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Coral Vue Hydros

TSTB's 8G NPS Reef "Dendrophyllia Paradise" *Small Update*


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Any idea what sort of light shows off NPS colors best?


Personally, I think it depends on the coral, and the viewer lol. The suns/dendros flouresce nicely under my actinic lighting, but I feel like I don't see the full/best coloration witout some whites as well.


And on another note, I've noticed that with my suns/dendros, the polyps are more likely to extend if it's just the actinic lights are on, versus if both blue and white are on. Maybe becuase it's simply darker lol.

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I can't really decide on lighting. I don't really think blues show off the color well but they hate whites. Bah.


yepp, that's pretty on par with what I said haha.


The only workaround to this conundrum I think is to train them to come out when the whites are on

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yepp, that's pretty on par with what I said haha.


The only workaround to this conundrum I think is to train them to come out when the whites are on


I have been trying that. Some of them are stubborn. :angry:

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The trick I've found to enticing them to come out during the daytime is to turn off the pumps and squirt some mysis juice on top of them, and then wait 5-10 mins for the polyps to extend a little. And that's when you strike! (with food).


For OPTIMAL results, you want to do this randomly throughout the day

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That's the problem with nps, they look best when we aren't looking lol! If I want mine to look happy all day I feed daily, in the morning and at night.


Nice collection and variety in this tank, wish I had access to some of those corals up here.

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That's the problem with nps, they look best when we aren't looking lol! If I want mine to look happy all day I feed daily, in the morning and at night.


Nice collection and variety in this tank, wish I had access to some of those corals up here.


*waves at LSMAC member* You don't have a thread? :(


I bought a few of thesmallerthebetter NPS corals, when they grow out I will let you know :) That Balano you gave me has like 4 new babies :D

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*waves at LSMAC member* You don't have a thread? :(


I bought a few of thesmallerthebetter NPS corals, when they grow out I will let you know :) That Balano you gave me has like 4 new babies :D


balano? pics required immediately....


That's the problem with nps, they look best when we aren't looking lol! If I want mine to look happy all day I feed daily, in the morning and at night.


Nice collection and variety in this tank, wish I had access to some of those corals up here.


if i feed in the morning theyre open all day...more after i turn away and work on something else haha


as far as access to what you want, shoot me a pm ;)

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balano? pics required immediately....



if i feed in the morning theyre open all day...more after i turn away and work on something else haha


as far as access to what you want, shoot me a pm ;)


I don't have a pic of my frag but here is the mother colony (Goingpostal's). Hijacking her pics :P



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very nice mother colony. i have a 2" ish wide head and two babies of something very similar :)


EDIT: Goingpostal...sell me your rhizo nowwwwwwwwwww

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very nice mother colony. i have a 2" ish wide head and two babies of something very similar :)


EDIT: Goingpostal...sell me your rhizo nowwwwwwwwwww


Lol that is what started us in NPS, my fiance loved the look so we got a dendro first to give it a try, then found someone selling a rhizo for $150 so snapped it up. It is his pride and joy and not going anywhere! I had/have another but it's pretty well dead, seeing if I can bring it back to life for the 2nd time but it's a long process. I've got two different colonies of balanos, they grow like crazy but there is limited market up here for nps.

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Lol that is what started us in NPS, my fiance loved the look so we got a dendro first to give it a try, then found someone selling a rhizo for $150 so snapped it up. It is his pride and joy and not going anywhere! I had/have another but it's pretty well dead, seeing if I can bring it back to life for the 2nd time but it's a long process. I've got two different colonies of balanos, they grow like crazy but there is limited market up here for nps.



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Lol that is what started us in NPS, my fiance loved the look so we got a dendro first to give it a try, then found someone selling a rhizo for $150 so snapped it up. It is his pride and joy and not going anywhere! I had/have another but it's pretty well dead, seeing if I can bring it back to life for the 2nd time but it's a long process. I've got two different colonies of balanos, they grow like crazy but there is limited market up here for nps.

i know what you mean,

i had a rhizo in the original tank in this thread but it spawned and ultimately crashed the entire system...only seen a couple since then but hadnt the time to care for them until recently...now im on the prowl haha.


if you get that second one to come back to life and want to widen your collection a bit, you know wher to find me :)

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  • 1 month later...

NO! i have not forgotten this tank, still diligently feeding and doing water changes. problem is ive been using it as a holding tank for other livestock lately as i have so much coral coming lately that i need to house for a while before the tanks its for get set up properly.


Lots of new things happening in here though actually. I got a bunch of photosynthetic gorgonians in at work so i took a bunch of cuttings and put them in this tank. they seem to be doing well.


Also finally got a fish for the tank:


Halloween Angler!!






More pics of the tank and its progress soon. i promise. as soon as i get the other photosynthetic stuff out of there so it doesn't look like a coral halfway house.

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That angler is sweet. Will it stay that color or change? I've considered them a few times but worried if I can't get them on frozen, no place to get live food near me.

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That angler is sweet. Will it stay that color or change? I've considered them a few times but worried if I can't get them on frozen, no place to get live food near me.

if its an A. pictus (Painted Angler) as i suspect just based on wholesale price alone then there's a good chance the color will change to all black.


if its an A. maculatus (Wartskin Angler) it will probably keep the color.


However, Painteds usually show some blue on the fins at this stage and mine does not....so who knows. hes too small for me to get a positive on without molesting him more than i want to


as far as feeding, at this stage he hunts the mega-pods that there's so many of in this tank. i have no doubt hell switch to mysis just by it being in his face all the time. and from there its shrimp on a skewer later on.


ive kept a few anglers before and never had issues with getting them on prepared foods.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well everything is trucking along in here very well, the froggy is just cruising along (decimating my pod population) about time to get him to start taking ghost shrimp on a stick.


All the corals are growing and doing well, sticking to a three day a week heavy feeding schedule, id probably get faster growth with more feedings but meh.


Added some photosynthetic gorgs, and a few new Turbinaria species in as well as a killer green/gold maxima (im not usually a clam guy but this one was intense) Still not open fully as he was only introduced last night. Also picked up another walking dendro to keep my other one company.


Oh, and ignore the scoly and plate frags...they're just visiting a while ;)


Finally NEW Pics!




Top Down:


Green/Gold Maxima:


White Tubastrea:


Purple Feather Gorgonian:


T. Diaphana:


Yellow Feather Gorgonian:


Silver Gorgonian:


Grubes Gorgonian:


Green/Black T. Micrantha:


C. Gracilis:


H. Cochlea (now there's 2!):


Tubastrea (Yellow and Orange):


D. Fistula (Rescue):


D. Coccinea:


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Everything looks really happy and healthy, tank is getting a bit cramped though haha. How do you like those walking dendros? Do they move around quite a bit or no? I like them but haven't pulled the trigger on one yet.

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it is getting pretty full indeed. just saving a few more mounting spaces for some other stuff in the works at this point ;)


the walking dendros are cool little guys. i have them in a 4" ABS pipe cap thats full of sand so they cant go too far, but they definitely move around quite a bit. they also seem to grow pretty quick as well. the bigger one was the same size as the new one when i got it under a year ago....will be interesting to see if they ever increase polyp count at all....ive seen pics of skeletons with multiple polyps on a single "worm".

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

Small update, added some new fancy black Neozoanthus i found on some live rock, a Spiral Wire coral that id been eyeing for a while, and a new VERY interesting Dendrophyllid. Its white with florescent blue tentacles...interesting to say the least. No idea where to start as it was a live rock find by the gentleman that sold the colony to me.


Current FTS:





Unknown White/Blue Dendrophyllid:



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