i only see one.still traces of pox in the tanks.

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Builder Anthony

Display Tank


candy canes


plate refuses to detach naturally


grown from one head


blue cloves carpeting


acans seem smaller lately been tossing them some food to regrow but has some new heads


i moved the ric over to the frag tank it wasnt doing to hot there anymore with decreased light leverls


badd lighting




frag tank duncans bleached by leds


tryen to get these to grow on the rack i think they are


regained some pink that disappears now and then i think the leds bleach it out so i run the blue atinic 18 watt corallife




these were taken during the dark period with a quick lights on


not to much growth on here not open either uasually at night its open


favites been acting weird its recovered from tissue loss but even under leds its browned out.cant get the green back though it has regained some tissue.


blastos getten big this is on a big flat plug it eats alot.




cinnamon polyps acting weird they have closed up like this im not sure if its because of the green algae next to it but i think im gona pull that sponge it awalys regrows after trimming.i try to get the polyps to eat but they been like this 3 days and are refuseing food.




this lobos very slowy gaing color from first purchase.lobos dont mind this led




clear photo





i have this small branch it has a mushroom a few polyps on it i can move it around easily but just a bunch of stuff on a little branch i wanan get the cloves to grow on it.


acans not plump,smaller in size,will increase feedings


green leather bleaching,though growing loseing color from leds or extended light period




so this is where the zoas been sitting since pox hit.its not a bad spot actually has good flow and no pox is on these guys but im wondering id the cinnamon polyps caught something since there closed.I did notice a small cut in one of the cinamons and looking closely i seen some bugs in there that exploded but i have these bugs in the other tank and they really just swim around.im still uncertain if its the green hair algae or maybe theres one of those mini terriorist pods in there.i been blowing them off and tryen to feed but no response.


see the light from the leds how its so white.this spectrum is basicly reflected into the corals colors on most corals


now the blasto likes the led along with the green thing growing near it in the upper left on the same plug these two corals are doing fine.Suspect that the zooethalne in this coral accepts spectrum and is producing protiens or sugars required to sustain color.patbacks frag which is the weird brown stony polyps has grown some new heads.It was hit by brown slime a while back.See previous posts for more info.


this is the major problem ive been fighting.see the plug with the polyps closed.those are candy apple reds and they are deteroriating.it eats away the the polyps and the insides turn to a brown mush.sometimes they recover but most likely not.its a very delayed disease.its no longer pox anymore.


this green monti does well under leds and its zooethalene is accepting the spectrum of leds

the plug next to the bam bams has some sort of disease.it slowly kills the coral


the heads that grew out on this have increased in size and the tissue has regrown from brown slime disease.coral has returned to feedings.


you can really see the bleaching of the duncans on here but yet they are growing.Lack of correct spectrum suspected.


tryen to regrow the pink branch taqken out of display.coral was unexposed to light for months on one side and shaded on the other side.


birdsnest doing well.likes leds but the colors off.its actuaslly a real nice colored species.growing though.my blue acan is really small the last few days i think the sponge growing on the side of it is ticking it off so il pluck it off.this yellow sponge grows real fast maybe 2-3 weeks and this came out.i uasually drop the bits i frag off into the back of the display.its highly photosynthetic and first appeared on the big tenacled favia in the lower tank.


Ich seems gone in the frag tank now though its a very sucky photo.note the female seemed more resiliant to the ich then the lost male sometime back.Though no ich has been seen in at least 3 weeks,



2 of 3 baby mini maxi


happy mini maxi


Edited by Builder Anthony
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All very very nice indeed but what size tank are these in or are these pics of various aquariums as there are a lot of very nice pieces ... Hopefully your tank is either very large or you have posted pics taken from a number of tanks ...


Nice stuff !














































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Anthony great job. Details in your tank along with the history of the thread show really nice age and growth under leds


Another really great detail that all these pico reefs show is an emerging new understanding of allelopathy, chemical and physical means by which corals affect their surroundings. That many hard and soft corals aren't supposed to work together longterm, and now that we see across boards that they do, scientists have to catch up to explain why/how/habituation.


Its really only tanks that have quite a lifespan that impress me, so this excludes most tanks of the month/minute. Nice job man.

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Builder Anthony

These leds suck in my opinion theres alot of bleaching.I think it supports some Zooxanthallae or but its not supporting the differnt types of Zooxanthallaethats throughout the differnt species of corals.Most noteably the Zooxanthallae or proteins created by the coral that make the coral flouresce.Im not sure if this is created threw sugars proteins or what..I really dont like the leds at all and try to suplument blue atinic coralife floucesent 18 watt as much as possible but i dont feel this sustains my reef so i have no choice but toi run the leds.This is a list of corals i feel can thrive under leds and it isnt very long considering i have a ton of coral species.

Bam bams

Only green colored candy canes

Only the specific green favia i have in my tank.Prism favia doesnt like it


Blasto specfic to the color i have

Necular green palys

Purple necular deaths

Yellow polyps

Photosynthic sponges


These green and brown palys




And thats the very very short list i feel wont bleach out under 5 blue 1 watt leds 10 white 1 watt leds.Page 18s photos are now edited.

Edited by Builder Anthony
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Do you think adding a couple royal blues and a magenta would make a difference? For example, if you were to get an old school actinic t5 right now and overhang that as the only light, the pop will be instantly back...i'm thinking you probably aren't too many mods away from getting the pop you want

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Too much white maybe ? Do you have blue ones as well ?




These leds suck in my opinion theres to much bleaching i think it supports some zooethale or however you spell it but its not supporting the differnt zooethealane thats making the corals flouresce.i really dont like them a all.Works well with a few corals but even then i still notice paleing color.New pics 18 ill make a list of the corals that do do well under them but it isnt long im still editing the pictures
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Builder Anthony

5 blue 1 watt leds 10 white 1 watt leds


Theres defintely to much white but i think the intensity,brightness of the lighting is just wrong.The spectrum or something just doesnt seem right.I can tell my fish in the display stay hidden in the big cave and under the coral shelf all the time.The light is blinding.I got headaches and still cant have the light shine onto my eyes.I really just dont think leds are good.It just doesnt support something in the corals and after time it starts to show threw bleaching.Its just like a creeper disease that gradually takes time.But in this case the coral is useing up whatever it has over time and jus truns out.It doesnt die but its lacking whatever its used up and it isnt getting resupplied.That confuses me a little because i do have growth.Ill try to explain it like this you have a kid that doesnt drink milk.In time geneticly hes prone to grow over time because its just geneticly programmed like that BUT this kid has weak bones or isnt healthy.So from here we can see growth will happen because some things are supported but the outcome is not complete or is lacking healthy growth.


Corallifes 18 watt atinic blue on the other hand is right on the money spectrum wise in my opinion.Its what i plan on adjusting the setups too in the future.

Edited by Builder Anthony
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I certainly respect your opinion on LED lighting. Everyone is entitled to it. I wonder though what others who experience with all kinds of different LEDs of different colors and different strengths have to contribute to this post. Any takers who want to chime in ?





5 blue 1 watt leds 10 white 1 watt leds


Theres defintely to much white but i think the intensity,brightness of the lighting is just wrong.The spectrum or something just doesnt seem right.I can tell my fish in the display stay hidden in the big cave and under the coral shelf all the time.The light is blinding.I got headaches and still cant have the light shine onto my eyes.I really just dont think leds are good.It just doesnt support something in the corals and after time it starts to show threw bleaching.Its just like a creeper disease that gradually takes time.But in this case the coral is useing up whatever it has over time and jus truns out.It doesnt die but its lacking whatever its used up and it isnt getting resupplied.That confuses me a little because i do have growth.Ill try to explain it like this you have a kid that doesnt drink milk.In time geneticly hes prone to grow over time because its just geneticly programmed like that BUT this kid has weak bones or isnt healthy.So from here we can see growth will happen because some things are supported but the outcome is not complete or is lacking healthy growth.


Corallifes 18 watt atinic blue on the other hand is right on the money spectrum wise in my opinion.Its what i plan on adjusting the setups too in the future.

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Builder Anthony

Been takeing off some whiteish slime fungus off the brown cinnnamon palythoa and almost lost it.I been blasting it with the led and flouresent and it stoped the fungs but it was danerously close this white stuff eats into the polyp so i got that off ,and blew bubbles over it with a airline to get the real small stuff out especial away from ther mouth.Then i just kept the light on and it finally opened up this morning.So im going to keep the lights on again at night on it.



This is a differnt paly this ones greenish



And heres a blue one thats real real nice.


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Been takeing off some whiteish slime fungus off the brown cinnnamon palythoa and almost lost it.I been blasting it with the led and flouresent and it stoped the fungs but it was danerously close this white stuff eats into the polyp so i got that off ,and blew bubbles over it with a airline to get the real small stuff out especial away from ther mouth.Then i just kept the light on and it finally opened up this morning.So im going to keep the lights on again at night on it.



This is a differnt paly this ones greenish



And heres a blue one thats real real nice.



Nice indeed and glad you solved your problem. Any idea why it started to begin with ?


You can check on a real large pic on http://www.ebay.com/itm/Cinnamon-Palythoa-...#ht_1345wt_1182 just scroll down a bit ...



Edited by albertthiel
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Builder Anthony

The problem hasnt been solved the palthoha grindis i posted is different then the one your qouting as explained in its caption.So i let the light run 2 nights in a row and and things seem to have shaped up on it.I see areas that were hit by the fungus but the cap is open and has been open for two days now and has colored up significantly.There are still small signs of where it was eaten up by the fungus that still need to heal.The healing one is a cinnamon paly.

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The problem hasnt been solved the palthoha grindis i posted is different then the one your qouting as explained in its caption.So i let the light run 2 nights in a row and and things seem to have shaped up on it.I see areas that were hit by the fungus but the cap is open and has been open for two days now and has colored up significantly.There are still small signs of where it was eaten up by the fungus that still need to heal.The healing one is a cinnamon paly.


So are you saying that overall things are better now ? What is the one that is not doing well?


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Builder Anthony

Well the minis are doing pretty good i wanted them to make a little colony before selling but if you have something to trade i may be up for it.As for my tanks no theres still something going on but its just laying low for now hopefully in a few weeks things will have settled down.

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