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Cultivated Reef

Sarah's 10gal "Rimless"


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Ugh, you too! i just got over a stupid cyano bloom. that stuff PISSES ME OFF.

luckily mine was contributed to a dead spot due to a faulty powerhead. i hope yours is easy to conquer! fingerscrossed


Well, I just added another fish, and started feeding him frozen (and I feed waaaaaaaay too much I think) so that probably has a lot to do with it. Gonna cut back on the food and try scraping it off. Ohhh well.




You jelly?

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I just ordered 180 oz of chemi-pure, 1200grams of GFO and a litre of purigen.


Any alge problems or any other nutrient/phosphate issues will be dead dead dead.


I have been having a issue with hair alge something feirce in my 29BC.


So I started a fuge about 2 weeks ago, Two days ago I did some super dooper rock scrubbing, deterious removal from the sand, cleaned out all of the AIO chambers and put a shiit ton of reef carbon in until the "good" media gets here tomorrow.


The whole tank looks brand new again I hope the crap I ordered and the fuge will keep it gone this time.


Since I noticed the hair alge pop its ugly head I was doing 10g per week but the crap just keeps on growing.


And no, i didnt order chem-pure elite (know someone was going to say it) because I will make the much cheaper chem-pure.....elite by mixing the phosban in with it. Which is the only thing that makes chem-pure elite, elite.


chem-pure $25 for 40oz container or chem-pure elite for $46 for 46.3 oz ?


Basically I think the chem-pure elite is just the the 40oz regular stuff with 6oz of GFO added.


6 oz of GFP is a lot less than $21

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Lol, I guess that depends on how nerdy you are... :unsure:


Funny you should bring this up.......I just watched "Revenge of The Nerds" the other day on netflix, mind you I havnt watched this movie since the mid-early 90's as a young teen. Let me tell you something, my views of that movie are night and day differnt than over 15 years ago.


Watching it now I really just seen the average young adult of today. A bunch of guys that are to smart for their own good, like to get drunk, play video games, the computer and try to get laid. Despite being kinda goonie looking, they basically are the steriotype of todays young adults. More folks would think acting like the Alpha Beta's now a days would be more of a social stigma than the nerds.


How times have changed :D



'Just call me Booger" B)

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Scrubbed the crap out of the tank last night, got rid of the cyano that was there (for you know, like 2 hours, I'm sure) and stirred up some really nasty crap in the sandbed. Everything in the tank was MOST unhappy with me. Got some polyfil for the filter at good ol Hobby Lobby, and I'll put that in with the carbon tonight. Maybe someday the weather will calm the *f down, and I can go scope out some chemi-pure. They're forecasting 2" of ice over night... Hopefully the heat is NOT controlled by the electric (it's gas heat, but is the blower electric? Who knows...) It would suck to put all this together and then have it freeze. The 5 gallons of water in my trunk totally froze overnight. Looks like it's gonna be a good one.

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Well, weather was just fine today! If by fine I mean 20 degrees and raining, but no terrible ice storm, roads are fine, the school was only canceled until noon. I didn't get time to search for chemipure, but I might stop by incredipet on my way up to Ohio tomorrow (if I go. I really don't want to.)


So, I think I've decided to buy coastie's 25 gallon, because I'm a total sucker. So, I'll probably set that one up, run it with my HOB for a few days, and then set up my current tank as a sump. Wooo hooo. New projects!

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BTW I left it over at Ryan's if you just want to go check it out. He said he convinced you to sump it. Your ten gallon would work perfectly as a sump!

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BTW I left it over at Ryan's if you just want to go check it out. He said he convinced you to sump it. Your ten gallon would work perfectly as a sump!


He did no such thing. I totally planned on it anyway! Only thing he did was point me to the GH kit. Also, when yall drill his 75, can we do mine at the same time???!!!!

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We could but you wont have your kit in time. If you go with the 700 with a 3/4" return then yah sure... If you go with the nano then no because we will need a 1" bit and the 1/2" bit. I don't have either.

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You can get diamond/glass cutting hole bits at home depot for essentially the same price as glass-holes around here. Just another way. I think you can buy the kit without the bit.


I can't believe how fast people upgrade!

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you can! If that's the case we can do a home depot run and drill the tank too.


I upgraded ridiculously fast and forced others to in my wake :D

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you can! If that's the case we can do a home depot run and drill the tank too.


I upgraded ridiculously fast and forced others to in my wake :D


This is at Lowe's and it's a .75" but you get the idea:



On second look though it seems like that one is quite a bit more than glass-holes. Might be worth calling about though, they may have something cheaper for you all.


Drilling tanks is fun but scary. I was too chicken for it with this tank. Maybe next time.


I don't have anything against all this upgrading! It's fun to watch. I'm too invested in my current tank to move on for at least another year though.


Let's see pictures of the drilling when it happens!

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I can't believe how fast people upgrade!


Yeah, if Aaron wasn't making me a deal, I totally wouldn't (I actually like how small the 10g is!) But I really can't turn it down, and I'm sure he'd like to get rid at least ONE of the tanks he has sitting around ;-)


This is the one Ryan said I should get with the 3/4" return, which means I'd need a 3/4" and a 1/2" bit. Which ones do you have?

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For that kit you'd need a 1" bit and for the return a 3/4" Though if you are going with that kit a 1/2" return would probably be more appropriate.


Considering I have the 3/4" bit though it would make it about $7 cheaper to go with the 3/4" return.



BTW I do also have my 20 tall which is the same size as 2 10 gallons on top of each other. Depending on what you want to do or keep this may be an option for you as well. Personally though I hated the dimensions and was happier with the 25. Though the 20 Tall would fit on the stand you have.

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The overflow actually uses a 3/4" and the return a 1/2", according to what comes in the kit. If you have a 3/4" already, it might be cheaper for me to not buy the kit, I'll have to check it out.


I think I'm too short for the xtall. I probably wouldn't be able to reach the bottom <_<

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Ooh good call I read the 1" bulkhead and got stuck there.


I have the 3/4" bit so you won't need that. I don't have a 1/2" BUT Clavius85 just ordered one and he's in Lex Vegas. Maybe you could borrow his when he gets it?

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That's an idea.



So... family emergency and I'm off to Portland for at least 2 weeks :-( Nothing exciting gonna be happening to the tank for a while, I think.


Also, my unending thanks to rycoupe05 for being the BEST FRIEND EVER and coming and checking on my tank too, while I'm gone. For real. The best.

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Sorry to hear about the family emergency. Maybe Ryan and I can put some holes in the 25 for ya anyhow. I'll be in New Orleans when I get back but we can figure something out,


And yep Ryan is helping me out too! He is a pretty good guy. (*smacks Ryan for blushing*)

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Sorry to hear about the family emergency. Maybe Ryan and I can put some holes in the 25 for ya anyhow. I'll be in New Orleans when I get back but we can figure something out,


And yep Ryan is helping me out too! He is a pretty good guy. (*smacks Ryan for blushing*)



Thanks! It'll be a weird holiday- I'll get to see family I haven't seen in 2 years, but my dad and brother won't be able to come :-( We're not even quite sure where we're staying; all I know is I have a ticket to fly out Sunday!


I think I'm going shopping tonight. Hopefully I'll find some chemipure to run while I'm gone, and I'd really like to find a peppermint shrimp. I've seen one aiptasia on the rock I got from Sandy's, and I hear they really love it. My roommate was supposed to get me a syringe to kill it from her mom, who is diabetic, but I doubt that's happening before I leave. It's also just nice to have more cleaners around. Maybe some more snails too. Who knows! I'll definitely have to post before and after pics when I get back!

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Ok, last update before I'm off (I'm actually supposed to be starting to make my way to Ohio now, Eeek!)


got some new things


New Friend!!




Another feather duster. This one is purple.





Aaand, FTS with some already dirty glass. Excited to see what it looks like when I get back.



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porcelain crabs are fantastic additions. are there plains for more along the same lines & if so do you have a strategy for cultivating the needed phyto & zoo plankton in the tank or will be supplementing them to meet the tanks needs.

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