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Hypes Archipelago


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I like it so far but its not much more flow than the 1048 but i figured why not bump it up just a bit since the dimensions are about the same as the 1048. I love Eheim pumps as they are extremely quiet,reliable and economical.


I like your idea for the phosban reactor. The flow should be gentle with that setup.


Awesome. It comes in Monday and I should have it with pictures on Tuesday morning. I will have the ability to dial back the flow through each return so that should help things out quite a bit...



Hey hype... is your sandbed clean yet? I came back after two weeks and my sandbed is completely cleaned up.


I have got to get a conch if both of you had such great experiences with them. No one local has them and I don't have any room for fish or corals at this point to justify an online order...

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Thanks, Hypes....



Np Allen.


Great shot of those chromis! Love your stuff, as always...



Thanks alot man. I appreciate it.

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Awesome. It comes in Monday and I should have it with pictures on Tuesday morning. I will have the ability to dial back the flow through each return so that should help things out quite a bit...





I have got to get a conch if both of you had such great experiences with them. No one local has them and I don't have any room for fish or corals at this point to justify an online order...



Im looking forward to seeing pics of it in action.


Yea I would definitely add a conch if you can find one locally. They are the best sand stirrers out there. They eat algae as well as detritus from the sandbed.

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I like it so far but its not much more flow than the 1048 but i figured why not bump it up just a bit since the dimensions are about the same as the 1048. I love Eheim pumps as they are extremely quiet,reliable and economical.


I like your idea for the phosban reactor. The flow should be gentle with that setup.


I agree about the chromis they add alot of movement and personality to any setup.



Why not use mag 3 and tone down the flow? It's cheaper and good for pump for some back pressure?

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Why not use mag 3 and tone down the flow? It's cheaper and good for pump for some back pressure?



Well theres not really difference between the two as far as flow is concerned(eheim=317 mag 3=350) however the eheim can be used externally, is quieter than the mag 3 and uses less power (eheim 28 watts, mag 3=35 watts). I also only paid $60 shipped for mine. Thanks for the suggestion though.

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Yep totally. He took care of all the diatoms in about 4 days.


So conch = clean sandbed? Good to know... Nothing irks me more than a dirty sandbed. (maybe dirty glass...)

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So conch = clean sandbed? Good to know... Nothing irks me more than a dirty sandbed. (maybe dirty glass...)




Yea my conches have done some serious work...If you cant get one of the big ones get a handful of the smaller ones. It also helps to run a low nutrient system.


I have to say one of my favorite parts about conches is their eyes, just poking out of their shell :happy:



Yea i have to admit it kind of freaked me out a bit at first especially since my conch is the size of a garbage truck..

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Yea my conches have done some serious work...If you cant get one of the big ones get a handful of the smaller ones. It also helps to run a low nutrient system.





Yea i have to admit it kind of freaked me out a bit at first especially since my conch is the size of a garbage truck..


lol... that would be freaky! My one conch cleaned up all of my sand bed. I have the same footprint as you. Granted I don't have a full bioload yet, but I have been feeding. I feed a CRAP ton before I left.

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Well it helps to have a healthy bioload as they also consume detritus. But i also leave pellets in the sand for them to eat.

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you should name it the Tonka Conch!!! tha thing is huge!!!! lol and that lil one is just plain awsome!

great job on pickin em as they make your tank even more interesting:)

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Hey Rehype, i know this isn't the place to ask, but of all people, i'd rather ask you since you seem to know what your doing all the time. :)


If i wanted to make a 20x20x9 or an 18x18x9 aquarium, could i do it by taking apart a cheap 40G breeder tank? I mean, i could make the base out of the front side, just cut a piece 20x20 or 18x18, and i could make the sides of the tank(20x9 or 18x9) out of the sides of the 40G breeder and the back piece. I know it's not tempered because 40G breeders from petsmart are drilled, i see them all over this site. I know i can find someone locally to cut the glass for me, so do you think it would be a good idea? To me it sounds like i could... but i guess the hardest part would be to not screw up on the cuts, otherwise i would have to buy another tank just for one piece of glass.. :s What do you think?

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Hey zero you could totally go that route I would just recommend you get a professional to do the cuts.


Oh yeah i would definitely get a professional to do the cuts. But now that i think of it, if i wanted to do a 20x20 shallow cube, which i do, i would need a 55G at the very least since it's 21" high... There's no where on a 40G breeder that i could cut a 20x20 piece from.. :(


On a side note, if you don't mind, could i ask you a metal halide question? If i did make this 20x20x10 shallow cube, do you think a 70w halide would cover it well? Enough for SPS and below? I say 70w only because 10" minus 1 inch because of the overflow, so 9 inches of water, is pretty darn shallow and i think a 150w would cook the tank lol. I'm just worried about light reaching all parts of the tank and giving off enough PAR. What do you think?


Sorry for all the questions.. I'm just in the middle of planning out my dream tank and your shallow cube is inspiring me. :blush:

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Well yea if you want a 20X20 you have no choice to go with a 55 gallon or larger tank. But I'm sure you could find one...people have them laying around in their garages that you could probably get for free.Check eBay or craiggslist for someone selling one locally.


I think a 70 watt would cover it fine provided you have it high enough and have a High quality reflector but I do have a 150 watt halide w/ (4) 24 watt t5's over my cube and I haven't cooked my livestock.


Np that's what it's all about helping each other out.

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