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15g Rimless Reverie: The New J-Ranko Nano


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great looking set up I love the scape




Awesome tank J!!


I love that big gorgonian. How tall is it?


That duncan colony is sweet. B)


Thanks, man! The gorgonian is about 7 inches tall. It almost reaches the water surface as my tank is only 12 inches high, and my water is about 10.5 inches deep.


The duncan is my biggest colony and probably the fastest grower in my tank (though the green birdsnest is pretty fast too).


I love seeing your tank! I visit this thread often :wub:


Thanks--I'll try to post pictures more often. :P


FYI your tank was the deciding factor in my ripping the rims off my 15 :D


Tank is looking amazing!


Thanks for the compliments, guys! 15 gallon tanks definitely have great dimensions. :D

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Nice! I want a huge gorg in my 125. That would be real nice.



I really like your Red Planet Acro, how is it growing?


I've only had the Red Planet for a couple of weeks but it's already grown by about 2 mm on each branch.

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Here's a couple of pics of my new fish:






I've had it since Friday, November 26. It's no rare fish, but its color never fails to amaze me and it's getting along much better with my clownfish.

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The thunderstorm that ripped through my area last night knocked out my power for 8.5 hours! I had the tank covered in blankets and used my car's battery to run a powerhead and a heater. My tank's temp still fell to 71 degrees by the time the power was restored.


I barely had any sleep, but everything seems OK. Except my derasa clam. It's still closed up. I hope it'll make it.

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The thunderstorm that ripped through my area last night knocked out my power for 8.5 hours! I had the tank covered in blankets and used my car's battery to run a powerhead and a heater. My tank's temp still fell to 71 degrees by the time the power was restored.


I barely had any sleep, but everything seems OK. Except my derasa clam. It's still closed up. I hope it'll make it.



Bummer. I had a derasa clam a looooong time ago. I bought it in january and it was shipped on what turned out to be the coldest day of the year. Water temp in the bag when I received the package was 58. Long story short, the clam and all but one of the frags I had ordered lived :) . I'm confident that yours will pull through.

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Man that sucks..Well i hope the clam makes it.


Bummer. I had a derasa clam a looooong time ago. I bought it in january and it was shipped on what turned out to be the coldest day of the year. Water temp in the bag when I received the package was 58. Long story short, the clam and all but one of the frags I had ordered lived :) . I'm confident that yours will pull through.


Thanks, guys. It took only a few hours but the clam's all back to normal again.


Oh, and an mp10 is supposed to arrive at my door today! :D

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Got it late in the day:




Now I just need to figure out the best setting and placement. It's hard to find a good spot: any higher and it makes vortices, any lower it makes a sand storm; in a discrete area it's too close and directly in front of corals, in an area where it disturbs the "clean" look it works great. :angry:


Anyways, it's a lot more quite than I expected! Even under the max speed I set it to (70% I think), my fan and protein skimmer are still louder and it's about on par with my return pump. With time to "break-in" can I expect it to get any quieter? The only thing I hear when I have my ear within a feet or two of the pump is a soft whirring noise. In any case, I think it's a decent "white noise" I can sleep with.

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Got it late in the day:




Now I just need to figure out the best setting and placement. It's hard to find a good spot: any higher and it makes vortices, any lower it makes a sand storm; in a discrete area it's too close and directly in front of corals, in an area where it disturbs the "clean" look it works great. :angry:


Anyways, it's a lot more quite than I expected! Even under the max speed I set it to (70% I think), my fan and protein skimmer are still louder and it's about on par with my return pump. With time to "break-in" can I expect it to get any quieter? The only thing I hear when I have my ear within a feet or two of the pump is a soft whirring noise. In any case, I think it's a decent "white noise" I can sleep with.


I've never really bought in to the "break in" theory. It sounds to me like you've just aligned both sides properly and the pump is working like it's supposed to.


I'd put it where it works most efficiently. It won't take long before you hardly notice it's even there.

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Damn you.... I just bought the new odyssea 24" light for my 29 and I was selling my 17" odyssea 150W pendant but now I am not so sure I want to do that. :/


Then again I think that would just become a larger money pit knowing that I could keep SPS in my 15 haha.

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Looks like my orange plate coral ate a stomatella snail!




Just saw it this morning and took a quick shot. I think it's a stomatella based on two things:


1. The outline, size and shape of it.

2. Two days ago I saw the plate coral nearly catch a stomatella snail out at night. The snail barely escaped.


It seems a little too big for its mouth, though.

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Damn you.... I just bought the new odyssea 24" light for my 29 and I was selling my 17" odyssea 150W pendant but now I am not so sure I want to do that. :/


Then again I think that would just become a larger money pit knowing that I could keep SPS in my 15 haha.


These tanks are bottomless money pits. It doesn't matter if you don't have the right lighting yet. Once you want sps, you'll just upgrade your lights. Then your skimmer. Then your tank...


I think it's pretty rare to remain in stasis in this hobby. You're either on the constant upgrade ladder or getting out of the hobby altogether. :lol:


Hahaha that's nuts!


It's mouth is slightly open. I can see a little bit of the snail shell through the opening. :eek:

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It'll probably burp out the shell when its done with the snail's body lol. I have seen my acan coral eat snails sometimes...poor snails getting abused by our corals.


Hey, wicked tank, and I love the clean look it has! very nice livestock and perfect clam to compliment it.(at least for now, idk how big these get but maybe will outgrow) Your lighting seems perfect for the tank to me :D

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You're either on the constant upgrade ladder or getting out of the hobby altogether. :lol:

It's a shame but that's the damn truth.


Great looking photos! Glad you saved the tank from the power outage and everything.

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It'll probably burp out the shell when its done with the snail's body lol. I have seen my acan coral eat snails sometimes...poor snails getting abused by our corals.


Hey, wicked tank, and I love the clean look it has! very nice livestock and perfect clam to compliment it.(at least for now, idk how big these get but maybe will outgrow) Your lighting seems perfect for the tank to me :D


The derasa clam can definitely outgrow the tank, but I think it'll take years before it gets even close to being oversized for my 15 gallon.


The lighting has been great so far, but I'm going to change my light bulb pretty soon. Might stick with a Phoenix or try a Radium 20K (leaning more towards the latter).


It's a shame but that's the damn truth.


Great looking photos! Glad you saved the tank from the power outage and everything.


Thanks! I bought several insulation sheets and a battery-powered air pump for now. My acros did pretty well considering the drop to 70 degrees. I was surprised their polyps were still out by the end of the outage.


Man this is sweet!!!!


Thanks! I'll see if I can post more pics today and maybe even a video (haven't taken a video of my tank in a while).

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Finally got some new FTS since I installed the vortech mp10!








As you can see, I had to move the gorgonian behind the right island, since it was too close to the vortech. Not sure if I'll keep it there, though.

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New video! Click on the image below to watch the video (viewable in 720p):



In the video, my Vortech mp10es is on short-pulse wave-making mode. I don't normally run it in this mode because of the noise and splashing. Most of the time, I have it on reefcrest mode at 75%.

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Looks Awesome J! Your tank is absolutely spotless...Great job man.


BTW what temp is your halide bulb?


oh i forgot to ask are you going to pick up a mame now that aquatouch has them available?

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Looks Awesome J! Your tank is absolutely spotless...Great job man.


BTW what temp is your halide bulb?


oh i forgot to ask are you going to pick up a mame now that aquatouch has them available?


Thanks, hype!


My bulb is a Phoenix 14,000K. The latest FTS and the new video are the most accurate I have so far of the lamp's true color (after nearly 8 months of use). I'm going to replace it soon, though, and might go with a Radium 20,000K.


As for the MAME, I didn't know AquaTouch already has it available. Definitely wanna get it if they have any left!

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Ive got the radium 20k but it's still in the burn in stage so it still burns pretty white..


Anyway I got an email yesterday saying they came in so go see if you can still order one.

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