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Cultivated Reef

the sun sets today on kgoldy's all natural 90


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I want asterina stars. The ones at my LFS eat only coralline, and I would LOVE that, I wouldn't have the scrap the glass nearly as much!

That neglected tank I posted in Kat's thread was infested with Asterinas AND completely caked in layers of coralline. I'm sure they ate it, but didn't make a dent. :mellow:

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How quickly does a harlequin run through Asternias? I'm guessing atleast 20-30 per day if they actually have to hunt them, right?


I fed them each one while they were acclimating... they were munching the same little asternia burgers for like 4 hours. I counted forty on my glass this morning after killing every one I saw yesterday... At this rate it's going to be a very long time before the asternias are eradicated.

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I want asterina stars. The ones at my LFS eat only coralline, and I would LOVE that, I wouldn't have the scrape the glass nearly as much!

They only eat the coralline off the rocks. Figures, they wouldn't eat it where you want them to. Your urchin would have eaten it no?


Kris, the harleys are adorable! Can you still see them ot they have gone out of sight now?

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Kris, the harleys are adorable! Can you still see them ot they have gone out of sight now?



They're chillin about four or five inches to the left, next to the zoa garden. A good spot, no one else hangs out there.



Check out this pic I found on the interwebs. The guys at The Onion are probably thinking "thaaank you!"







Now look closer at the name tag of the dude sitting on the right.

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So- foxface rabbitfish has pretty much destroyed all the turf algae already. The only pest algae that remains in the display is on the rubble in front of my jawfish's burrow... he doesn't like anyone cleaning up his lawn. :D

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I like them. Wish they didn't need such a big tank.


How are they on bubble algae?


...I forgot I had a bunch of bubble algae... Am I used to seeing it? Or is it gone? Hmmm.... Lemme check.





Seems like bubble algae has been knocked back a bit. Heh. Bonus!

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moar pics of rachael ray.


I'll remotely tap into the booth tomorrow... see what's in there. I wonder if Michelle Obama went into the booth when they taped the season premier... :happy:



So- tank related news: Shipped out 3 orders of mangrove fuge chaeto this week.


1- package arrived as expected in WI via USPS Express. Feather dusters happy, sponges look good, bristleworms all dead. Still awaiting pics. Customer happy.


2- Express didn't want to do overnight to somewhere in IA, so the person I sold to had to track the package down at a hub. Small bag (free zoas) got popped in the box- but the coral is doing just fine. Chaeto bag was cloudy by the time she got it (about 26 hours after drop off). Dusters dropped their crowns, and some abandoned their tubes. Berghia HH appeared dead, got lost in the chaeto before this was confirmed. Bristleworms appear dead. Still awaiting pics. Customer may be happy... not sure yet. Waiting for her to get off work and check back again.


3- Sold to someone in Jersey, traveling priority... still haven't heard from him.

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Awesome non-reef related discovery today-


AdBlock Plus for Google Chrome. Blocked every ad on every website that I've visited so far. :naughtydance: Skips ads that come before youtube videos. It's awesome!


If the above link doesn't work, go to the wrench, tools, extensions, then search for "adblock plus" and download the beta. My facebook page looks so empty without all the ads... It's nice. :happy:

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Awesome non-reef related discovery today-


AdBlock Plus for Google Chrome. Blocked every ad on every website that I've visited so far. :naughtydance: Skips ads that come before youtube videos. It's awesome!


If the above link doesn't work, go to the wrench, tools, extensions, then search for "adblock plus" and download the beta. My facebook page looks so empty without all the ads... It's nice. :happy:

You're just now finding out about that? Getting to the game a bit late. ;)

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Another great tool is Tineye, a reverse image search. Ever look at an image and think "damn, where have I seen this before?", well just right click it and reverse search and BOOM goes the dynamite.

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Another great tool is Tineye, a reverse image search. Ever look at an image and think "damn, where have I seen this before?", well just right click it and reverse search and BOOM goes the dynamite.


First 15 searches were a bust. Even some from Getty Images. I am disappointed. -_-

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Ok, so after spending the last few days scouring the whole damn internet trying to find actual pictures of Nature's Ocean Samoa Pink sand, tonight I find out that you're using it. :slap: :slap: :slap: :slap: :slap:


Do you have any pictures of what it actually looks like? I doubt it actually looks like what is in the stock photos, as no sand with pink in it does. :/



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Ok, so after spending the last few days scouring the whole damn internet trying to find actual pictures of Nature's Ocean Samoa Pink sand, tonight I find out that you're using it. :slap: :slap: :slap: :slap: :slap:


Do you have any pictures of what it actually looks like? I doubt it actually looks like what is in the stock photos, as no sand with pink in it does. :/





That pic is very accurate. I have very mixed sand (as I guess you know), and used a spaghetti strainer to take out anything that isn't fine enough to fit through it... So my sand is very not pink anymore.


If you're going for pink sand, this will set you straight. Mix any other sand with it, and the pink will dilute very fast.



...hmm... I wonder if that pink sand is why my dry rock became totally encrusted in coraline so quickly...

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That pic is very accurate. I have very mixed sand (as I guess you know), and used a spaghetti strainer to take out anything that isn't fine enough to fit through it... So my sand is very not pink anymore.


If you're going for pink sand, this will set you straight. Mix any other sand with it, and the pink will dilute very fast.



...hmm... I wonder if that pink sand is why my dry rock became totally encrusted in coraline so quickly...

Awesome! And the pink is not stuff covered in coralline, I forget where but someone said it was tiny hunks of some sort of something or other. I know, really specific. ;)

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BTW- these^


I get em at Home Depot.


Real tough. No powder. Nitrile. Bristleworm proof, and tough enough to stand up to rough liverock. I use these every time I do tank maintenance now.


Put the gloves on, and throw some small rubberbands around the wrists to keep the water out. Your hands may not be 100% dry, but the gloves won't totally flood, and your hands certainly be protected.

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Tank end times update-


I've got a room in an NYC apartment confirmed for me come summer 2013. Next step is making absolutely sure I get into one of the schools I'm shooting for in the city...


In the meantime, I've gotta work a ####load of overtime for the rest of the year so I can take time off and concentrate when school starts. omgomgomg

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