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the sun sets today on kgoldy's all natural 90


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I don't understand this multi quote madness. How do you use it? Why is it better than just replying to everything in order the old way?


(edit-before-hitting-post)....ooooh, I think I got it now. Little button appears in the bottom right...


when does school start? where are you moving to? when are you moving? what happens to the tank?



School starts Jan 22nd at Nassau Community College. Although my 11 year old SAT scores exempt me from all placement testing, I weaseled my way into a remedial math class just to make sure I feel 100% comfortable with college level math after a decade of zero math tests. I always had a bad habit of doing math in my head, so any class where I need to write out the work to a problem... I'd be completely screwed.


Plans to move to NYC have run into a wall. There's some passive-aggressive shit going on with one of the potential roommates (a friend who is already in there) who is suddenly 100% against me bringing the dogs in. I can understand that- they're big dogs and he's not a dog-person... but he's handling the issue in a way that's making me a bit angry. This plan for me to move in to the apartment in NYC was a 100% sure thing for months and is suddenly sitting as a "maybe we all need to talk more about this" and that's really not acceptable. I'm going to be applying to Hofstra, SUNY Stony Brook, Adelphi and some other local schools in case I stay on the Island.


Tank has to come down sooner or later. Mom took my plans of moving out and used them as inspiration to evict my brother and sister effective as of her wedding date (June 14th). The countdown has begun. This tank now has a solid expiration date.



Thanks for the reply, I think I'm gonna try one.

!7 hrs???? That's a lot of school with no job.


A friend having a BC14 dedicated to a BSJ is what made me fall in love with reefing. I love them, think they are gorgeous, and wish that I could keep one. They are just too good at getting out of my tank, and I keep my tank too warm... so I gave up on them.


Coral magazine (or Tropical Fish) printed a feature article on the BSJ within the last year... In it, they wanted to emphasize that BSJ's come from cooler waters than we keep many reef tanks. They're native to the Baja California area that has a current that comes from the cool north. Check up on that before you get one... I know plenty of people have kept BSJ's at warmer temps, but I feel obligated to pass on the warning from the article I read.


He has a job. :closedeyes:


Yes, I have a job... It's flexible, but the schedule I ended up with at school is going to suck. I'm using Veteran's Benefits to go to school, they wouldn't let me register until today for the Spring semester, and then they effed up my paperwork, and are giving me until COB on Monday to fix everything before they drop me from all classes and force me to start over. Ugh.


Unfortunately most of what was left was afternoon classes- so it looks like I'm going to be waking up late so I can work into the evening. Or something. I don't know. School has to take priority, but I also need money to live... and I don't want to end up tired at work and have another accident. Ahh!


We'll see if I can manage to work and preform well in school at the same time before I decide if I'll do the Summer semester or not. Otherwise I may have to skip the semester to save up a bunch of money to make it through the next year.

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I don't understand this multi quote madness. How do you use it? Why is it better than just replying to everything in order the old way?


(edit-before-hitting-post)....ooooh, I think I got it now. Little button appears in the bottom right...

Pretty much how it was before dodo! :P

Tank has to come down sooner or later. Mom took my plans of moving out and used them as inspiration to evict my brother and sister effective as of her wedding date (June 14th). The countdown has begun. This tank now has a solid expiration date.

I has a sad. But I totally need some of your macros.

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Pretty much how it was before dodo! :P

I has a sad. But I totally need some of your macros.



Take it easy on me, this is the first and only forum I've ever really used. (MR doesn't count since I neglect it). When CM changed it, it took like 15 mins for me to find my own damn thread.



When the weather warms up a little, it'll be a go for shipping you my macro. But I want to make sure you know this-


I had a lot of shipping troubles last year (although 90% of the time people didn't send pics to prove it) so that's why I've been telling everyone "no" when they ask to buy my stuff.


I mean, you know how I ship, I know you've seen my FS threads with every step of the packaging process documented with pics- timestamps on everything, insulation and cooling/heat packs, etc... But I had people claim "DEAD CHAETO" on me last year. No pics, but there were claims. Some people got SPS frags that arrived just fine... Others claimed dead palys that I have a very, very hard time killing on purpose. So, I just gave up on shipping.



I was thinking maybe my water is too full of life (and crap) and that perhaps I should ship coral in freshly mixed salt water instead of tank water. Whatcha think?

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Take it easy on me, this is the first and only forum I've ever really used. (MR doesn't count since I neglect it). When CM changed it, it took like 15 mins for me to find my own damn thread.



When the weather warms up a little, it'll be a go for shipping you my macro. But I want to make sure you know this-


I had a lot of shipping troubles last year (although 90% of the time people didn't send pics to prove it) so that's why I've been telling everyone "no" when they ask to buy my stuff.


I mean, you know how I ship, I know you've seen my FS threads with every step of the packaging process documented with pics- timestamps on everything, insulation and cooling/heat packs, etc... But I had people claim "DEAD CHAETO" on me last year. No pics, but there were claims. Some people got SPS frags that arrived just fine... Others claimed dead palys that I have a very, very hard time killing on purpose. So, I just gave up on shipping.



I was thinking maybe my water is too full of life (and crap) and that perhaps I should ship coral in freshly mixed salt water instead of tank water. Whatcha think?

There is nothing wrong with your shipping method. I do the same thing and only had an issue when USPS misplaced something for a day and caused it to sit for two more days. I would have told them no pics, no nada.

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Sounds fishy to me.

Just as an experiment I bet if you threw chaeto and polyps into a shipping bag how you would normally pack it up and left them in the same conditions as they would be in the mail, they'd be fine.

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Sounds fishy to me. Just as an experiment I bet if you threw chaeto and polyps into a shipping bag how you would normally pack it up and left them in the same conditions as they would be in the mail, they'd be fine.


The chaeto claims I know were fishy. I left a clump in a sealed Home Depot bucket in the sun for an ENTIRE summer and the clump wasn't just alive when I found it- it was huge.


The dusters that are in my chaeto, however... They're sensitive.

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Granted I was not far for you to ship but everything you sent me made it fine.. All the feathers migrated into the back of my tank though they are even alive in my skimmer.. lol I really want more so I can get them growing in the macro tank also.. I'm always up for zoo's and palys if you have something to sell I'm more then happy to buy them.

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Granted I was not far for you to ship but everything you sent me made it fine.. All the feathers migrated into the back of my tank though they are even alive in my skimmer.. lol I really want more so I can get them growing in the macro tank also.. I'm always up for zoo's and palys if you have something to sell I'm more then happy to buy them.

Start feeding your tank more tiny foods (like 5-15µ or so) and they'll spread like wildfire!

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Ima buy dusters and micro brittles AND I'm gonna cherry pick them too. Just you wait.

OoooOOohhh! Pick out mine too!

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I'm loving this multi-quote now that I know how to use it. ...Anyone else having trouble stretching the ... uh... whatever box we type in is called... I keep trying to drag this box to enlarge and it just highlights half my screen.



Granted I was not far for you to ship but everything you sent me made it fine.. All the feathers migrated into the back of my tank though they are even alive in my skimmer.. lol I really want more so I can get them growing in the macro tank also.. I'm always up for zoo's and palys if you have something to sell I'm more then happy to buy them.


Once things warm up, everything's up for sale. Now that I see how few hours I'll be able to work- hardware will go up for sale too. I remember you being a pleasure to deal with. :)


Start feeding your tank more tiny foods (like 5-15µ or so) and they'll spread like wildfire!


+1. I'm down to feeding almost exclusively Reef Cleaners Filter Feeder Formula and Spectrum Pellets. Dusters love that shizzle.


Ima buy dusters and micro brittles AND I'm gonna cherry pick them too. Just you wait.


Are you still in the UK or wha? Here's my schedule as I sent it to the boss so you can pick a time to visit me:





This could change since the VA predictably messed up some paperwork and I have a very short window (1 business day) to get it resolved before they drop me from classes... I'll probably have to be at the school on this coming Monday to get the paperwork straightened out.

Classes start on Tuesday Jan 22nd.

Monday- 2pm-4:45pm
Tuesday- 1pm-5:15pm
Wednesday- 12:30pm-4:45pm
Thursday- 8:30am-11:15am 4pm-5:15pm
Friday- 9:30am-1:45pm
So that makes me available for Monday-Wednesday mornings, Friday late afternoons and weekends throughout the Spring semester.
I've also decided to get LASIK (laser eye surgery) this month, right before school starts and while business is still slow. Appointments for that are the following-
Tuesday Jan 8th @ 1pm
Tuesday Jan 15th @ 2:30pm
Friday Jan 18th @ 4pm (surgery date)
Saturday Jan 19th @ 9pm (I'll need this full day to recover)


Oh, did I not mention the eyeballs? Yeah. I'm doing that too. 2013 is going to be an exciting year. An expensive, empty tank, empty wallet, exciting year.


The middle-of-the-day appointments means I won't be working so I can have tank visitors.


OoooOOohhh! Pick out mine too!


This is a good idea. You'll probably get them sooner that way since Kat is a more confident shipper. Did Kat ever get that rolling pink cooler yet?

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I charge for that kind of a service.


That's for you and Benny to figure out. Have those whatchamacallit zoas dropped off here so you have some incentive to come visit.

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He has a job. :closedeyes:

Yes, I know. He sounds like a smart kid so He'll be fine with 17. B)


Yea, I read all that about the cooler water and deep sand beds for the BSJ's, just was wondering............cause it seems some folks just have them without all that. <_<

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I'll be renting a truck if you sell that stand and HOB fuge. lol My dusters are doing great.. they just all live in the back of my nano cube and there are way more then I started off with.. lol I feed the tank reef roids and coral frenzy for my sps and filter feeders and .5mm pellets soaked in garlic xtreme and selcon. Frozen assortments once in a while.. much less now that my mandarin committed suicide / was too dumb to realize the hole in my rock was too small for his head.

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I'll be renting a truck if you sell that stand and HOB fuge. lol My dusters are doing great.. they just all live in the back of my nano cube and there are way more then I started off with.. lol I feed the tank reef roids and coral frenzy for my sps and filter feeders and .5mm pellets soaked in garlic xtreme and selcon. Frozen assortments once in a while.. much less now that my mandarin committed suicide / was too dumb to realize the hole in my rock was too small for his head.




I hope you're not joking. I'd hate to break up the 90/bottom fuge/top fuge/cabinet.




Yes, I know. He sounds like a smart kid so He'll be fine with 17. B)


Yea, I read all that about the cooler water and deep sand beds for the BSJ's, just was wondering............cause it seems some folks just have them without all that. <_<


I'm not sure a DSB is really necessary, a mostly horizontal burrow seems to work for my current jawfish. He's got maybe 3.5" - 4" to burrow.

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I also request to swim in your tank before you empty it.

Crank that heater up and turn the mp40s to reef crest. I'll bring some beer and the ladies.

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Can I get a big ball of chaeto shipped before you sell this setup? :)




As long as I can afford it at the time I am serious.


Sweet. Try to keep some cash on hand for the late May time frame.

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