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Yoshii's 10g Macro & Gorgonian Tank - 5 Years Young (Retired)


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Yep, that's what I'm waiting for them to get in stock!


Sargassum is awesome, I think I still have a tiny little holdfast left on a rock in this tank, hopefully it didn't get lost

Sargassum also takes up a lot of room in a small tank like this, so I'm not sure if I'd want it in here. Maybe in my 55 instead


You know actually, is there a way of designing an aquarium to care for the floating Sargassum? I would totally love to try a little tank of that, plus maybe a Histrio histrio

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You know actually, is there a way of designing an aquarium to care for the floating Sargassum? I would totally love to try a little tank of that, plus maybe a Histrio histrio

I'm not sure. It would be interesting, but you couldn't really keep anything else since it would always be shaded


Personally I like the anchored kind, swaying in the current it's even more beautiful

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Can money rain from the sky so I can buy more macro algae? :(


If only........money only flows in the ocean. When I get a chance to go to the ocean though, I'll try and get you some macroalgae if you'd want any.

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Do most beach-collected algae and stuff usually acclimate well to aquarium life?

Why wouldn't it? When you buy it from places like live-plants, etc, they're going out and collecting it.

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Why wouldn't it? When you buy it from places like live-plants, etc, they're going out and collecting it.


True, but I assumed that most of it was living in water and people sorta dived for it, I guess. I just didn't know if certain desirable algae would be able to survive being desiccated on a beach for a couple hours.

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If you want, next time I go to the beach I can get you some sargassum.

:o Do you guys have the anchored stuff along the beach? I know the floating kind generally doesn't do well in aquaria


extremely tempted to place an order on live-plants right now, so many cool macros


how often/what do you feed your gorgs?

Right! In the coming months, as it gets warmer, they get so many different kinds in stock


Right now I'm trying a new food, Nano Reef Coral Food by Ocean Nutrition, and everyone seems to like it, especially the little serpent stars on the Orange Tree gorg



True, but I assumed that most of it was living in water and people sorta dived for it, I guess. I just didn't know if certain desirable algae would be able to survive being desiccated on a beach for a couple hours.

By beach-collected, it doesn't mean the algae that's been drying on the sand for several hours

It generally means either freshly washed up algae, or stuff that's in shallow water

Florida beaches are different from West Coast beaches, like here in California isn't easier cause we have more tidepools, but I think it's the same concept

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By beach-collected, it doesn't mean the algae that's been drying on the sand for several hours

It generally means either freshly washed up algae, or stuff that's in shallow water

Florida beaches are different from West Coast beaches, like here in California isn't easier cause we have more tidepools, but I think it's the same concept


Funny, since when I go to the ocean, I usually go to tidepools in California. Since a good amount of CA tidepools are temperate, is it possible to temperature-acclimate some of the intertidal algae to a tropical environment for the macroalgae trade? Some of the coralline,for example....would be super cool to be able to aquaculture.

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:o Do you guys have the anchored stuff along the beach? I know the floating kind generally doesn't do well in aquaria

No, it's the floating stuff, but it comes in a lot of different shades - some are brown, some gold/yellow, some brilliant red, some almost white! I agree that the floating stuff typically doesn't do well, but I've had some for at least a few months strapped to a rock in a fuge before I forgot about it. Whoops :)


Also, my rabbitfish really loves the stuff lol.

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Funny, since when I go to the ocean, I usually go to tidepools in California. Since a good amount of CA tidepools are temperate, is it possible to temperature-acclimate some of the intertidal algae to a tropical environment for the macroalgae trade? Some of the coralline,for example....would be super cool to be able to aquaculture.

Some of them can live in tropical temperatures, for example, Codium fragile has a large range and can be seen off the CA coast. Ulva is pretty prevalent in the bay here (thanks to the high nutrients and nasty pollution)

IME, most stuff doesn't like the higher temps and if it lives, won't really grow


No, it's the floating stuff, but it comes in a lot of different shades - some are brown, some gold/yellow, some brilliant red, some almost white! I agree that the floating stuff typically doesn't do well, but I've had some for at least a few months strapped to a rock in a fuge before I forgot about it. Whoops :)


Also, my rabbitfish really loves the stuff lol.

Oh, there's red sargassum? Any other cool macros there?


I wish I lived somewhere more tropical where I could get cool macros for my tanks

I used to have a temperate set up that had a lot of cool temperate macros, but that was years ago



Ok so I went to my LFS to get water and ended up walking out with a box of stuff...I have a problem

So for this tank I got 3 more gorgs :rolleyes: Although one of them is another Purple Frilly that had some die off. The other two are both NPS

I also got some like bits of macros, one I've had before but never ID'ed it, and a piece of what I think is some kind of Nemastoma

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Nice yellow leaf. I had one for a few years. Great eater that I had managed to wean onto frozen. Great reef tank mates as their mouths are small so unless you have tiny fish they arent usually a danger


Here's a couple of pics of mine:




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Wow that's a beautiful leaf! The hints of red really make it a unique one! Thanks for sharing your pics :)

This tank isn't big enough for other fish (that my leaf wouldn't eat) but I agree, they are great fish for a mixed aquarium!

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Oh, there's red sargassum? Any other cool macros there?

I wish I lived somewhere more tropical where I could get cool macros for my tanks

I used to have a temperate set up that had a lot of cool temperate macros, but that was years ago

Most macroalgae you'll find in the hobby originates from around here :)


Galaxaura, basically every caulerpa, codium, gracilaria, several types of sargassum, dictyota, halymenia, padina, etc etc :)

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They have a yellow leaf fish, pink Rhinopias and a leafy Rhinopias for sale at my job...hmmm you giving me ideas girl.

Go for it! Only cool kids have scorps B)


Most macroalgae you'll find in the hobby originates from around here :)


Galaxaura, basically every caulerpa, codium, gracilaria, several types of sargassum, dictyota, halymenia, padina, etc etc :)

Yeah, it must be pretty awesome diving in Florida/the gulf at certain times of the year


But I meant other macros that were more easily accessible, like in a tidepool or something

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It's towards the end of my semester now, so I've been a bit busy, luckily macro algae doesn't mind that much lol

I need to do some pruning, if anyone in the East Bay wants some macros, PM me!

Also, my LFS just got in some awesome new gorgs...I think I'm going to grab some today

I need to clean the glass, but hopefully I'll get a new FTS up tonight or tomorrow!

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Got 2 new gorgs :D

I put them in but I still need to prune so probably no FTS until tomorrow (plus things are closed)

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Want late night terrible cell phone pics of half-closed coral?


OK! :P

This first one is very similar to my other orange one, but it a little beefier and has deep red polyps (instead of orange)



This one has a bit of shipping damage at the bottom, but it should be fine. (Let's ignore that giant aiptasia :ninja: )


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I want some macros! I find sargassum by the buttload on the beach along with gracillara, but that's about it as far as wild collecting goes. I'll trade you some live rotifers for some frags of various types.

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