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NC12: diary of an L.A. tank


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Yeah but since it was about WV stuff it's not necessarily useful to anyone else. :lol:


All the other derailments are fairly global and inclusive.

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Ok :)


Is it supposed to be nice in WV today? We're supposed to be 75 degrees today. I can already tell it's going to be a beautiful day :happy:



High 43 low 36 overcast and rainy. Meh. :lol:


So 79 degrees total. That's us here too.


My favorite travel places always had great weather and LFS: Redondo Beach CA and Clearwater FL.


Today = Kindle Fire + nap

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High 43 low 36 overcast and rainy. Meh. :lol:

Well, that's no good! I thought everyone was having unusually warm weather! I'm telling you....move out to California. Not only great weather but your fiance is here ;):)


I found a brown and beige striped snail for my betta tank that was a neat find, can you add fiddlers or that would mean changing the tank? I love the tetras.

Thanks! I'm not sure on fiddlers. I'd have to research them. If I get everything I'm planning, my tank is going to be looking like a zoo! All 6 tetras survived another night...:happydance:


So 79 degrees total. That's us here too.


My favorite travel places always had great weather and LFS: Redondo Beach CA and Clearwater FL.


Today = Kindle Fire + nap

I actually would prefer to live in Florida over California. There are so many old people there though :lol: I don't remember seeing too many in the Keys....that's where I should go :)


For me...today = walk the dogs, yardwork, thrift store, possibly LFS, that's all I can think of now.

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Fiddlers (and Red Clawed) Crabs are semi-aquatic, so they'd need somewhere to get up out of the water.

That definitely wouldn't work! They'd probably try to eat my fish too!

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I just wanted to let you know your tank is my favorite cube on this website. Your colors are amazing! Great for motivation, i truly hope to have color and movement like you do! Awesome cube!

Also my 2 cents, Cali over Florida anyday! Are you kidding! The humidity difference is so drastic. In Cali at 90 it feels like 90, in Florida at 90 it feels like 115. But both are beautiful. :)

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I just wanted to let you know your tank is my favorite cube on this website. Your colors are amazing! Great for motivation, i truly hope to have color and movement like you do! Awesome cube!

Also my 2 cents, Cali over Florida anyday! Are you kidding! The humidity difference is so drastic. In Cali at 90 it feels like 90, in Florida at 90 it feels like 115. But both are beautiful. :)

Wow!!! Thank you!!! :happy:


Thing is....I LOVE humidity :lol: I would live in a rainforest if I could :)


I have sinus trouble and the dryness makes it so much worse.

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Yeah here in TN it gets really humid durin the summer. People keep whining about it, I love it.

It's so much more enjoyable to run in humid weather too. Your sinus cavities are kept moist and when you are done...the sweat is dripping crazily. It makes you feel like you got an amazing workout.


I envy those of you with humidity :lol:

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I grew up in south Louisiana and Texas, so the dryness up here in Amarillo kills me. One of the many, many reasons (including cow poop smell, no trees or grass, nothing to do, crappy LFS) that I want to move back down to Dallas or Austin!

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Thing is....I LOVE humidity :lol:



Yeah here in TN it gets really humid durin the summer. People keep whining about it, I love it.



I envy those of you with humidity :lol:


That is crazy talk. I HATE humidity. I walk outside just to go to work or something and break a sweat. It's gross.

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That is crazy talk. I HATE humidity. I walk outside just to go to work or something and break a sweat. It's gross.

Sounds like you definitely need to move out of the south ;)


You'd love it here :)

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Yeah im with ethan, screw humidity. They issue air warnings here in Maryland, in mid July by like 9am. Its rediculous. You can break a sweat driving to work with the ac running. It gets old quick, but I understand w the sinus stuff. I just hate it cause the humidity does something with air pressure and makes my damn knee hurt. I can tell u if its hot out or raining (or snowing as I predicted today) before getting out of bed. That sucks! Ugh. I came out to LA 3 years ago to visit a friend from high school. She writes for the LA times Newspaper. I did not want to come home. Im affraid to go again bc if I do, i wont come home. Ill just pack smarter. Grab the dog and go.

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I am so happy to be away from 95 degree weather with 100% humidity. Its miserable. I like the 60-70 degree weather with very little humidity in northern california. :D

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If you want to get some neat freshwater inverts I suggest buying from http://msjinkzd.com/. I've ordered from her several times and have been very happy. Plus pretty much all inverts can ship priority.

Thank you so much for that link!!!!! That is an amazing reference guide for me as well :)





It didn't get up to 75 like they predicted. I don't think it went above 70 degrees. Still nice though. I'm going to head out to the LFS to look for apple snails and shrimp in a little bit :)

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Beware of the certian fresh water snails. I have a golden apple snail. They will eat up the plants of they like they way they taste.


Then I have those two other types in my tanks, one only eats algae and other dead plant matter. So far they are excellent, better then the apple snail in my opinion and experience with them.

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