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Yoshii's 10g Macro & Gorgonian Tank - 5 Years Young (Retired)


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I lurked, but I'd rather not join in with all the random weird stuff


haha yoshii was being a good girl :P

Edited by Squared
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lol No worry's Yoshii. But since this is one of the few threads that I actually follow despite the amount of readiing it takes to keep up with every post. I'd be pissed to see it get busted for a bunch of shinanagens & useless posts. There would be heads rolling.

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Hear that guys? Limit the random!


I'm glad my tank has enough interest that you're willing to sift through the chatter to find meaningful posts bitts haha :)

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Any advice on keeping sponges? Do they just feed on the Reefcleaner's Dry Filter Feeder Food? My LFS had a great red tree sponge but I wimped out on buying. BTW, great tank.

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First, go read this article, it has a lot of good info, and is up to date :)



I actually haven't been reefcleaner's food recently, I've been feeding more liquid foods like oyster feast and phyto feast, mainly just because it adds more nutrients to the tank (for the macros) and I don't have a fish in here right now to eat the chunks of dry food that won't sink


It's actually not really a good idea to buy a large sponge unless you have a large tank or a very mature tank that can provide natural food, like bacteria, etc for the sponge. There's more info about this in that article. Most liquid/commercial filter feeder foods are actually too large for most sponges (again, refer to the article) and so a large sponge in a nano tank probably won't fare well. I have noticed this in my tank too, the smaller (usually HH) sponges are growing and doing well, while the larger ones are growing at a much slower rate.

Oh, if you really want to try sponges, you should check out the few photosynthetic sponges. I have a gray branching photosynthetic sponge in this tank that grows very fast, and is almost invasive. There are also beautiful blue and purple photosynthetic sponges that I have heard grow equally fast, but I personally have not had any experience with those sponges.

Other tips;

Watch out for algae growth, just like gorgs, algaes growing on sponges block the flow, and can lead to the demise of the sponge. I try to place my non-photosynthetic sponges in the shadows as much of possible (there's even a nice yellow one under the shade of my open feather duster :lol:)

They also need good flow, so they don't need to use as much energy to pump water through themselves.

Whew this is a long post...but just one more thing, you should check out the book Reef Invertebrates by Anthony Calfo and Robert Fenner, its a couple years old, but has a good section on sponges (along with tunicates, fuges, and other awesome things!)

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thanks a bunch for the info. very good stuff.


oh btw, what do you think of DT's? I have been using for my feather dusters, filter feeder crabs and gorgs. All seems well. Just wondering if there was something better out.

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Sorry for long post, I could probably babble about sponges for the rest of the day :lol: Oh, you should also check out AM's post about sponges, it's much more organized than my post and gives a good bg about sponges, let me find it..


I have never used DT's, but I think it's pretty similar to the phyto feast I use, and I've heard good things about it. I've heard the quality is good, I say keep using it, your corals will like it too :)

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My phone says it's supposed to stay that way today :)

I don't think I can make it to Steinhart today unless my dad feels better :(


That was a bummer :(



But on the plus side, the aquarium was awesome!!! And now I know why you liked it so much.

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That was a bummer :(



But on the plus side, the aquarium was awesome!!! And now I know why you liked it so much.

Yes! It's so awesome!! :wub: I love it there, so much awesome in one place :lol:

What was your favorite exhibit?

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Yes! It's so awesome!! :wub: I love it there, so much awesome in one place :lol:

What was your favorite exhibit?


It is pretty darn awesome :) I know right? There was so much!


I really liked the ability to look down on the big reef, the part with the giant clams and what not. But I also really liked the non-photosynthetic tank that Matt cares for :)

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It is pretty darn awesome :) I know right? There was so much!


I really liked the ability to look down on the big reef, the part with the giant clams and what not. But I also really liked the non-photosynthetic tank that Matt cares for :)

Oh yeah those clams are awesome!

That tank is cool too, I love all the anthias! :wub:

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Oh yeah those clams are awesome!

That tank is cool too, I love all the anthias! :wub:


They are! Very pretty.


I know! The colors were great on that tank.

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Did Matt feed the main tank? It's really cool to see all the fish


I saw the main tank get fed, not by him but all the fish went crazy. There are tons of them in there!

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