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Coral Vue Hydros

The "Mini" World! PIX!(rimless 10g build)


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I was just trying to order my dry rock from Premium Aquatics and it said there was a delay in the PayPall transaction and if you dont get an E-mail in the next 30 minutes try again. Yay! Another setback

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Hey, what do you guys think is the best 2 bulb setup for more growth than color. Just wondering, cause i know MD is getting the 2 bulb fishneedit, and i was just wondering which bulbs seem like the best idea, specifically for the more acintic. Ive been thinking of the aquasun 10000k and then the ATI blue plus for the acintic. Its 24w and 24'' like MD's. Thanks.

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Hey, what do you guys think is the best 2 bulb setup for more growth than color. Just wondering, cause i know MD is getting the 2 bulb fishneedit, and i was just wondering which bulbs seem like the best idea, specifically for the more acintic. Ive been thinking of the aquasun 10000k and then the ATI blue plus for the acintic. Its 24w and 24'' like MD's. Thanks.

That's what I wanted to know. Bump for this question

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Do you want them?


I have :


1x Tuxedo Platy


1x other platy


1x Marble Mollie


2x Glow light Tetras


2x Pencil fish


I also have:


2x Ammono shrimp

1x Cherry shrimp


all those plants in the pics and the 2 fake rocks it the pics. Would be cool in like another 10 gallon or a 20 where you could add more livestock

Sell them in the classifieds. People will want them and you know they will go to a nice home.


I'm interested in them but I need to save up for livestock in the 125g. :blush:

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MD, honey, I'm trying to help you, pay attention here.


Got a nice cross-breeze going yet?

Fumes clearing out of your head a little?

Cool beans.


Above poster is right, it has sliding legs and can be adjusted to a 10g with a slight overhang. A 10g is what I used it over.

It is a T5HO fixture.

It holds two 24" bulbs.

I will sell it to you for $30.

Gotta do some checking today on what bulbs I have to put in it.

I would recommend eventually upgrading the bulbs, but it's not necessary in the beginning. When you do upgrade, I would STRONGLY recommend using one ATI Blue+ bulb and one UVL Indigo Sun bulb.

I've done a TON of experimenting and that is the best 2 bulb combo you will find for T5HO.

Second best combo is one ATI Blue+ and one ATI Aquablue Spezial, but it will look white and wash some coral colors out.


My kids are on Spring Break this week and I'm getting ready to do some stuff with them right now, but sometime today I will pull together a couple of pumps and a heater for you, shouldn't be too expensive.

Are you gonna go with the DIY Refugium idea I posted for you?

If so, I may even be able to sell you the pump I used with mine. I still have the pump and am not using it right now.

Found it





Sell them in the classifieds. People will want them and you know they will go to a nice home.


I'm interested in them but I need to save up for livestock in the 125g. :blush:

You are intrested? I would do all of them for $23

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You are intrested? I would do all of them for $23

Nope. They are interesting (im more just interested in the pencil fish) but I like more exotic fishes and I'm saving money for the 125g.


Sell them on the classifieds!

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the blue+ are fantastic bulbs run them in my setup (2 acting as the actine/dawn-dusk) Weetie's put up enough info about the other bulbs you should be able to tell everything you need to.

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Ok, so my mom wont let me put them up on the classifieds. AM this is your last chance to get the Pencil fish if y9ou want them...will be returnng livestock this week. If anyone might like them please LMK


Thanks, MD

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Sorry MD, I don't want to to get shipped fish right now.

Thats fine jusr LNK if you cahnge your mid ;)


Do you have a FW setup?

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Yep. 29 gallon FW. There is a few live plants but my lights are weak so basically just moss balls :lol:


I have

- One Zebra Danio

- One Harlequin Rasbora

- 2 Lemon Tetras

- 2 Clown Plecos

- One Kuhli Loach

- One MASSIVE Striped Raphael Catfish

- And hundreds of random snails


I'm looking to add some new fish but I really want some Pearl Gouramis and Cory catfish.

I also just lost my SIlver Hatchetfish. I was hoenstly devasted. He was one of my favorite inhabitants. I want a school of Marbled Hatchets with a few Silver Hatchets.

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Dude do some cories! I like them they are friskey. I think one of my pencil fish would fit in great witht that tank ;)

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:lol: thank you thank you thank you very much ( said in an Elvis voice :lol:) Now back to the light......yay or nay/ I'll give you a good deal. all you need is to change the bulb out ;)
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