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Cultivated Reef

Wilioli's 10g Wet Dream


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One more day and the frogspawn or hammer coral is MINE!


FELLOW CANADIANS! I've found a company in quebec that sells fishneedit fixtures! This way we can avoid the duty/taxes that can be imposed at the border. Its a new company: http://www.arcticbubbles.com Not sure if the website is up and running, but if anyone's interested, PM me and ill give u more contact details. I'm gettin my halides from there!



Why'd you settle on halides? just curious.

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Why'd you settle on halides? just curious.

its the fishneed it fixtures.. from the 30" and the 150w the price difference was 30bucks.. the 30" t5's were really 24" bulbs on a 30" fixture.. so kinda just looked at those two like that.. any other company it woulda been t5's over halides.. I was actually lookin forward to swapping out bulbs and starting threads on fantastic rainbow color combination's.... Then at the lfs I saw one display tank with halides.. the only tank with halides.. looked great -- but more importantly it had the 'old man' look to it.. not sure if that makes sense to you -- but thats my style.. ive slowly been 'maturing' to the old man style in all of my life's endeavors... Did this response have to be this long? no... Could I have answered ur question faster and more to the point? yes... Also, i figured a sh!t halide fixture would be better than a sh!t t5 fixture... -- that wasn't the deciding factor, just the most uneducated one ... done deal.

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its the fishneed it fixtures.. from the 30" and the 150w the price difference was 30bucks.. the 30" t5's were really 24" bulbs on a 30" fixture.. so kinda just looked at those two like that.. any other company it woulda been t5's over halides.. I was actually lookin forward to swapping out bulbs and starting threads on fantastic rainbow color combination's.... Then at the lfs I saw one display tank with halides.. the only tank with halides.. looked great -- but more importantly it had the 'old man' look to it.. not sure if that makes sense to you -- but thats my style.. ive slowly been 'maturing' to the old man style in all of my life's endeavors... Did this response have to be this long? no... Could I have answered ur question faster and more to the point? yes... Also, i figured a sh!t halide fixture would be better than a sh!t t5 fixture... -- that wasn't the deciding factor, just the most uneducated one ... done deal.


lol. My first fixture was a MH. I ended up tired of the electric bill but I loved the light.

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lol. My first fixture was a MH. I ended up tired of the electric bill but I loved the light.

i havent' told anyone about the elec bill -- im coming up with excuses to blame everyone for whatever they do on it...

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I want to give MH a try too.

And since i'm a teenager, I don't pay for the electric bill and I can just blame others for it.

But we have 4 tanks in the house so it can't be that low right now lol.

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I want to give MH a try too.

And since i'm a teenager, I don't pay for the electric bill and I can just blame others for it.

But we have 4 tanks in the house so it can't be that low right now lol.

lol this is the first tank... im gonna have to think of somethin goood

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soo there was a 35% off sale from 11pm to midnite at the lfs.. and I had to pick up the frogspawn.. Obviously my lighting is wak -- but I figure it'll hold out for at least 3 weeks before I get the mothership started. Here it is.. and now my paranoia is sinking in -- there are two tentacles that are floating up at the back there.. . im almost 100% sure it wasn't like that.. did i do something?!



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and im gettin worried bout the zoas.. the gorilla nips are always closed... and the other 'strand' seems to be fine... whats up? i read that could be normal, but the gorilla nips were always open before!


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and im gettin worried bout the zoas.. the gorilla nips are always closed... and the other 'strand' seems to be fine... whats up? i read that could be normal, but the gorilla nips were always open before!


moved aroudn the zoa's for better lighting placement... -- two of the 'closed branches' started secreting this milky/white/smokey liquid for approx 5 seconds, then stopped... WHAT DID I DO?!?!

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youre ####### them off lol, jk. the two floating tentacles on that growspawn are clearly sweeper tentacles. comon when the coral is stressed. What type of chemical media are you running? if none then I'd do at least some fresh carbon right about now.

im not sure but maybe the zoas are reacting to the addition of the frogspawn. dont stress over it too much, these things do happen. i hope someone else can give you more specific info on how to help your stock.

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youre ####### them off lol, jk. the two floating tentacles on that growspawn are clearly sweeper tentacles. comon when the coral is stressed. What type of chemical media are you running? if none then I'd do at least some fresh carbon right about now.

im not sure but maybe the zoas are reacting to the addition of the frogspawn. dont stress over it too much, these things do happen. i hope someone else can give you more specific info on how to help your stock.

dang ur all over teh place newman... lol, i shoulda just kept it with the fishtank thread -- woulda been the worlds largest thread by now ANND STICKIED! lol They were closed up like that couple days before i got the frogspawn -- but I didnt think about the new stress that could be there because of the addition.. Hmm.. and yes I started runnning some carbon media, and put a bio bag up in there too... Mainly so I can put that in the 20L when I do the transfer to help speed things up. Thanks!

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zoas sometimes just have their own issues with random things. I dont want to say anything now since I couldnt tell you what the cause is. soe zoas in my 10 gal are acting like that too. My fault but I dont worry much (aside from grieving if i actually lose the zoas)

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zoas sometimes just have their own issues with random things. I dont want to say anything now since I couldnt tell you what the cause is. soe zoas in my 10 gal are acting like that too. My fault but I dont worry much (aside from grieving if i actually lose the zoas)

argh.. so frustrating... one after the other...!!! lol, well, i hope the frogspawn goes good -- i think its my new favourite coral.. !

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it may also be your clown ####### the zoas off by trying to have them host him. (this is just a possible explanation, is your clown rubbing against the zoas?) I'm with newman that they most likely will be fine w/o your interference.

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it may also be your clown ####### the zoas off by trying to have them host him. (this is just a possible explanation, is your clown rubbing against the zoas?) I'm with newman that they most likely will be fine w/o your interference.

yea i was thinkin that too -- i have never seen them actually rub against the zoas.. i've seen them swim past it, and maybe their fin will nick it a bit... and they're always in that corner of the tank, when they're sleeping, and I think thats their 'hot spot' as well... The filter tube and thermometer is there, and they rub up against that..


Anyways, I'll go with the two of you and just leave it be. Thanks

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Never thought the day would come when I find myself reading about some guy's 10 gallon wet dream. :P Nice looking tank thus far. the rock is simple yet very attractive. the addition of the zoa rock adds to the scape, balancing it out. Kudos.

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Never thought the day would come when I find myself reading about some guy's 10 gallon wet dream. :P Nice looking tank thus far. the rock is simple yet very attractive. the addition of the zoa rock adds to the scape, balancing it out. Kudos.

thank you kindly

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check it:



is this hypermelanization? The two clowns had three spots on their fins.. and now this one got that one on its body recently... :S before the frogspawn... when it was just the zoas..

here's a tank shot


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black dots/spots on clowns? just got stung by some coral, it'll pass.

THIS TOO SHALL PASS!! -- thats how i read it....


I dont' want to take my 10 gallon down... I love the look of this 20, and i see a great potential, but i got way to attached to the 10.. It's gettin more and more moist around the edges too... I was thinkin of emptying it out, and maybe 're-siliconing' it all over the place... but then would it be a good sump for the 20? why get a sump? ahhhhh

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you potentially then raise your system volume to 30 gals. you have more space to put chaeto in, and filter floss and chemical media. you could even fit a protein skimmer in the 10 gal if you wanted to down the road. same for adding LR rubble down the road.

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you potentially then raise your system volume to 30 gals. you have more space to put chaeto in, and filter floss and chemical media. you could even fit a protein skimmer in the 10 gal if you wanted to down the road. same for adding LR rubble down the road.

right, no i knew that -- i mean basically its just a 'better' way to hide ur equipment like heater, cheato, filter, protein skimmer, or what not... But the added volume to the system.. I mean I can't add more livestock treating the tank as tho its 30 gallons -- cause the space is still that of a 20gallon tank.....meh

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lol the added volume is added insurance if you F something up or forget to do a water change or something like that :)


some people think it means that they can put 2 clownfish into a 5 gallon or less tank if they run a 10-20 gallon sump. I personally think its ridiculous to think that way and you should always base the stock on the display volume, where the animal is actually going to live lol.

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Even get an AC110 and toss the heater into the back of that. It still has stuff in the tank, but not nearly as bad as teh big pump thing there. Mind you I have an AC110 and a Penquin (with Media) side by side and that takes up the length of the tank, and I carefully inserted a pump that is hidden by live r ock and now weeds.


Heater is in the filter part.


Even get an AC110 and toss the heater into the back of that. It still has stuff in the tank, but not nearly as bad as teh big pump thing there. Mind you I have an AC110 and a Penquin (with Media) side by side and that takes up the length of the tank, and I carefully inserted a pump that is hidden by live r ock and now weeds.


Heater is in the filter part.. I think the added volume is good.

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lol the added volume is added insurance if you F something up or forget to do a water change or something like that :)


some people think it means that they can put 2 clownfish into a 5 gallon or less tank if they run a 10-20 gallon sump. I personally think its ridiculous to think that way and you should always base the stock on the display volume, where the animal is actually going to live lol.


right, i totally agree, and im glad u said that.. a lot of people have been posting that if you have a 30 gallon tank, and a 20 gallon sump, then in the DT u can put fish for up to 50 gallon -- provided that the live rock and such are in the sump.. -- but, as u said, and as i believe as well -- where's the space for these fish? I mean u 'could' get a tang for a 50... but to swim in a 30!??


Even get an AC110 and toss the heater into the back of that. It still has stuff in the tank, but not nearly as bad as teh big pump thing there. Mind you I have an AC110 and a Penquin (with Media) side by side and that takes up the length of the tank, and I carefully inserted a pump that is hidden by live r ock and now weeds.


Heater is in the filter part.

Yea, this tank is going out of order -- but in the 20 I am thinking of doing this.. the heater would be great to throw in a 110, and that way i can get some cheato as well, which ive been dying to get since newman implanted that idea (as well as others) into my head when I was least suspecting it

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