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Cultivated Reef

MedRed's 60 Gal Solana XL: The End of an Era


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Looking good med, good luck with the coloring up! I"ve found that my sps colors up quickly with the brightwell coral amino's. Seriously in days instead of weeks.


Thank you. I'll check it out. So far the process is going so slowwwwwwwww.

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get ready to be frustrated! lol oh and make sure your test kits are full! Love your tank, its one that inspired my own. Thanks for posting.

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get ready to be frustrated! lol oh and make sure your test kits are full! Love your tank, its one that inspired my own. Thanks for posting.


Oh Dear! lol. Thanks for the kind words chrishaves!


Good to hear from again med! What kind of dosing machine u purchase?


Yay! I bought the Bubble Magus dosing pump. It's been sitting around for atleast a month.



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I just lost my female gladiator picasso today :-(. I have no idea what happened. She seemed fine and ate this morning. I went to look in the tank and noticed that I didn't see her. I found here around back being munched on by a pom pom crab. I haven't lost an established fish in a long time. This really stinks. I guess I'll have to go on the search for a replacement. I still wonder what could have caused her sudden death. There were no signs of distress or abnormal behavior last night or this morning. I doubt that the pom pom would have been able to catch and kill her. I'm so bummed :-(.

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I just lost my female gladiator picasso today :-(. I have no idea what happened. She seemed fine and ate this morning. I went to look in the tank and noticed that I didn't see her. I found here around back being munched on by a pom pom crab. I haven't lost an established fish in a long time. This really stinks. I guess I'll have to go on the search for a replacement. I still wonder what could have caused her sudden death. There were no signs of distress or abnormal behavior last night or this morning. I doubt that the pom pom would have been able to catch and kill her. I'm so bummed :-(.


Gosh I'm sorry to hear that Med.


I lost a new cardinal this past weekend (only had him for like five days) and I was pretty bummed...I can't imagine losing an established resident of the reef.


Unfortunately this a hobby that requires us to deal with that sort of thing from time to time and I fin that the most conscientious hobbiests often have the hardest time with it. You definitely are keeping some fantastic fish so just look out for a replacement and that's all you can do.


Sorry again buddy.


Glad the doser is online!

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Thanks D9hp. Luckily, Doni had a suitable gladiator available. I just hope that my existing clown won't be too rough on the newcomer. It's really sad as I'd gone up to the tank to admire how nice it was looking. The water is clear, the bryopsis is dying back, and the SPS are just starting to get color again. A feeling of happiness turned into sadness very quickly. I really want to know what caused the death. I don't want to have to worry about a disease, chemical, predator, or parasite affecting the other fish.

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Does it make sense to move the candy's back to the QT? I'm sure you've run all of your test etc. but I'd hate to have you lose more expensive livestock.

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Does it make sense to move the candy's back to the QT? I'm sure you've run all of your test etc. but I'd hate to have you lose more expensive livestock.


That's an idea. I'm going to monitor for another day and see how it goes.

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Dayn med sorry about yours and mine is doing the same thing right now. I am trying to recues her and see if I can get her well again. She is laying on her side breathing heavy and I don't know what else to do. Just hope she better again.


I still love your clowns she was one beauty. Hopefully your other fish is doing well. Keep in touch!

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Thanks guys. I already have a new little guy in the tank. He seems sooooooo small. I can't wait to fatten him up.

Sorry about the loss, but at least you have a new one to take over the torch!

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Sorry about the loss, but at least you have a new one to take over the torch!


Thank you!


I just did a water change... yes it's almost 4 am. Here's a pic of my sump. I wish I had more room!


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Looks good med. How much are you dosing daily?Are you using the balling method?


Don't judge me, but for the first week didn't even check my params. I'm dosing 20 ml's of each with an 8 hour separation. I'll be testing today to see where things are at. What is the balling method?



Looking good. How're you liking the doser? I just picked one up for my XL 60 build.


I really like it. It's simple to use. It's a shame something so simple costs so much. My LFS carries the profilux model which seems more in depth. I have to imagine that's overkill.

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