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the sun sets today on kgoldy's all natural 90


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Is Jose still alive? :o



Yup, Jose, the mandarins, at least one yasha, all neons, the pipefish, rabbitfish, all clown gobies, coral beauty, 1 yellow stripe cardinal, bangii cardinal... are all alive. I'm probably forgetting more survivors... I'm not near the tank right now.

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Home from AZ today... Checked on my mangrove fuge, and the invading Grape Caulerpa is getting obnoxious. I'm tempted to find someone with 2 gallons or so of chaeto so I can do a complete removal and switch... but then I'd lose all my beneficial bugs and feather dusters... Agh!


I wish there were a decent biological control that I could add... Bah.

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:lol: soon hopefully. get that chilli recipe perfected


I think I need to start making smaller batches... As of now it ends up being me eating 90% of the full crockpot over the course of a week. That makes experimentation a pretty tough thing to do. Yummy, but it hurts. :scarry:

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  • 2 weeks later...

I started a new 10 gallon build btw...




Maggie brought that little guy home the other night. He was soaked (from being chewed on), very cold and in shock. I was surprised to find him alive the next morning after I put him in a tank to recuperate. It's been too cold and rainy out for me to let him go in hopes that he'll survive... so he's had an extended stay here. It'd be a shame to save him from the jaws of the huntress to have him freeze to death before making it to shelter.



Tank update: I can confirm that Sea Hares do indeed eat grape caulerpa. I had read a long while back on this forum that Sea Hares cannot and will not eat grape caulerpa, and took the advice as solid... which I now regret. I would have picked one or two up a long, long time ago if I had followed through on looking for additional sources. There is one caveat though- it seems only large sea hares can eat grape caulerpa. I got two today- the Jolly Green Giant and The Gremlin- and only the big guy can manage to bite off chunks of green grape. Actually, it seems the big guy can only take off chunks if it's the end of a stalk- he's biting at the middle of the "vines" and can't break off pieces that way. For now they're both in the bottom fuge, but eventually one will end up in the top to clear out the evil green grape C.


Other than pure laziness- my reason for dealing with the caulerpa by biological means is so that I can eliminate it without removing my feather dusters which have grown entangled in the macro. Chaeto with dusters is way, way easier to sell than caulerpa with dusters.


Pics of the bunny rabbits-













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OMFG that thing is huge! :o

He's going to starve after he's done with your caulerpa.


On a similar note, I bought a wittle emerlad crab the other day to help with gelidium. He was happily munching on the caulerpa serrulata that i don't care for in the DT today. :happydance:


That poor mouse. Is maggie going nuts trying to get to him in the tank?

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OMFG that thing is huge! :o

He's going to starve after he's done with your caulerpa.


He won't starve, people on MR are always looking for these things. That, and he's got like 8-10 gallons of caulerpa (in terms of volume) to eat- so I think the big guy will have to get a whole lot bigger before he hits the predator/food source tipping point. Little guy seems to need to find an easier food source to munch on... I'm curious what he'll go after.


The Jolly Green Giant has been starving at the pet-store for a week... I haven't even seen him produce a real bunny log yet... still rocks and small shells coming out from the petstore's tanks.


(Just walked over to the tank to check on the bunnies...)


Green Giant is going after the effin prolifera. Abandoned the nice grape caulerpa mattress I put him on. :angry:


Little guy is still trying, and failing, to eat the grapes.


On a similar note, I bought a wittle emerlad crab the other day to help with gelidium. He was happily munching on the caulerpa serrulata that i don't care for in the DT today. :happydance:


Good luck with all those claws in your DT... I think you're asking for trouble. Though, you don't seem to mind tearing apart your tank that much... so I guess you'll be okay. :lol:


That poor mouse. Is maggie going nuts trying to get to him in the tank?



We tell her "Maggie, that's an outside mouse" or "Maggie, that's an outside bird" and she drops things at the door and goes "meep meep" as she darts in. She picked it up from hearing us say "that's an outside toy" to the dogs... The first time my mom said it jokingly and she dropped a bird, we thought it was a fluke... but she's been consistent, so it seems she really understands the command. After dropping her "outside toys", she shows no interest. She likes her game fresh, I guess.



I think Zeph's bunny rabbit is still cuter than yours. Though probably a little less useful for aquarium maintenance.



I hear zeph's bunny chews wires... I'd say his rabbit is bad for his hobby.

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Good luck with all those claws in your DT... I think you're asking for trouble. Though, you don't seem to mind tearing apart your tank that much... so I guess you'll be okay. :lol:


I hear zeph's bunny chews wires... I'd say his rabbit is bad for his hobby.

I'm looking to give away the 2 striped hermits or put them in the chamber of the forgotten, that leaves 4 large hermits, 2 white porcelains, Digbat and the new emerald. I'm not counting micro hermits but those are little anyway.

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I'm looking to give away the 2 striped hermits or put them in the chamber of the forgotten, that leaves 4 large hermits, 2 white porcelains, Digbat and the new emerald. I'm not counting micro hermits but those are little anyway.

I pulled about 100 micro-hermits from the ocean on some macro. Actually, they're more like femto-hermits. One I measured at 2mm. :eek:

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Big bunny isn't looking too hot today... Not mowing and pooping like a good healthy sea hare.


Little dude is off in the shadows somewhere. I guess I'll see him again when he grows up.

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KG, can you please post pictures of Ashley and Stika, maggie, the bird and your Christmas honey jars.

oh maybe some reef pics too.


Meet Gwen Roach, Beastmaster in training. This is one of my best friend's kids- her and her sister are the reason I got my first reef tank (a 14 biocube that is still dry in my attic). Her dad gave me the tank after one of them poured chocolate milk into the tank and wiped it out. The tank had survived markers, soap, all sorts of stuff... But milk... that'll apparently kill a tank real fast.












Okay, they're all bored of pics-





Stika and Ashley went in for their yearlies (yearlies is a real word?) today. Stika is a big chicken and has a touch of OCD... Getting him to stand on a shiny steel plate to be weighed was a challenge. Ashley was bored through most of the day... Except when she got nipped on the nose by a stupid little lap dog with no manners and very sharp teeth. Poor Ash. She doesn't understand why other dogs can be mean... :(


Stika 79 pounds

Ashley 77 pounds


Both are optimal weight and healthy builds.


Despite Ashley's swamp breath from refusing to chew anything but food, the doc says her teeth look great. Stika's teeth are super clean, but a little excessively worn from chewing too much. He runs around the yard with logs all the time... that's doing a number on the chompers.


Stika's going in to get his nails clipped tomorrow... he's gotta get knocked out for it. The poor pup freaks out like I'm trying to kill him any time I try to clip, so I think it'll be better to have him sleep through it. I can't have him destroying the wood floors any more than he already has, and I don't want him to hurt his legs or have a heart attack when I try to trim the nails... so, he's getting some zzz's.

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