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Jeff's U.P. LED BioCube 29G --> Out of Hobby Sale


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when you get the livestock, I am learning the procedure so far these are my steps.


1. Temp acclimate

2. Drip acclimate

3. dip in freshwater for fish or coral rx for corals, not sure for inverts?

4. quarantine possibly

5. release into display.


is it ok to net fish or do by hand (gloves)? same with coral/inverts, handle with gloves?

Temp acclimate everything. Drip acclimate inverts and fish, not really necessary for corals. Dip corals, some don't dip fish in freshwater cuz it may just stress them out more. If you have the means for a quarantine, do it if not its just a risk you take.


Netting fish is fine. Some use gloves every time their hand goes into the tank, some don't.


Hey, right on! Glad to see you got your LED kit in.


I'll update my tank's thread here in a few days. I've been running that set up for a while now and everything is doing great and growing fast.

Thanks Gromit. I'll stay tuned for your update.

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That's it. I grew up downstate but moved above the bridge for a job.



HahahHa.....only other Michigan people know that UP lingo. I am known as a "troll" because I live "under the bridge" eh Jeff? :) Still loving my LEDs now almost a week in. Your tank will be awesome with the setup your doing.

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HahahHa.....only other Michigan people know that UP lingo. I am known as a "troll" because I live "under the bridge" eh Jeff? :) Still loving my LEDs now almost a week in. Your tank will be awesome with the setup your doing.

lol I'll always consider myself as being a troll as well. Over the past 6 months living up here, its defiantly a different way of life...


Glad you're liking the LEDs, I love the color of mine and can't wait to start stocking this baby to see what these lights can really do.

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Looking very good!!! From a fellow Michigander.

Thanks, always nice to see fellow michiganders on n-r. Where in Michigan are you from?

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Leaving the tank for 9 days with a friend coming over to feed, hopefully everything is still working properly when I get back.

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remembered when I suggested DIY. Now your gonna be hooked!


How did the ALC hook up go? How does it connect?


The Nanocustons 5.6 LED retro kit is complete! It took about 2 hours to set everything up. I also had to update my RKL and some of my modules during this time which took a while. So the actual setup of the fixture would take about an hour (taking your time). Over all it was extremely easy. They make it plug and play as much as possible and nothing about the set up was difficult. Here's some pictures of the unboxing and set up. I will add some pictures of it in action tomorrow. This kit is VERY bright on 100%. I set up the two lunar pods through the ALC and they look so much nicer then the stock BC moonlights.


I went with the Silenx fans from newegg. These fans are actually silent!


I still need to hook up the ALC to auto dim the main lights. I tried to find a place local with 2.1mm jacks to splice into the ALC cord but couldn't find any. So i will have to wait a few weeks to get that part of the project done.


Steps taken for assembly:

  1. Remove everything from the hood. Very easy, everything is just screwed down and a few snips of the cables allow the ballast cords to be yanked out. Cut two plastic screw pieces so that it doesn't touch the heat sink.
  2. Remove two end led strips on the heat sink so that it could be screwed down to the hood.
  3. Apply thermal paste to the two strips and screw them down to the heat sink.
  4. Screw fans down.
  5. Feed the main cable into the hood so that it can be connected to the leds and fans.
  6. Hook up the cables.
  7. I then fed the two lunar pod cables through the opposite side of the hood and glued them to the heat sink. Hopefully the heat sink doesn't get too hot to melt the glue. Time will tell if this was a viable option.
  8. Cleaned up all the cables and screwed down the splash guard.
  9. Put the hood back on the BC and hooked up the lunar pods on the ALC
  10. Tested everything out and it works perfectly!


Now on to some pictures!



Unboxing! Order was placed end of December. A few weeks later the new driver boxes were announced so I didn't mind the wait.


Nanocutoms 5.6 LED Retro Kit straight out of the box


Trio 700 Driver Enclosure, One driver controls the 2 whites, one driver for the 2 blues, and one driver for the 50/50. The ALC can only control two of the drivers so the 50/50 will be regulated to on/off mode only (high noon I guess?)


Dimmer controls of the Trio.


Very sharp! Looks very nice!


Sexy looking products coming out of a California


The guts of the Trio 700. Three Thomas Research Drivers.


Removing the guts of the hood.


All that's left is a large piece of plastic.


Two outer strips removed so that the heat sink can be screwed down to the hood.


Two strips put back on to the heat sink.


Silenx fans hooked up. The name fits the product.


Another shot of the fixture.




Lunar pods and wiring harness hooked up.





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remembered when I suggested DIY. Now your gonna be hooked!


How did the ALC hook up go? How does it connect?

Haha yes I remember. It was only a matter of time so I got it done before the tank got too far along.


The alc was easy to connect to my rkl, you just connect it like everything else. I have not connected it to the drivers yet, I still need to get some 2.1mm jacks to plug it into the driver enclosure. The lunar pods were just plug and play, they turn on/off according to the times set up in night mode for the rkl.

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Caledonia it is just south of Grand Rapids.


Thanks, always nice to see fellow michiganders on n-r. Where in Michigan are you from?
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Not sure if it was USPS or my apartment office staff who hid my package over the weekend but it looks like everything will be ok.


This happened to me too with USPS. I believe it means they delivered it to the wrong apartment. My box showed up at my apartment doorstep the next morning (we have badge security so no one could get in without clearance). They probably didn't look at your apartment number close enough like mine and gave the wrong person the key.

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The alc was easy to connect to my rkl, you just connect it like everything else. I have not connected it to the drivers yet, I still need to get some 2.1mm jacks to plug it into the driver enclosure. The lunar pods were just plug and play, they turn on/off according to the times set up in night mode for the rkl.


I just installed Nanotuners LED kit in my 14g BC and loving it as well. Let me know how everything goes with getting it hooked up to your ALC because I have been interested in seeing if I could run mine off my RKE as well. I would love to have the RKE adjust the color for best growth while I am not viewing the tank during the day and then adjust it to a bluer look for the evening when I am at home.

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I just installed Nanotuners LED kit in my 14g BC and loving it as well. Let me know how everything goes with getting it hooked up to your ALC because I have been interested in seeing if I could run mine off my RKE as well. I would love to have the RKE adjust the color for best growth while I am not viewing the tank during the day and then adjust it to a bluer look for the evening when I am at home.

If i understood Chris correctly, there is no difference between the blue and white LED strips, just the color. So the growth will be the same with 100% whites or 100% blues. The color will just lead to appearance, where the intensity will lead to growth.


This is what I remember him saying a few months ago when I was debating the kit.


Looks good. I cant wait to get led on my nano's



Got back from my trip and everything is going smoothly. A buddy feed the tank every other day while I was gone, I was away for 10 days so I'm happy nothing bad happened. I have a busy next few weeks with the end of the semester. When things calm down, I will be purchasing a few corals to get this tank going.

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First off, I want to apologize that I do not have any pictures. On my cruise, I went snorkeling in Roatan, Honduras and I must say that it was quite an experience. Seeing everything up close and in its natural habitat really made my BC29 appear minuscule (well it is) compared to what I got to see while snorkeling in the second largest reef in the world. If anyone has a chance to go snorkeling or scuba driving, jump all over it, especially at places that are known for the reefs. And again I'm sorry for not having any pictures, I really wish I could have captured some of the corals, fish, and inverts that I was able to see.

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Here's a few pictures of the port in Roatan, Honduras. The pictures of the reef was one of the spots you could go snorkeling but we took a 30 min bus ride to the west side of the island. Absolutely amazing.









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Pic when you snorkling please... omgomgomg omgomgomg

Haha look up a couple post at #264. I really wish I had an underwater camera. The views were great.

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my girl and i went on a cruise a couple years ago and we had the option to snorkel as well - however we did that excursion in the cayman islands (as opposed to honduras). it was dope swimming around coral reefs with fish swimming all around us - that's actually what got me hooked with reefing. our tour guide picked up a huge urchin with his bare hands and showed it to the rest of the group.. i had no idea how crazy that was at the time.. awesome pics man!

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did you take and pictures with the leds or am I just missing them on the last couple pages.

Page 15 has a few.


my girl and i went on a cruise a couple years ago and we had the option to snorkel as well - however we did that excursion in the cayman islands (as opposed to honduras). it was dope swimming around coral reefs with fish swimming all around us - that's actually what got me hooked with reefing. our tour guide picked up a huge urchin with his bare hands and showed it to the rest of the group.. i had no idea how crazy that was at the time.. awesome pics man!

Our guide picked up an urchin and two 1 ft diameter sea stars to show everyone. Pretty crazy.

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Page 15 huh, telling the future now?

HAHA I meant page 12. I'll try to come through with some for page 15, hopefully I will have placed a big coral order by then.

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A BIG coral order?????I want to see!!!.....hurry and place your order!

Yes it will be a Big order. I've been waiting to place an order since January. I spent almost 4 months waiting for my led fixture, then right after I get it set up, I went on a cruise, then I came back to the last couple of weeks of the spring semester working on my masters.


First or second week of May! Stay tuned.

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